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As abusiness professional, it is not only essential that you apply the principles of emotional intelligence (EI), but also the principles of cultural intelligence (CI) to positively impact the effectiveness of
an organization.
In this task, you will address a business scenario for a company that is wanting to become a more emotionally and culturally intelligent organization. You will be asked to first identify your own core
values and assess whether your values will fit with the organization's core values. Then, you will evaluate how you can apply the principles of El and Cl to successfully work with a diverse group of
Corollary Marketing is a leadership development company known for its El training programs. Corollary was recently hired by Alliah Company's leadership to conduct emotional intelligence training
for Alliah's employees. Alliah Company recently received a rating of 10/100 on the A-Z List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies.
Company leadership is very concerned that this low rating could significantly impact its market share, access to talent, and customer satisfaction. This is especially concerning since Alliah revised its
mission, ethics, and corporate social responsibility statements this year.
Mission Statement: Alliah Company will provide the most innovative products designed by the best and
ightest talent in the technology industry.
Ethics Statement: Alliah Company is committed to ensuring that all employees, suppliers, contractors, and any other entities engaged in business with Alliah will do the right thing for stakeholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility Statement: Alliah Company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the business.
In addition to revising its mission, ethics, and corporate social responsibility statements, Alliah's leadership wants to create an innovative culture that approaches all ideas as possible custome
solutions that could create the next profitable approach to market growth.
Employees are not surprised by Alliah's rating of 10/100 on the A-Z List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies. In recent communications with company leadership, the human resources team has
advised the leadership to consider certain best practices.
Understanding that employees are valuable not just for their ideas that could lead to profits but as individuals who are valuable on their own merits, can improve morale.
Increasing the diversity of the company's employees, suppliers, and contractors could better reflect the customers that purchase Alliah's products.
Reducing resistance to allowing employees to work remotely requires reconsidering expressed concerns over not being able to manage employees’ productivity if they work outside of the
Changing the way employees communicate with leadership from a chain of command approach of working through managers to having avenues for meeting with leadership could open
communication channels and increase trust.
Corollary’s El training session will be coordinated by the employees’ managers, and company leaders! not be in attendance. The leadership is expecting that the result of the t
move towards their desire for a culture of innovation, and that the next year's rating on the A-Z List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies will be significantly higher.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely
paraphrased from sources. evenif cited co
ectly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the ru
ic to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more
than one ru
ic aspect. The ru
ic aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Explain your top four core values (e.g, accountability, honesty, integrity, respect, loyalty, fairness, etc) with detail on why they are personally meaningful.
B. Evaluate how each of your four core values from part A align or mi

to Alliah's values and social responsibility.
C. Evaluate how El and Cl impacts interactions within the Alliah Company by doing the following:
1. Explain two potential ways the Alliah's leadership will improve their cultural intelligence by working with a more diverse group of stakeholders.
2. Explain, with a specific example, how you would overcome a potential challenge that may arise when working with Alliah's diverse group of stakeholders.
3. Explain how an aspect of Hofstede’s six-dimensions of culture can help you respectfully communicate with Alliah's diverse work culture.
Note: Identify one of Hofstede's six dimensions (Power Distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long versus Short Term Orientation.
or Indulgence versus Restraint). Then, provide a detailed explanation of how someone within the organization could communicate, accommodate, and/or interact with others using the
concepts that specifically apply to the selected dimension. given the corporation's diverse work culture.

tions and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


‘The submission does not include the candidate's top 4 core
The submission provides 4 core values, but does not explain
what each value means, or does not explain why each value is
personally meaningful.
‘The submission provides a detailed explanation of why each of
the 4 identified core values are personally meaningful.

‘The submission does not provide a logical argument assessing
the alignment or misalignment of Alliah’s values and social re-
ity to each of the 4 core values from part A.

‘The submission provides an explanation of Alliah's values and
social responsibility, but does not assess how those values and
social responsibilities align or misalign to each of the 4 core

values from part A. Or the submission does not cont:
scenario-based examples.

‘The submission provides a logical argument, with scenario-
ased examples, that assesses the alignment or misalignment
of Alliah's values and social responsibility to each of the 4 core.

values from part A.



‘The submission does not explain 2 potential ways Alliah's
leadership: prove their Cl by working with a more di-
verse group of stakeholders.

The submission explains 2 potential ways Alliah's leadership
will improve their cultural intelligence by working with amore.
diverse group of stakeholders, but the explanation is not logi-

cal or plausible. Or it is not supported with conclusions drawn
from the scenario.
‘The submission logically and plausibly explains 2 potential
‘ways Alliah's leadership will improve their cultural intelligence
y working with a more diverse group of stakeholders and itis
supported with conclusions drawn from the scenario.

‘The submission does not explain how the candidate would
overcome a potential challenge that may arise when working
with Alliah's diverse group of stakeholders.

‘The submission explains how the candidate would overcome a
potential challenge that may arise when working with Alliah's
diverse group of stakeholders, but does not provide a specific

example that clearly describes the challenge.
‘The submission explains how the candidate would overcome a
potential challenge that may arise when working with Alliah's
diverse group of stakeholders by providing a specific example
that clearly describes the challenge.


‘The submission does not explain how an aspect of Hofstede’
six-dimensions of culture can help the candidate communi-
cate with Alliah's diverse work culture.

The submission explains how the candidate would respect-
fully communicate with Alliah's diverse work culture, but does.
not include an aspect of Hofstede’s theory that would help
with that communication.

‘The submission explains how the candidate would use an as-
pect of Hofstede's six dimensions of culture to respectfully.
communicate with Alliah's diverse work culture.
Answered 2 days After Nov 23, 2024


Shubham answered on Nov 25 2024
5 Votes
Part A
Respect is the core value that includes personal meaning because it ensures dignity and inclusivity. Treating everyone, regardless of background and role, with consideration can help to create environment. Respect is important building trust and it is important for professional and personal interactions. Integrity is the value that ensures transparency and consistency in actions and decisions. Integrity means following ethical and moral principles. It is the value that is meaningful because it aligns with belief in fairness and honesty. Accountability is important because it describes about sense of ownership in actions and decisions [2]. It is being accountable and individuals contribute to culture of trust and responsibility that can promote collective growth. The value is relative and this ensures reliability and commitment to achieve shared goals. Fairness includes equal treatment and opportunities. It includes aligns with passion for justice and inclusivity that ensure that decisions are made.
Part B
Respect is partially reflected in revised ethics statement of Alliah that has focus on right thing for stakeholders. The low emotional intelligence rating of company and lack...

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