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people experiencing homelessness (health rationale)

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HSH313 AT2 Marking and Feedback Ru


Part 1: Individual assessment
Criterion Exceeds expected standard Expected standard Minimum standard Below standard
Starting % 80 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Introduction and conclusion Introduction provides a
compelling overview of the
topic. Report context and
purpose are strong, specific,
and well-defined.

Conclusion summarises all
key points and provides
insightful reflections and

(4-5 points)
Introduction is clear and
interesting. Report context
and purpose are clear and
demonstrate a good
understanding of the topic.

Conclusion summarises all
key points and provides clear

(3-3.5 points)
Introduction demonstrates a
asic understanding of the

Conclusion provides a basic
summary of key points.

(2.5 points)
Outline of report in the
introduction is unclear or

Summary in the conclusion is
unclear or incomplete.

(0-2 points)
Points 5
Background Account of the health issue
and/or population group is
comprehensive and highly
elevant to the rationale. A
wide range of high quality and
credible literature is well-

(8-10 points)
Account of the health issue
and/or population group is
clear, relevant to the
ationale, and supported by
elevant literature.

(6-7.5 points)

Account of some aspects of
the health issue and/or
population group relevant and
with reference to literature.

(5-5.5 points)
Account of the health issue
and/or population group is
unclear or incomplete.

(0-4.5 points)
Points 10
Method Succinctly recounts all
methods used to locate peer-
eviewed academic literature,
including search plan and

(4-5 points)
Clearly describes methods
used to locate peer-reviewed
academic literature, including
search plan and databases.

(3-3.5 points)
Outlines methods used to
locate peer-reviewed
academic literature, including
some keywords and some
databases searched.

(2.5 points)
Discussion of the methods
used to locate peer-reviewed
academic literature unclear
or incomplete.

(0-2 points) Points 5
HSH313 AT2 Marking and Feedback Ru


Part 1: Individual assessment
Criterion Exceeds expected standard Expected standard Minimum standard Below standard
Starting % 80 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Results and discussion Relevant key themes are
identified, accurately
interpreted, and concisely

The significance and health
implications of findings are
clearly articulated and well-
justified with appropriate

Discussion explains how the
media representation and the
experience of the health
issue/population group links
to health model and policy
priorities, demonstrating
strong critical thinking ability.

(32-40 points)
Key themes clearly discussed
and explained.

Provides a thoughtful and
well-justified interpretation of
the health implications of
findings, with reference to

Discussion considers how the
media representation and the
experience of the health
issue/population group links
to health model and policy
priorities, demonstrating
critical thinking ability.

Key themes are discussed
and some explanation is

Provides a basic overview of
some of the health
implications of findings with
eference to

Provides a basic overview of
how the media representation
and the experience of the
health issue/population
group links to health model
and policy priorities with
eference to literature.

Unclear or incomplete
identification of key themes,
and/or discussion of links
with health model and policy

Points 40
Recommendations logical
and insightful, well-justified
y evidence/literature.

(8-10 points)
Recommendations logical,
supported by

(6-7.5 points)
somewhat logical, with
eference to the

(5-5.5 points)
Recommendations unclear or
incomplete and/or without
eference to

(0-4.5 points)
Written communication Writing is clear and concise
and perfectly adheres to
guidelines. It features a
logical, well-structured
presentation of key issues
and concepts.

(4-5 points)
Writing is clear and adheres
to guidelines with minimal
ors. Presentation of key
issues and concepts is logical
and well-organised.

(3-3.5 points)
Writing is mostly clear and

Report adheres to word limit
and is submitted according to
assignment guidelines.

(2.5 points)
Writing can be understood.

(0-2 points)
Points 5
HSH313 AT2 Marking and Feedback Ru


Note: Feedback on your Rationale will be provided via the AT2 Rationale – Individual Component folder on the unit site. This part of the assessment task is worth 40% of your overall
grade in HSH313.
Part 1: Individual assessment
Criterion Exceeds expected standard Expected standard Minimum standard Below standard
Starting % 80 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Referencing Wide range of contemporary
sources used (12 or more).

Citations and referencing
formatted according to
Deakin APA7 without any
(4-5 points)
Range of contemporary
sources used (12 or more).

Citations and referencing
formatted according to
Deakin APA7.
(3-3.5 points)
Range of sources used (12 or

Citations and referencing
largely formatted according
to Deakin APA7.
(2.5 points)
Limited and/or no sources

Formatting not according to
Deakin APA7.
(0-2 points)
Points 5
HSH313 AT2 Marking and Feedback Ru


Note: Feedback on your Presentation will be provided via the AT2 Presentation – Group Component folder on the unit site. This part of the assessment task is worth 10% of your
overall grade in HSH313.
Part 2: Group assessment
Exceeds expected standard Expected standard Minimum standard Below standard
Starting % 80 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Multimedia plan Multimedia plan is logical and
insightful, well-justified by

Presentation effectively uses
elevant literature.

(12-15 points)
Multimedia plan logical,
supported by evidence/literature.
Presentation is well-supported
y relevant literature.
Multimedia plan somewhat
logical, with reference to the

Presentation is supported by the
Multimedia plan unclear or
incomplete, and/or without
eference to evidence/literature.

Presentation is not adequately
supported by the literature.
(0-7 points)
Points 15
Presentation Presentation is engaging and
highly organised, with ideas
expressed coherently and

Within timeframe.

Citations and referencing
formatted according to Deakin
APA7 without any e

(4-5 points)
Presentation is clear and well-
organised with ideas expressed
Slides are appropriate.
Within timeframe.
Citations and referencing
formatted according to Deakin

(3-3.5 points)
Presentation is clear and
Within timeframe.
Citations and referencing largely
formatted according to Deakin

(2.5 points)
Presentation can be understood.
Not within timeframe.
Formatting not according to
Deakin APA7.

(0-2.5 points)
Points 5
Total Points XXXXXXXXXXpoints XXXXXXXXXXpoints XXXXXXXXXXpoints 0-9.5 points

HSH313 Contemporary Health Issues
Week 8 – Mental health and the media
“mental health is intrinsic and instrumental to the lives of all people. It influences how we think, feel and act. It underpins our ability to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is also basic huma right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socioeconomic development. It is a part of us, all the time, even when we are not thinking about it”.
Learning objectives:
· Identify the various pathways and links between the media and the mental health and wellbeing.
· Consider our own bias around mental health, mental health conditions, and body norms.
· Understand the theories linking mental health, mental health conditions, body image, the media and health and wellbeing.
Mental health
“a state of mental wellbeing that enables people to cope with the stressors of life, to realize their abilities, to learn well and work well, and to contribute to their communities. Mental health is an integral component of health and wellbeing and is more than absence of mental disorder [or condition].
· Importantly, mental health is not a binary state: we are not either mentally healthy or mentally ill. Rather, mental health exists on a complex continuum with experiences ranging from an optimal state of well-being to debilitating states of great suffering and emotional pain (WHO, 2022).
· Mental health is also fluid and changes over the life course in response to different situations and stressors. The determinants of mental health include diverse individual, social, and structural factors which may be protective or detrimental to mental health and can shift our position on the mental health continuum (WHO, 2022).
· Other determinants, conflict, disease out
eaks, social injustice, discrimination, and disadvantage are all micro risks to mental health.
· Globally, almost a billion people live with a diagnosable mental disorder (see Table 1 below) (WHO, XXXXXXXXXXKey ba
iers to realising optimal mental health include a lack of access to services and/or lack of help seeking. Service provision may be absent or unavailable (due to capacity), or unaffordable. Help seeking may be impeded by stigma and/or reflective of cultural norms with varied and diverse systems, languages, and idiomatic expressions around mental health influencing whether, how, and where people seek help.
Key terminology
Mental health condition: a
oad term covering mental health disorders and psychosocial disabilities. It also covers other mental states associated with significant distress, impairment in functioning, or risk of self harm.
Mental health disorder: a syndrome characterised by clinically significant distu
ance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunctional in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes that underlie mental and behavorial functioning. These distu
ances are usually associated with distress or impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Psychosocial disability: arises when someone with long term mental impairment interacts with various ba
iers that may hinder their full and effective participation in society or an equal basis with others. This definition is aligned with the convention of the rights of persons with disabilities 2007.
Mental health in Australia
Australia uses similar definitions to those employed by the WHO XXXXXXXXXXKey differences include the interchangeability of the terms ‘mental illness’, ‘mental disorder’, ‘mental health condition’, and ‘psychiatric illness' in Australian data collection, where the terms are used to describe 'a wide range of mental health and behavioural disorders, which can vary in both severity and duration' (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2023, para. 2).
The AIHW (2024, para 1.) defines mental illness as ‘a clinically diagnosable disorder that significantly interferes with a person’s cognitive, emotional or social abilities’ in line with the Council of Australian Governments Health Council 2017 definition. However, the AIHW (2024, para. 1) note, similarly to the WHO (2022), that 'a person does not need to meet the criteria for a mental illness to be negatively affected by their mental health'.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2022), approximately 1 in 5 people aged 16–85 will experience a mental disorder with the most common disorders including anxiety disorder, affective disorder, and substance use disorder (see Table 2 below). The AIHW XXXXXXXXXXemphasises the impact of the determinants of health on a person’s mental health such as socio-economic status (SES), access to health and other services, living conditions, and employment status. Importantly, these determinants are not only affected by mental health but also affect an individuals mental health as well as their families and carers (AIHW, XXXXXXXXXXIn addition, physical health is also associated with mental health, with people with mental illnesses more likely to develop physical illness and tend to have higher mortality rates than the general population (AIHW, 2023).
Impacts on mental health: social media and body image
Social media
“web and mobile platforms that allow individuals to connect with other within a virtual network, where they can share, co-create or exchange various forms of digital content, including information, messages, photos or videos
Answered 4 days After Sep 21, 2024


Parul answered on Sep 22 2024
5 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
By the virtue of this report, I have performed extensive research on the aspect of homelessness and how it impacts the overall experiences of people facing this issue. This report will offer you a
oader view of this issue at hand, comprehend its characteristics, its prevalence as well as its importance. In order to understand the root of this issue I have also implemented various research methodologies that can be leveraged to identify the relevant literature along with proper synthesis from the peer-reviewed articles as well as journals. Furthermore, this report also explores how the media represents the overall situation and catalyzes the public perceptions which can affect various lived journeys of homeless folks. Moreover, these findings are also interlinked to the social model of health as well as relevant frameworks of policies that conclude recommendations for enhancing the media's role in catering to the homeless (Australian Bureau of Statistics., 2023).
Context & Background
Essentially, homelessness is a very complex problem that is no longer a national concern rather it is a global issue in this era. Especially, in the continent of Australia, as per the ABS which is Australian Bureau of Statistics (2023) the issue of homelessness is the lack of proper accommodations. This includes a variety of ranges where living situations are below the standards like tough conditions to sleep to very dingy dwellings. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2021, beyond 112,000 people were categorized as homeless in Australia, with significant issues on their mental as well as physical health (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2024a).
Primarily, homelessness is rooted in many structural issues like poverty, escalating income inequality as well as lack of access to housing that is affordable housing (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [UNHCHR], 2024). The experience of homelessness is also highlighted by major social stigma with homeless individuals often characterized as marginalized populations. Furthermore, media also plays an important role in shaping the societal behaviors around this issue which impacts public policy along with resource allocations. Highlighting characters that are stigmatized also showcases the media can extremely exace
ate negative issues for homeless people by reinforcing various stereotypical behaviors while there can be many empathetic aspects that can help evolve the situation as well as drive major policy changes to counter this problem of homelessness (Lyons, G., & Smedley, C., 2021).
Therefore, comprehending the media representations is very important as it impacts the public perceptions as well as responses to this issue of homelessness. The desire to research this topic is to
ing out the nuanced approach needed to address this situation from its roots, especially in Australia. Another aspect is to also understand its deep-reaching effects on well-being and health.
To comprehend how this issue of homelessness is projected in the media, perhaps a very systematic review of peer-reviewed journal articles was conducted. Primary databases taken into consideration includes Google Scholar, PubMed as well as...

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