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Physical Agents Assignment 1BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Session Term 2017/18 1 Course Title Physical Agents Level 6.Aim: The aim of this assignment is to familiarise...

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Physical Agents Assignment 1BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Session Term 2017/18 1 Course Title Physical Agents Level 6.Aim: The aim of this assignment is to familiarise students with the administrative and legislative control of physical agents within their own country. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this assignment, you will – Be familiar with the legislation currently enforced within your own country or state dealing with physical agents Understand the enforcement provisions made by your country or state to ensure the legislation dealing with physical agents is complied with Be able to critically evaluate your country or state’s legislation and/or enforcement provision for the control of physical agents in the workplace.
Assignment Brief: Exposure and control requirements for physical agents in the workplace are often governed by state legislation as well as guidance and research. Write a 1500 word essay that discusses the key issues relating to the legislation, administrative controls and recent published research as it relates to any one of the workplace physical agents given below:ï‚· Vibrationï‚· Ionising radiationï‚· Non-Ionising radiationï‚· Extremes of temperatureAdministrative controls can include published standards and/or guidance that may be applied where there is no or limited legislation or in addition to legislative requirements.General Instructions: You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research relating to the topic you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on Moodle. The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5 line spacing Arial or Calibri, 12 Font, aligned to the left hand of the page and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. Submissions should be a maximum of 1500 words.

Physical Agents Assignment 2UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Session Term 2017/18 1 Course Title Physical Agents Level 6.Aim: The aim of this assignment is to familiarise students with the issues associated with the identification, prevention and control of physical agent exposure. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this assignment, you will – Understand the principles behind prevent and control. Recognise the importance of effective implementation of suitable prevent and control programmes. Be familiar with all of the stages associated with the development and implementation of a prevention and control plan. Appreciate the benefit to an organisation of developing and implementing suitable prevention and control programmes.
Assignment Brief: As the newly appointed Health Safety and Wellbeing Manager you have been asked to review the noise control strategy in a company where static noisy machinery is used routinely throughout the day. The machines are located in an open plan working area and all employees have been provided with earplugs to use throughout the day. Work breaks are taken in the open plan area behind an acoustic screen.It appears that there have been no previous noise surveys undertaken and you observe that conversation is difficult with employees needing to shout to be heard over the background noise including in the area where breaks are being taken. Several employees who have worked at the company for over 10 years have recently been diagnosed with noise induced hearing loss and are looking for compensation from the company for their injury. Write a management report that clearly identifies the issues arising. You should include some discussion on the approach you may take to measure noise exposure in the future, the options for prevention and control of exposure including the relative attenuations you would expect to achieve and any relevant legislation, standards, guidance or research to underpin the report. You are free to make any assumption you wish as to the nature of the work undertaken in company and the types of machines being used. These assumptions should be included as an appendix to the main report. General Instructions: You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research relating to the topic you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on Moodle. The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5 line spacing Arial or Calibri, 12 Font, aligned to the left hand of the page and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. Submissions should be a maximum of 2000 words.

Ergonomics Assignment 3UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Session Term 2017/18 1 Course Title Ergonomics Level 6 .Aims: To show the student’s ability to research, develop and demonstrate an understanding of a topic related to the evaluation, assessment, prevention and control of exposure to ergonomic issues in the workplace.Learning Outcomes: On completion of this coursework the student will have: • Demonstrated the ability to research and collate information on a workplace ergonomic subject. • Have demonstrated the ability critically evaluate and use research information on a relevant subject.
Assignment Brief: Write a 1500 word essay discussing the contribution that anthropometry makes to our understanding of ergonomic interventions in the workplace? It is important that you do not simply describe anthropometry or ergonomic interventions. You will need to read and evaluate the current scientific literature and guidance on this subject to underpin your discussion.General Instructions: You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research relating to the topic you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on Moodle. The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5 line spacing Arial or Calibri, 12 Font, aligned to the left hand of the page and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. Submissions should be a maximum of 1500 words.

Ergonomics Assignment 4UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Session Term 2017/18 1 Course Title Ergonomics Level 6.Aims: The aim of the assignment is to allow the student to demonstrate the application of ergonomic theory to a practical situation.Learning Outcomes: Having completed the project the student should be able to: • Understand the inter-relationship of the factors involved in the application of ergonomics assessment techniques. • Critically evaluate ergonomic risk information from a work-based project and with critical insight recommend justified prevention and control measures.
Assignment Brief: Write a 2000 word management report on a detailed ergonomic evaluation of a task or process of your choice within your work or home environment. Do not choose an office computer workstation as the subject of your evaluation. You can use an established assessment tool and should provide a clear justification for your choice. All details, measurements, calculations, etc. must be included. The use of photographs, diagrams, etc. is encouraged. You should ensure that you fully reference your report with an appropriate range of guidance, legislation (where present), standards and research material.
General Instructions: You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research relating to the topic you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on Moodle. The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5 line spacing Arial or Calibri, 12 Font, aligned to the left hand of the page and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. Submissions should be a maximum of 2000 words.

Answered Same Day Jul 07, 2020


Amar answered on Jul 12 2020
137 Votes
Running Header: Physical Agents Assignment 1        1
Physical Agents Assignment 1        6
Physical Agents Assignment 1
Physical Agents Assignment 1
The specific term of Physical Agents can be noted to be used commonly for purposes of describing the range of various sources for energy that possess the capabilities to cause any injuries or else diseases for the workers (Hughes and Fe
ett 2015; Jespen 2016; Tian et al. 2018). Some of the examples in the context physical agents comprise vi
ation, noise, electricity, electromagnetic radiations, as well as extremes in temperature (Hughes and Fe
ett 2015; Jespen 2016; Tian et al. 2018). The focus of this report shall be non-ionising radiation at the workplace of the author. The non-ionising radiation is highly relevant to the workplace on account of various reasons. The detailed discussion of various aspects concerning the same has been presented in this report.
Non-Ionising Radiation
The exposure towards natural form of optical radiations like sunlight represents the risk amongst the outdoor workers (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014). Over-exposure to the skin in terms of UV radiation within sunlight could lead to skin cancers as well as eye damages (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014). Occupations with specific risk encompass ones which involve longer periods in outdoor work like that of construction, utilities, road maintenance, etc., agriculture / horticulture / forestry, Marine related activities like for example in shore / off shore sailing, fishing, fish farming, window cleaning, postal as well as delivery services, waste collection, leisure like that of workers in golf course, attendants for outdoor pool, beach workers, etc., workers need to avoid the prolonged exposures towards sunlight for preventing to get reddening of skin as the same represents signs for skin damage (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014).
Exposure to the artificial forms of optical radiations could arise by way of emitted light from that of most of the artificial sources, like that of light in various forms like that of ultraviolet, visible, lasers, and infra-red, and yet excludes the sunlight (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014). The impacts from the exposure towards artificial form of optical radiations could lead to impacts of both chronic as well as acute nature, impacting primarily skin and the eyes (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014). Wherein the skin gets affected, the people exposed could suffer from shorter term impacts like reddening / erythema, burns as well as blistering (Hofmann et al. 2017; Schnall et al. 2018; Bam
a et al. 2014). Longer term exposures could lead to the ageing of skin, that is, elastosis as well as skin...

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