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Please answer all 5 questions in the boxes given. Include reference for each and every answer.( Harvard Reference)

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HI5015 Final Assessment T2 2023
Final Assessment
    Trends in the Global Business Environment
    Year, Trimeste
    2024 Trimester 1
    Final Individual Assessment
    Due Date & Time
    21 June, 2024
11.59 pm
    Student Numbe
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    Integrity Declaration
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    Format & submission
    Â· All answers must be entered in the answer boxes provided after each question.
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    Â· Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with inco
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Question 1    (10 Marks)
Define the term ‘globalisation’. Explain how globalisation has impacted your family, your country and yourself. Think of economic advantages and the benefits of collaboration with other cultures and countries.
(400 – 500 words)
ANSWER: (box will enlarge as you enter your response)
Question 2     (10 Marks)
The United Kingdom (UK) colonised India. The UK government imposed trade regulations upon India that included the forced exporting of raw materials from India to the United Kingdom. An example is cotton was sent to Manchester from India. The linen was not allowed to be converted (spun) into linen in India. The major value adding function was completed in the UK. What did this mean for the Indian people and Indian manufacturing capacity? What are the solutions to this issue?
Question 3     (10 Marks)
Please see the bar graph below.
Explain what the effects of this data may be for your own home country. Think of PESTEL as a guide to interpretation. Also, do you think that the data is accurate? Why?
(400 – 500 words)
Question 4     (10 Marks)
India looks set to replace China as the second largest economy in the world as it has 1.4 billion consumers, a reliable supply chain, and neutrality with respect to the political tensions between China and USA. Companies which are switching out of China and manufacturing in India include BMW, Foxconn, and Tesla. Existing power houses in India are Tata, and Adani.
But India needs trained workers to capitalize on this situation. Presently India’s GDP is 3.8 trillion and China’s is 18 trillion. And in order for India to grow they need to educate their population.
Create an educational plan to supply the labor and workers that foreign investors will want to employ and that will drive India’s GDP. Ensure that it addresses the supply issue and solves India’s problem.
(400 – 500 words)
Question 5     (10 Marks)
Imagine you are working as the investment manager for a well-known USA fund manager. You have been asked to invest USD 10 billion in Asia. Examine the graph below and answer the wustion that follows.
Source: US Census Bureau
Compare and contrast the population age distribution for China and India. Apart from the size of the populations from your analysis of which country has the oldest people and which country has the youngest people, which one would you tell your boss to invest in? Why is it best to invest in a country with young people? Source: US Census Bureau.
(400 – 500 words)
End of Assessment
Marking Ru
    Criterion Referenced Grading
    Very Good
    Slightly deficient
ect management theory clearly explained and applied comprehensively
ect management theory well- explained and applied co
ect management theory explained and applied
ect management theory not explained or not applied
ect model used, i.e. not as taught at Holmes
ect management theory clearly explained and applied comprehensively
ect management theory well- explained and applied co
ect management theory explained and applied
ect management theory not explained or not applied
ect model used, i.e. not as taught at Holmes
ect management theory clearly explained and applied comprehensively
ect management theory well- explained and applied co
ect management theory explained and applied
ect management theory not explained or not applied
ect model used, i.e. not as taught at Holmes
ect management theory clearly explained and applied comprehensively
ect management theory well- explained and applied co
ect management theory explained and applied
ect management theory not explained or not applied
ect model used, i.e. not as taught at Holmes
ect management theory clearly explained and applied comprehensively
ect management theory well- explained and applied co
ect management theory explained and applied
ect management theory not explained or not applied
ect model used, i.e. not as taught at Holmes
HC3031FIA T12024
Answered 10 days After Jun 02, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Jun 12 2024
8 Votes

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