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Nature Pedagogy
Assessment 3: Planning and evaluation
Word/time limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)
Weight 50%
This assessment weight is 50% so pay a good attention to it.
The purpose of this assessment task is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of pedagogical approaches and resources to effectively teach, plan and evaluate science experiences for kindergarten-aged children using play-based and nature approaches. You will demonstrate your ability to plan for learning, teaching and assessment in nature using a range of resources and pedagogical approaches to teach in nature with a science cu
iculum as a focus.
Assessment details
Follow the following steps to complete this assignment:
Read the following scenario.
A new child has been enrolled to join your Kindergarten class on Monday. On reading the child’s enrolment details you discover the child’s name is Peta and the family has moved internationally for promotional opportunities. 
Peta’s father James is a stay at home Dad and is keen to become involved in helping out at the Kindergarten where ever needed. 
Peta who has cere
al palsy (a disorder that affects her ability to move in a coordinated and purposeful manner and affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills) requires a motorized wheelchair to move around. Peta has been diagnosed with a moderate intellectual disability in which she has slight learning delays for her age. Peta’s comprehension requires that she is given one direction tasks at a time and she does have slight difficulty speaking when tired. Peta enjoys being outdoors and being involved in all play situations with other children her age.
Plan, implement and evaluate
Plan, implement and evaluate two learning experiences based on the element identified in Assessment 2: Mind map (Previous assessment) around the science teaching area for kindergarten aged children.  Then modify your plans with consideration to introducing the child in the scenario to the planned experiences. Consider the modifications, and inclusion of additional resources, concepts, teaching and assessment strategies to meet science cu
iculum for the kindergarten children. 
You will need to include:
· A rationale which highlights the learning objectives and reasoning for why this is an important element to be studied. You should include reference to one of the Early Years Cu
iculum Frameworks (EYLF/VEYLDF), the Victorian Cu
iculum and be specific in showing where they will be addressed in your lesson and how they will be assessed. You may use the following template, Learning experience plan template (attached) or create one of your own.
· Complete 2 full lesson plans for kindergarten children that include learning intentions, success criteria, and description of learning activities, teaching strategies, assessment and resources.  Consider health, wellbeing and safety and the implications for teaching in nature.
· Consider the inclusion of parents/carers and community partnerships in the planning and implementation of the nature program.
· Copies of resources you may have developed: If you have used resources or materials produced by others in your lesson plans, you will need to ensure that the relevant reference or citation is included. For example, titles of songs, story books etc.
· Review the two implemented lesson plans for kindergarten children. 
· Consider how you will include the child in the scenario in the planned experiences. Make modifications to resources, concepts, teaching and assessment strategies to cover science cu
Evaluation report
You are to write a report (up to 1000 words in length) where you reflect on your planning and the process of modification and differentiation. 
In the report:
· strategies for achieving these goals.
· Reflect on your teaching including the role that you would play in assisting students to explore science and nature cu
iculum and on the dispositions needed to be effective teachers of learning with and in nature.
· Discuss the value of nature programs for the wellbeing of children demonstrating a knowledge of nature approaches, socially inclusive practices and cu
icula requirements.
Note: the reference list is not included in the word count. 
Unit learning outcomes
· K1: Demonstrate an understanding of health, wellbeing and safety and implications for and of nature learning.
· K2: Articulate the role and value of nature pedagogy as a cu
iculum approach.
· K3: Demonstrate an awareness of how the dynamic nature of teaching afforded through nature pedagogical approaches link to and support other pedagogies.
· K4: Demonstrate an understanding of content teaching areas, in particular, science, and how they be addressed using nature and play-based pedagogies.
· K5: Outline legislative and cu
icula requirements as they relate to conducting nature program.
· K6: Articulate how nature programs support socially inclusive teaching and assessment practices.
· K7: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of parent/carer and community partnerships in developing and implementing nature programs.
· K8: Recognise the importance of demonstrating a positive attitude toward science and the environment.
· K9: Comprehend that science includes attitudes and processes as well as concepts.
· K10: Demonstrate an understanding of how to select science experiences appropriate to young children.
· S1: Analyse and critically reflect on nature pedagogy approaches.
· S2: Address cu
iculum content areas across early education contexts, with a focus on the science cu
iculum area.
· S3: Plan engaging experiences for young children in prior to school settings, ensuring health, safety, cu
icula and regulatory requirements are addressed.
· S4: Identify socially inclusive teaching and assessing strategies.
· S5: Differentiate strategies, content and concepts to address the needs of a full range of abilities, interests and dispositions.
· S6: Use IT to record teaching and assessment in nature programs.
· S7: Explain why science and environmental education should be taught to children.
· S8: Describe the various ways in which science experiences and environmental education can contribute to children's development.
· S9: Be conscious of the role that the adult can play in assisting young children to explore science and their environment.
· A1: Use their knowledge of nature to identify cu
icula content, in particular scientific content, attitudes and processes that can be addressed using nature approaches.
· A2: Use their knowledge of child development and learning, to plan appropriate science and nature-based experiences that address the needs of a range of abilities and interests and sociocultural backgrounds in the early years.
· A3: Use their knowledge of cu
icula requirements and regulatory frameworks to plan and implement nature experiences across the early childhood years.
· A4: Critique and reflect on their own teaching practices to highlight professional learning goals and strategies for improving the teaching of science concepts.
· A5: Using knowledge of nature approaches, socially inclusive practices, and cu
icula requirements, articulate the value of nature programs for the wellbeing of children.
· A6: Distinguish possible changes to the environment in an early childhood context and discuss how changes could be implemented with active involvement of children, families and communities.
Assessment criteria
1. Ability to plan 2 play-based learning experiences.
2. Ability to identify and discuss teaching strategies.
3. Ability to modify plans relevant for the scenario.
4. Evaluation report.
5. Academic conventions.
6. References.
Answered Same Day Sep 01, 2024


Robert answered on Sep 01 2024
7 Votes
The objective of this plan is to investigate the elemental components of earth, specifically soil, which plays vital role in making the children to understand about the natural world. Early exposure to regular components like soil lays foundation for natural stewardship, aligning up with the Early Years Learning System (EYLF) objectives.
The children are associated with and add to their su
ounding environment. This result provides a
ief about the significance of kids becoming mindful of the effect of human action on conditions and participating in activities will help them to understand about the real world and engaging in experiences that deepen their understanding of the world (Department of Education, Skills and Employment [DESE], 2022). Besides the children will understand about the importance of soil in supporting the vegetation and understand the biological concepts.
Besides, this subject additionally lines up with the Victorian Educational program Establishment to Level 2 Science, in which children are guided to investigate how plants and creatures rely upon the climate for their survival (Victorian Educational program and Evaluation Authority [VCAA], 2022). This activity will help the children to understand about the various scientific concepts that are required for life and also understands about how both the living and non-living components are interacting in a ecosystem.
Learning Objectives
1. Develop a plan that will help the children to understand about the importance of soil in the plant growth. This objective will help the children to understand about various types of soils (sand, clay, loam etc.) and their impact on the plant growth. By this activity, the children critical thinking capabilities will be enhanced in taking the decisions about which soil best suits for which types of plant based on the real-time observations.
2. Observational and descriptive language skills development: The hands-on experiments will improve the children observation capacity in understanding about various properties of soil and in turn improves the communication skills.
3. Foster social interaction and promote collaborative learning: Groups based activities will help the children to share the work of planting projects which in turn promotes the effective social and communication responsibilities that are needed for the early childhood development.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 1: Soil Exploration and Observation
This plan will engage the children in investigating various kinds of soil, like sand, earth, and loamy, to understand about their surfaces, varieties, colors and composition. Through hands-on exercises, children, including Peta, will explore the role of soil in plant growth by touch, noticing, and portraying the different kinds of soils. The example incorporates alterations to guarantee availability for Peta, like utilizing versatile apparatuses and giving timely instructions. The example finishes up with group conversations where kids share their discoveries, fostering their critical thinking and sensory skills.
Lesson Plan 2: Planting and Growth observation
In this lesson, the children will sow seeds in different soil types and see how different environmental factors soil, water, and daylight, impact the plant growth. For one week the youngsters will record their perceptions and discuss about the impact of these variables on plant growth. The lesson is modified to obligate Peta by giving available materials, improving on undertakings, and utilizing visual aids, to provide her dynamic support. The study encourages the youngsters to engage actively and understand the necessities of plants and promotes the learning experiences
Modifications for Peta
Physical Accessibility
Usage of adjustable tables that will help Peta to effectively participate in plantation.
Providing gardening tools with larger handles for providing grip.

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