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Microsoft Word - Homework 3 -Fall 2022.docx 2022 MAE 183B/EE 153/BE 153/ChE 153 Introduction to Microscale and Nanoscale Manufacturing Homework 3 Due date: Nov 4, 2022 (Friday) 11:59pm...

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Microsoft Word - Homework 3 -Fall 2022.docx

2022 MAE 183B/EE 153/BE 153/ChE 153
Introduction to Microscale and Nanoscale Manufacturing

Homework 3

Due date: Nov 4, 2022 (Friday) 11:59pm

1. For a photoresist, the relationship between exposure energy and thickness after
development is often drawn on a semi-log plot. Therefore, it is important to learn
how to accurately read the value from a log scale plot. What are the values of
point A and point B on the log scale below

2. Thermal expansion mismatch between a wafer and a mask is a potential source of
misalignment in the photolithography process. In your photolithography
experiment, you found that point C (center of the wafer and the mask) between
the wafer and mask is perfectly aligned, but point A is misaligned by 1um. Please
answer the following questions.

(A) How much misalignment will be measured at point B?

(B) If you change the size of wafer and mask to 4”, and the center point C is also
perfectly aligned, how much misalignment you should expect to have in point A?

3. The following schematic shows the standing wave effect during the
photolithography process. The UV light source has a wavelength of 360nm. If the
efractive index (n) of the photoresist (PR) is 1.5. What is the thickness of the

4. Design rules and process flow
(A)The foundry gives below design rules to guide your fa
ication process. Please
describe a process flow that can result in following square a
ay without violating
any of the design rules. Describe the step-by-step processes including the
photolithography, etching, and deposition. You can assume you can use a CVD
method to deposit both the polysilicon and oxide layers, and the CVD deposition
provide uniform coating everywhere even at the sidewalls of the structure. The
etching process is also uniform.

Layer Min
size (μm)
Gap and
Cut in
Cut out
Polysilicon XXXXXXXXXX
Answered Same Day Nov 04, 2022


Dr Shweta answered on Nov 05 2022
53 Votes
Ans 3 The thickness of the photoresist can be calculated with the UV light source having a wavelength of 360nm and refractive index (n) value of 1.5 of the photoresists (PR) as shown below:
d= nλ/4 -----[1]
here n = 1.5 and λ = 360 nm
on putting these values, we get,
d = 1.5 *360 nm/4
so, we...

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