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Please consider per-reflection main points ( attached) and also, we have understood stewardship in different perspective before so, I want you to introduce the new meaning in the Mid-subject...

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Please consider per-reflection main points ( attached) and also, we have understood stewardship in different perspective before so, I want you to introduce the new meaning in the Mid-subject reflection ( support document attached). Moreover, do paraphrase below 700 words and add more references to the exist one.
I. Mid-Subject Reflection
Management is a
oad subject that entails sacrifice, commitment and leading in an ethical manner. There is usually a workplace perception that the subordinate staffs are individualistic, selfish, opportunistic, and always unwilling to identify themselves with the organizational operations. This notion compelled the firms to come up with agency theories which explain the relationships between the employees and their bosses. By implementing the organization strategy, it will be difficult for the workers to go against the set rules and regulations in the firm. However, incidences like the one at Apple Company reflect that despite being committed, the workers face challenges and mistreatments in their work. Additionally, they get forced to sign worksheets which force them to work long overtime hours. In my opinion, this is unethical because they end up sleeping during the shift which is risky to their health (Promises, XXXXXXXXXXAlso, managers should act as the workers’ role models by ensuring that they follow the organizational standards and do not abuse their authority. In this situation, it will be unethical to emulate the leaders because apart from mistreating the workers, they also get some of their raw materials from illegal miners in Indonesia. On the other hand, stewardship depicts subordinates as collectivists, trustworthy as well as pro-organizational (Luhman & Cunliffe, XXXXXXXXXXThe steward workers and leaders promote each other’s well-being and ensure that everybody is comfortable during the working process. The management should therefore implement measures which make the employees feel considered and appreciated within the firm.
The companies that have taken steps like employee training, rewards, and medical systems tend to perform better and have less employee turnover than those which treat workers as part of the company’s properties. It is because employees get motivation from other areas not related to salaries. Although good pay is crucial for the worker's well-being, I feel that they should also get humane treatment and opportunities to advance their knowledge.
Other management and stewardship areas include bureaucracy, fantasy, and popular culture among others. Working out of class
ought about a change in my perception about the willingness of workers to em
ace new issues. Some habits like bureaucracy have clung to the organizations for such a long time that no one seems interested in changing the status quo. However, it is important to revise the rules which tend to pull the workers’ and organizations’ progress backward. With the improved technology and new methods of management, firms should decentralize their operations and start involving the employees in their decisions. Additionally, some practices are i
elevant to the organizations, and they only remain for formality purposes (Rhodes & Bloom, XXXXXXXXXXAfter learning the managing, leadership, and stewardship, it is clear that organizations need better policies and procedures. For instance, when managing a cu
ent firm, the best strategy to adopt is making the employees work in teams and present their views on different matters. Some workers might have
illiant ideas than their seniors, but it does not mean that they would like to have such positions. Taking and implementing the ideas will be more beneficial to the firms’ operations. Additionally, the bureaucratic systems of control are usually outdated and unable to work in the cu
ent environment. Getting rid of some structures will enhance proper functioning and better relations within the firm.
Also, ethics in the corporate world has remained elusive because various individuals perceive it in different ways. Most people argue that the ground of ethics lies in the business sensibility of approximating others. However, that moral sensibility gets blu
ed by the narcissistic preoccupation with a person as well as securing one's perception in the eyes of the influential people. Being ethical only when the management is watching could translate into slavery or dictatorship because the workers feel like they are getting compelled. Ethics is vital because it makes individuals free to ca
y out the organizational functions as well as give their views on various issues without fear of victimization. Additionally, the leaders should ensure that apart from concentrating on the obvious matters, they also analyze what lies underneath different situations (Assigned Leaders Group Discussion Exercise: Assessing Your Leadership Skills Case Solution and Analysis, HBS Case Study Solution & Harvard Case Analysis, XXXXXXXXXXAs a leader, I would avoid issues which could lead to biases while judging the employees.

At the start of this subject, managing, leading and stewardship were known to me because of my working experiences; as I have worked and participated in different fields of management, starting from my main major, which is agriculture sector, moving to IT then to telecommunication. Approximately, it were fifteen years of working in different departments as direct manager in human rescuers, finance and administration. However, coming from different management culture background, this subject would inspire me with new ideas that I used to struggle to solve and change the methodologies of practices that my country drive in management field. Al-Jafary, Aziz and Hollingsworth (1989, p.103) stated that “the economic environment, and the cultural and religious orientations of managers in Saudi Arabia significantly influenced their scores on Machiavellianism and the relationships between their needs and leadership styles.” Moreover, Saudi Arabia culture ba
iers such as relatively closed environment, hard to accessible data and political situations have created lake of management studies.
In my expectation, an understating of managing, leading and stewardship in different perspectives is essential to develop me as a responsible manager in professional, personal responsibility as well as to help others to meet collective responsibility. Since I have worked in a number of sectors and areas concerning the implementation of managerial skills; therefore, I would want to sustain my capability as a versatile manager in the same way, in future as well.
As mentioned by Al-Jafary, Aziz and Hollingsworth (1989), within the Arabian Gulf Region, the employers still need to know many different managerial practices, which they, yet, do not implement within their organisations. However, the progress in the development of industrial sector of this region has been consistent, thus, leading on to the need to of employing extremely efficient managers, who are capable of managing a progressive workforce.
Therefore, the key expectation that arises in terms of managing the growing industrial sector is the better levels of managerial practices that the employers are expected to exhibit towards their employees. This is majorly a requisite because, as supported by Tehzeeb and Malik (2017), the employees within the industries need to be managed in such a way that their efficiency is maximum and this leads further to enhance the quality as well as the quantity of the work produced. Hence, I would want to upgrade my knowledge base to sustain myself as an efficient manager to my workforce.
In terms of leadership, the key expectation lies in being able to drive the workforce through the changes that take place in the newly industrialised work environment. As stated by Al-Jafary, Aziz and Hollingsworth (1989), since industrialisation has emerged suddenly, which is why it has been quite difficult for the employees to cope with the situation. Therefore, I expect to be a transitional or situational leader, who can be a guiding coalition to my workforce to help them navigate smoothly through the changes. On the other hand, my expectations for stewardship would be being able to imbibe this skill in depth in future, so that the employees could be supervised more thoroughly.
The key areas that can lead to creating tensions or concerns for me could be mastering the skills of leadership while working in a multicultural team that would require accessibility to data and management of political situations. As viewed by Al-Jafary, Aziz and Hollingsworth (1989), since in Saudi Arabia, the work culture is more restricted with the closed environment as compared to other countries and there is huge political instability, therefore, leading a multi-cultural team can be a major challenge to the most efficient leader.
In this regard, I am still in the learning phase. Hence, for me, it might be a major challenge to cope with the tumultuous situation. Although I belong to a culturally diverse background in terms of management of the workforce, however, I am also aware of the fact that I still need to learn a lot of new ways, in which the workforce can be managed. I might come across a lot of workplace problems, which might require me to look at the situation from psychological point of view rather than superficial perspectives. Therefore, in such contexts, I will have to gain a deeper insight of human psychology of the employees, which might require me to learn the ways, in which the management of the employees could be done.
Al-Jafary, A., Aziz, A. & Hollingsworth, A. 1989, 'Leadership styles, Machiavellianism, and needs of Saudi Arabian managers', International Journal of Value-Based Management, vol. 2, no. 1, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Tehzeeb, S.A. & Malik, A.A. 2017, 'Preference for Leadership Styles in High and Low Machiavellians', International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, vol. 7, no. 6, p. 419.

10551_2007_9440_80_1-web 121..1
Promoting Stewardship Behavio
in Organizations: A Leadership Model Morela Hernandez
ABSTRACT. This article explores the relational and
motivational leadership behaviors that may promote
stewardship in organizations. I conceptualize stewardship
as an outcome of leadership behaviors that promote a
sense of personal responsibility in followers for the long-
term wellbeing of the organization and society. Building
upon the themes presented in the stewardship literature,
such as identification and intrinsic motivation, and
drawing from other research streams to include factors
such as interpersonal and institutional trust and moral
courage, I posit that leaders foster stewardship in thei
followers through various relational, motivational, and
contextually supportive leadership behaviors.
KEY WORDS: courage, intergenerational, intrinsic
motivation, leadership, stewardship, trust
Historically, stewardship was a means to protect a
kingdom while those rightfully in charge were away
or more often, to govern for the sake of an underage
king. The underage king for us is the next generation.
We choose service over self-interest most powerfully
when we build the capacity of the next generation to
govern themselves (Block, 1993, p. xx).
Decisions made by organizational actors often have
lasting effects on future generations. In evaluating
alternatives, present generations must take into
account the tradeoff between cu
ent gains and
sacrifices and the potential for future benefits and
urdens (e.g., Wade-Benzoni, 1999,
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020


Parul answered on May 25 2020
147 Votes
Order No. 31204
Traditional concepts and theories of behaviour, human resource and management concentrate on the personal gains and interests of individuals that are involved. Attitudes and behaviour of employees is a reflection of desires and goals that motivate them. However, research and theories based on stewardship
ings out a different angle to the existing philosophies presuming that employees in general are motivated by more than just their personal interest and well-being, taking reference from Hernandez (2007), ‘Promoting Stewardship Behaviour in Organizations: A Leadership Model’. Essentially, stewardship means picturing oneself not just performing the defined task as per the defined role rather focusing on the well-being of other employees in the team or with those who comes in one's sphere of influence or connection. In any corporation, stewardship inspires people to perform not just work but also concentrate on the obligations as a leader or as a colleague. Therefore, this ensures a very cooperative and collaborative environment at work which is what most of the organizations are striving to achieve. It is not easy to become a successful leader because role of leader is not just restricted to achieve the target once but to uplift the team such that achievement of target becomes tradition. There is a significant amount of responsibilities on leaders not just be concerned about his team or employees but also to establish as a strong role model who is ethical and just.
Before I was exposed to the concept of stewardship my thinking about leader was limited as I always thought leaders possess enough power that can influence anyone and direct actions in the manner they desire. However, now I understand that management and leadership entails commitment, scarifying on personal interest for good of maximum and also leading in a way that is ethically co
ect. Working for more than fifteen years in different domain an industry I
ing along with me different experience. With reference to journal by Martin & Butler (2017) 'Agent and stewardship behaviour: How do they differ?’ There is no denying to the fact that theory of agency...

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