Due date: Mon 02/26/24 by end of day.
Instructions: You are required to work individually. Use R Markdown and Knit to render a pdf or a word document. Upload the document back in Brightspace.
Reference: For this lab, we will be using the “OpenIntro Statistics: Labs for R" (by Andrew Bray et al), available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, in the link below:
Structure: Lab contains 2 mandatory sections (Section 1 and Section 2) outlined below.
Section 1: This is just a practice (warm up) section (no need to submit Section 1).
Practice with R Studio by mimicking all the syntax given in Chapter 8- Introduction to Linear Regression (sec 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4).
Section 2: On Your Own (Submission required).
This section builds on Section 1 and it requires you to answer the following questions posed in sec 8.7 in Chapter 8 (Intro to Linear Regression) in “OpenIntro Statistics: Labs for R" (by Andrew Bray et al). Mark each question clearly using # and interpret the results.
1. Choose another traditional variable from mlb11 that you think might be a good predictor of runs. Produce a scatterplot of the two variables and fit a linear model. At a glance, does there seem to be a linear relationship?
2. How does this relationship compare to the relationship between runs and at_bats? Use the R22 values from the two model summaries to compare. Does your variable seem to predict runs better than at_bats? How can you tell?
3. Now that you can summarize the linear relationship between two variables, investigate the relationships between runs and each of the other five traditional variables. Which variable best predicts runs? Support your conclusion using the graphical and numerical methods we’ve discussed (for the sake of conciseness, only include output for the best variable, not all five).
4. Now examine the three newer variables. These are the statistics used by the author of Moneyball to predict a teams success. In general, are they more or less effective at predicting runs that the old variables? Explain using appropriate graphical and numerical evidence. Of all ten variables we’ve analyzed, which seems to be the best predictor of runs? Using the limited (or not so limited) information you know about these baseball statistics, does your result make sense?
5. Check the model assumptions for the regression model with the variable you decided was the best predictor for runs.