Political Science
Topic: Compare and contrast what is a direct democracy versus representative democracy
· Contains a clear, well-developed thesis (argument or position)
Explicitly identifies and effectively analyzes several of the aspects of the topic that you chose.
Consistently provides relevant historical context through the use of specific outside information.
Writing is exemplary Writing is consistently clear, uses varied sentence structure, and incorporates precise vocabulary Is logically organized, using sophisticated and analytical topic sentences that announce the purpose of each paragraph, and includes a thoughtful conclusion If you used research, you must property document your sources.
FINAL PAPER: (2 – 4 pages)
Introductory paragraph – identity the issue and articulate why you think it is important to American Federal Government.
Body Paragraphs: Place the issue in historical context by describing how the problem arose and outlining previous efforts, if any, to address the problem. To detail the issue and any prior policy responses, you can use a range of sources, including books, articles from scholarly journals, previous policy analyses, government reports, legislative materials, and news articles. Summarize the results of prior policy efforts and identify the major stakeholders. These are the individuals and groups likely to affect or be affected by new government policies taken in response to the issue under discussion.
Conclusion/Paragraph: Finally, identify several policy options state and local government might take to resolve the issue. Be sure the options involve substantive policy measures aimed at the issue in question. Your research on the issue and past policy actions will help you identify policy proposals and create new approaches for addressing the identified problem.
A works cited page to document your research.