Please Explain all the points below according to the giving instructions:
400 words
The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act XXXXXXXXXX/1998) was 'An Act to provide for the care and protection of, and the provision of services to, children and young persons'.
(Explanation of the legislation)
· Impacts on the community?
· Merits
· Implication
(70 words)
Analysis of the legislation
According to Mu
ay & Powell XXXXXXXXXXA policy problem, it’s causes and what to do about it are not straightforward. For examining this legislation we will be applying Bachi’s WPR (What problem represented to be) Approach
Please Provide the arguments minimum (150 words)
Applying WPR approach
Firstly, removing children from their care is presented as solution. please provide an example when the family environment becomes unsafe according to the social work theories (explain it 50 words)
Secondly, a specific family environment was judged to be unsafe for a child, therefore that environment must be unsafe for any subsequent children as well.
· How it was analysed that family environment is unsafe?
· Give the safety standards according to legislation?
(30 words)
What presuppositions underlie this representation?
Although we do need to hold individual caregivers accountable for harm or neglect of children, ignoring the context of those individuals is not a holistic way of dealing with this issue.
Explain the above statement (50 words)
Neoliberal Framework:
what is neoliberal framework?20 words
Child protection services work within a neoliberal framework. Neoliberal context defines from:
· Efficiencies
· Risk management
· Objectivity/certainty
Explain the above points in the context of child protection act: (30 words)
Give 2 examples of neoliberal framework services (20 words)