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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice Written Assessment Task-1 Student Name: Student Number: Instructions to students You are required to be assessed as competent in all...

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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Written Assessment Task-1
Student Name:
Student Number:
Instructions to students
You are required to be assessed as competent in all questions on this knowledge test.
If you do not achieve competence in all questions, please see your trainer for additional assistance before making another attempt at the knowledge test.
Question 1
The following website may assist with this question
Professional practice as a community worker requires a sound understanding of what professionalism means, the expectations of consumers, employers, the profession and society in general, and the implications for nursing practice.
Examine a policy as a part of your research and its associated professional expectations. Consider how this policy will impact on your practice and professional growth as a community worker.
Question 2
Why is it important to set goals?
 Goal setting is an important method of:
· Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your career / life
· Separating what is important for you from what is i
elevant and staying focussed on what is important to you
· Motivating yourself to achievement
· Building your self-confidence based on measured achievement of goals
Set Specific Goals
Set specific measurable goals. If you achieve all conditions of a measurable goal, then you can be confident and comfortable in its achievement. If you consistently fail to meet a measurable goal, then you can adjust it or analyse the reason for failure and take appropriate action to improve skills.
Set Measurable Goals
Clearly define the criteria in your mind for success or achievement of the goal. There should be definable limits on your goals so you know whether or not you have achieved it.
Set Performance, not Outcome Goals (Achievable goals)
This is very important. You should take care to set goals over which you have as much control as possible - there is nothing as dispiriting as failing to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control such failure to gain a particular rotation, rostering issues,  injury, or just plain bad luck. Goals based on outcomes are extremely vulnerable to failure because of things beyond your control.
If you base your goals on personal performance or skills or knowledge to be acquired, then you can keep control over the achievement of your goals and draw satisfaction from them. For example, you might set yourself a goal of caring for a person with a tracheostomy, but the opportunity to do so does not arise. If you had set your goal to gain more knowledge and skill in the care of a person with a tracheostomy tube, you have more control over what is possible from research and clinical skills sessions, and can draw satisfaction and self-confidence from its achievement.
Set Realistic Goals
Goals may be set unrealistically high for the following reasons:
· Other people: Other people can set unrealistic goals for you, based on what they want. Often this will be done in ignorance of your goals, desires and ambitions.
· Insufficient information: If you do not have a clear, realistic understanding of the skills and knowledge to be mastered, it is difficult to set effective and realistic goals.
· Always expecting your best performance and
· Lack of respect for self: If you do not respect your right to rest, relaxation and pleasure in life then you risk burnout.
Set time frames on your goals
Timelines will place limits on how long you are willing to persist along a particular path, and provide the opportunity to reassess either the goal itself, or the steps you have outlined to achieve the goal.
Setting Goals at the Right Level
Setting goals at the co
ect level is a skill that is acquired by practice.
You should set goals so that they are slightly out of your immediate grasp, but not so far that there is no hope of achieving them: no-one will put serious effort into achieving a goal that they believe is unrealistic. Personal factors such as tiredness, other commitments and the need for rest, etc. should be taken into account when goals are set.
Thinking a goal through
When you are thinking about how to achieve goals, asking the following questions can help you to focus on the sub-goals that lead to their achievement:
· What skills do I need to achieve this?
· What information and knowledge do I need?
· What help, assistance, or collaboration do I need?
· What resources do I need?
· What can block progress?
· Am I making any assumptions?
Is there a better way of doing things?
Part A
Discuss a professional goal that you have and discuss the steps that are needed to achieve your goal.
Part B
What support networks may you require to reach your goal? Where are they available?
Part C
What further training or specialist advice do you need to reach your goal?
Question 3
The following website may assist with this question
With the increasing emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness in health care, how community workers manages their time is an important consideration. Time management is recognized as an important component of work performance and professional practice. Discuss the strategies you will use to develop your time management skills.
Question 4
The following website may assist with this question
Self-care is imperative to personal health, sustenance to continue to care for others, and professional growth. Describe how you would care for yourself to ensure that you are able to continue to care for others? Examples may include exercise, relaxation classes, reading, art classes
Question 5
The following website may assist with this question
Learning strategies and styles are described in a range of ways. Following are two examples of ways to categorise different learning strategies and styles. The aim of providing these examples is to stimulate you to think about different learning styles.
Use this information to think about the ways you may have learnt and identify your prefe
approach. Once you have identified your preference you can put into place strategies to
assist you to learn more effectively.
Example One: Visual, auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles
Visual learning styles – this means you learn by seeing and looking.
You will:
· Take detailed notes rather than get involved in discussions
· Tend to sit in the front so you can see clearly
· Benefit from illustrations and presentations, and especially those in colou
· Make comments like: “How do you see the situation?”, “What do you see stopping you?”, “Do you see what I am showing you?”
Auditory learning style – this means you learn by hearing and listening.
You will:
· Enjoy discussions and talking things through and listening to others
· Acquire knowledge by reading aloud
· Hum and/or talk to yourself
· Make comments like: “I hear you clearly.”, “I’m wanting you to listen.”, “This sounds good.”
Kinesthetic learning style – this means you learn by touching and doing.
You will:
· Need lots of
eaks and will want to move around
· Speak with your hands and gestures
· Remember what was done, but have difficulty with what was said or seen
· Learn through doing activities
· Make comments like: “How do you feel about this?”, “Let’s move forward together.”, “Are you in touch with what I am saying?”
Example Two: Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model
    Sensing learners
Concrete, practical, oriented towards facts
and procedures.
    Intuitive learners
Conceptual, innovative, oriented toward
theories and meanings.
    Visual learners
Prefer visual representations of presented
material – pictures, diagrams, flow charts.
al learners
Prefer written and spoken explanations.
    Inductive learners
Prefer presentations that proceed from the
specific to the general.
    Deductive learners
Prefer presentations that go from the general to the specific.
    Active learners
Learn by trying things out, working with
    Reflective learners
Learn by thinking things through, working
    Sequential learners
Linear, orderly, learn in small incremental
    Global learners
Holistic, systems thinkers, learn in large
The learning environment is recognised as having an impact in either encouraging or impeding a positive learning experience.
Which learning style/s do you believe represents your own learning style?
Question 6
How would you identify personal and professional development opportunities and options?
Question 7
The following websites may assist with this question
How can you ensure that you operate within legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice, including:
· Codes of practice
· Duty of care
· Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers
· Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations
Question 8
The following website may assist with this question
Reflective practice enables nurses to develop their skills, increase their knowledge, and deal with emotionally challenging situations. Discuss how you will develop reflective practice, including feedback from supervisors and colleagues.
Question 9
The following website may assist with this question https:
The ability to give and receive constructive feedback is crucial to the success of any professional workplace relationship. Think about a time when you were given feedback as a student nurse.
Part A
How involved did you feel in the feedback process? Did you self assess your own skills before being given feedback? Did you understand the feedback given to you? What did you learn about yourself and your skills as a result of the feedback?
Part B
Did you make any changes to your practice following the feedback? If yes, what was it about the way the feedback was delivered that enabled you to change your practice? If no, why was this?
Part C
Discuss how you would seek support and specialist advice for further training.
Part D
What support networks, internal and external, are available to health professionals within the health sector? List support networks that you may contact if required.
Question 10
Continuous professional development (CPD) is defined as “the means by which members of the professions maintain, improve and
oaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives”. In health sector you are required to obtain 20 hours per year of CPD.
How will you reflect on your practice to inform your continuous professional development? Where and how can you find access and review information on cu
ent and emerging industry developments to improve and inform evidence-based practice? How will you plan your continuous professional development?
Australia Institute of Business and Technology        Version 1.2- June 2016
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Answered Same Day Aug 03, 2021 CHCPRP003 Training.Gov.Au


Parul answered on Aug 05 2021
152 Votes
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Written Assessment Task-1
Ans1. Professionalism in domain of nursing and healthcare doesn’t simply imply wearing uniforms and conversing politely. Rather it incorporates group of essential values that are imperative to elevate the quality of patient care. Also, professionalism involves the adhering to standards, procedures, methods and judgment that mentors the best practices in nursing every day. Work in professional environment is customer facing hence strong communication skill is necessary to succeed in this profession. Along with this professionalism in nursing touches upon cognitive knowledge as well as positive attitude.
Ans2. Goal setting is critical to achieve desired objective and aim in life. Defining objectives helps trigger new practices, helps controls your concentration and encourages you support that force throughout everyday life. Objectives likewise help adjust your concentration and advance a feeling of self-authority. At long last, you can't oversee what you don't gauge and you can't enhance something that you don't appropriately oversee. Defining objectives can assist you with doing the entirety of that and the sky is the limit from there. Motivation is different for different people. One of the most effective way to promote motivation is to set SMART goals – acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Thus, one of the critical tactics to em
ace motivation is to set measurable goals. Establishing clear, attainable goals that gives encouragement of motivation every time one conquers and maintains team on the track. One can magnify these effects by taking necessary steps and cele
ating achievements.
Part A
As rightly said, "Ambition is the first step to success. The second step is the action". Career and progression forms a very important part of my life, every day I keep on developing myself such that I can get a role of my choice in an established healthcare organization. As you know, we live in the most dynamic times of the century where there are multiple disruptions taking place every second in the market. Today, organizations have tremendous choices to select their employees from the pool of students graduating every year. Therefore, organisations instead of recruiting any individual from market prefer to recruit candidate who is driven towards excelling in life and ready to challenges that comes along with healthcare business. All through of my life, I am fascinated to pursue a career where I can help people as well as become a critical asset of the organization. My career goal is become a successful nurse in an organization that allows me to apply my skills to enhance the working of the organization. I feel a nurse plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of service provided to the patients thereby driving better results for the business. The criticality of nurse in the healthcare organisation in the myriad areas ranges from planning to execution of activities that can align patients as per standards and protocol of the healthcare organisation. Discipline of a nursing resource demands leadership skills as well as analytical skills that can help doctors, organisations and senior leaders to provide directions and action items that can be implemented in future. According to the American Nurses Association, nursing is defined as, “Protection, promotion, and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (American Nurses Association, 2001, p. 7). A nurse should also be able to explain in her own words what she believes demarcates success in her career. It is my belief that nursing deals with the whole person—body, mind, and soul. It is without a doubt a physically demanding job, but equally as important is the demand for emotional input. My past academic performance, as well as my personal qualities, provides the foundation for my career. A core characteristic needed in the nursing field is teamwork and just as vital is the remem
ance that nurses are the liaison between the patients and the doctors. Not only is it important to work well in a team, but it is also significant to seek out help when necessary. Another important quality is the understanding of diversity and the importance of acknowledging and honouring, rather than judging or ignoring, what makes people different. Lastly, the saying, “Measure twice, cut once” goes a long way when discussing safety in nursing. Regardless of how stressed or overwhelmed a person might feel, it is imperative to pay attention to detail to avoid sentinel events or near misses. These are crucial qualities that I hope to attain as a nurse and important goals to conform to throughout my years as a registered nurse.
Part B
Nursing can be a colossally remunerating vocation both at a professional and personal level. Be that as it may, it is likewise firmly directed. States and bosses have severe preparing necessities that direct whether medical nurses can rehearse, yet additionally what sorts of obligations they can perform....

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