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STAT 200 Week 7 Homework Problems Please type your answers to these questions in this document using FULL SENTENCES. Show your work and/or include your reasoning for all problems. Save your work as a...

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STAT 200 Week 7 Homework Problems
Please type your answers to these questions in this document using FULL SENTENCES. Show your work and/or include your reasoning for all problems. Save your work as a Word or .rtf file (NO “.pages”, please!) with file name “YourLastName_HW7”. Attach your file to the Assignment link and submit your work before 11:59 pm on Tuesday of Week 7.
    1. The table below contains the value of the house and the amount of rental income in a year that the house
ings in ("Capital and rental," 2013).
Create a scatter plot and find a regression equation between house value and rental income. Then use the regression equation to find the rental income a house worth $227,000 and for a house worth $402,000. Which rental income that you calculated do you think is closer to the true rental income? Why?
Table 1: House Value versus Rental Income
    2. The table in problem 1 contains the value of the house and the amount of rental income in a year that the house
ings in ("Capital and rental," XXXXXXXXXXFind the co
elation coefficient and coefficient of determination and then interpret both.
    3. The table in problem 1 contains the value of the house and the amount of rental income in a year that the house
ings in ("Capital and rental," XXXXXXXXXXTest at the 5% level for a positive co
elation between house value and rental amount. Use the 4 steps of the Problem-Solving Process.
    4. The World Bank collected data on the percentage of GDP that a country spends on health expenditures ("Health expenditure," 2013) and also the percentage of women receiving prenatal care ("Pregnant woman receiving," XXXXXXXXXXThe data for the countries where this information is available for the year 2011 are in the table below:
Table 4. Health Expenditure versus Prenatal Care
    Health Expenditure (% of GDP)
    Prenatal Care (%)
Test at the 5% level for a co
elation between percentage spent on health expenditure and the percentage of women receiving prenatal care. Use the 4 steps of the Problem-Solving Process.
    5. A person’s educational attainment and age group was collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1984 to see if age group and educational attainment are related. The counts in thousands are in the table below ("Education by age," XXXXXXXXXXDo the data show that educational attainment and age are independent? Test at the 5% level, including these steps
1. State the null and alternative hypotheses and level of significance.
2. State and check assumptions.
3. Find the test statistic and p value
4. State your conclusion about whether or not to reject the null hypothesis
5. Interpret your findings
Table 5: Educational Attainment and Age Group
    Age Group
    Row Total
    Did not complete HS
    Competed HS
    College 1-3 years
    College 4 or more years
    Column Total
    6. A project conducted by the Australian Federal Office of Road Safety asked people many questions about their cars. One question was the reason that a person chooses a given car, and that data is in the table below ("Car preferences," 2013).
Table 6: Reason for Choosing a Ca
Do the data show that the frequencies observed substantiate the claim that the reasons for choosing a car are equally likely? Test at the 5% level, including these steps.
1. State the null and alternative hypotheses and level of significance.
2. State and check assumptions.
3. Find the test statistic and p value
4. State your conclusion about whether or not to reject the null hypothesis
5. Interpret your findings
Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2021


Sudharsan.J answered on Aug 04 2021
149 Votes
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square
    Standard E
    Significance F
    Standard E
    t Stat
    Lower 95%
    Upper 95%
    House Value
The model is run with an explanatory variable (House value), the above table says that there is a positive relationship between house value and rental income. There was a statistically significance difference noted between house value and rental income I. Based on the test of significance and adjusted R-squared value it is found model is Less fits the data with adj-R square (0.58).
The fitted equation of the best model is:
 Rental Income= 5363.865+(0.0244*HouseWorth)
When a house worth is $227,000, the predicted rental income of the house is found to be $10902.7 and When a house worth is $40200, the predicted rental income of the house is found to be $15172.7
    House Value
    Rental Income
    House Value
    Rental Income
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square
elation is used to find the relation between the two variables, Here the given data follows normal distribution, so we used pearson co
elation to find the relationship between house value and rental income. It is found that house value is positive relation with 0.76% of co
elation with Rental income.
The co
elation coefficient is r= 0.764 and coefficient of determination is r2 = 0.584.
Because r is close to 0.8, it tells us that the linear relationship is strong, but not very strong. The r2 value tells us...

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