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Answered Same Day Dec 29, 2021


Sunny answered on Jan 11 2021
144 Votes
Photosynthesis Activity (15pts)
Instructions: Fill in each of the blanks for each of the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow. Download this document and type in the answers using Word. Make sure your answers are clearly defined and easy for me to read. Upload the final document as a Word or PDF to Canvas. No handwritten assignments will be accepted.
1. Identify the major inputs and outputs for the light reaction and the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis. (4pts)
1. H2O
2. O2
3. CO2
4. Suga
5. ADP+
6. NADP+
7. ATP
2. Determine the appropriate labels for the structures in the light reaction below. Each of the following terms should be included: Photosystem I, Photosystem II, electron transport chain I, electron transport chain II, ATP synthase, chlorophyll, stroma, thylakoid space. (4pts)
1. Stroma
2. Photosystem I
3. Thylakoid space

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