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Participant Guide Assessment 3 of 3 Portfolio of Evidence – Responding to an emergency E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures Student name:...

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Participant Guide
Assessment 3 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence – Responding to an emergency
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32364/03
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Competency details
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the implementation of planning and response procedures for emergencies. The focus is on implementation of procedures already developed for short-term emergency responses. It assumes that expert advice will be available in identifying potential emergencies and in formulating response plans.
This unit applies to individuals with supervisory responsibilities for managing work health and safety (WHS) in the workplace who contribute to the implementation of procedures for responding to emergencies. These people will work in a range of WHS roles across all industries and who apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements.
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of Evidence – Emergency plan
    1,000 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of Evidence – Responding to an emergency
    1,200 + Evidence requirement
There are three assessments for this unit:
1. online quiz questions
2. develop an emergency plan
3. provide evidence of responding to an emergency
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for each assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].docx
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.docx
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘Assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 3: Responding to an emergency
Assessment description
Provide evidence of responding to an emergency.
You are required to complete this assessment with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Your evidence must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Outline your own roles and responsibilities in regard to responding to emergencies. Detail the initial response that you have taken/would take in response to a specific emergency incident
    Part B
    List five support people that will be needed in the second response phase and explain the role and responsibilities of each
    Part C
    Prepare a report detailing your evaluation of the emergency response
    Part D
    Identify emergency equipment requirements
Incident scenario
An incident has occu
ed resulting in spillage of hazardous material onto the floor in the maintenance workshop at Le Del
ock Hotel. There is an amount of hazardous material finding its way through the floor and into the lower levels. An emergency planning committee must be established to assess the emergency response outcomes. Eyewitness accounts suggest the spillage was not detected for some hours. You are required to address the WHS issues raised.
An emergency planning committee will be formed and be comprised of key personnel, specialist advisers and emergency services. You have a
anged for a meeting to be held in order to develop recommendations.
Issues highlighted during the meeting include:
1. No procedures in place for shutting down critical equipment.
2. Inadequate response time as there was no method of detecting that the spillage had occu
3. Lack of training in spillage containment and clean-up.
4. No designated emergency response team leader.
5. Some personnel did not know what assembly areas to go to.
This scenario will be used for the following activities.
Your evidence must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Your role
Review topic 8.4.2 of the module and outline your own role and responsibilities in regard to responding to emergencies.
Using the incident scenario above, assume that you are the first on the scene.
· What is your role and responsibility in responding to this emergency?
· What procedures should you follow?
Research normal workplace responsibilities associated with this role.
(300 words)
    What is your responsibility and role when responding to this emergency
    What procedures should you follow?
    Detail the initial response you would take for this emergency scenario
Part B – Support personnel
Review topic 8.5.1 of your module and list five support people that will be needed in the second response phase. Explain the role and responsibilities of each stakeholder.
Use the template below for your response.
(100 words)
    Support person
Part C – Monitor and de
Following on from the incident scenario above, you have had an emergency planning committee meeting. The findings and results of the meeting need to be collated and disseminated to Management and other key personnel in the form of a draft report which should contain the identified emergency response deficiencies. In this Part, you are required to write a report (based on the above scenario) to identify the emergency response deficiencies, considering:
A. What are the priority actions that need to be taken to resolve this WHS issue?
B. Who will be responsible for each of the actions that you have identified in question A?
C. What are the timeframes for each of the actions identified in question A?
Complete the template below to compile your report.
(600 words)
    Report and recommendations
    Report fo
(What the report is about)
    Reporting Office
    Date commenced
    Date completed
(Refer to incident scenario points 1-5)
(Refer to Part C points A, B, C)
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Part D – Emergency equipment
For the incident scenario used previously in this assessment, identify what emergency equipment should be on hand to deal with this situation. Write an email to your manager and in the email include the following:
· specifying this equipment and when and how it should be serviced
· where the equipment should be stored or located
· the importance of keeping the equipment clean.
(200 words)
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Answered Same Day Jun 21, 2020 E1066


Tp Academic answered on Jun 26 2020
128 Votes
Participant Guide
Assessment 3 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence – Responding to an emergency
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32364/03
Part A – Your role
    What is your responsibility and role when responding to this emergency
· Ensure the development of an emergency planning unit and plans for an efficient response to the emergency.
· Check out for the groundwater sources as there has been a radioactive spillage and take the necessary actions in case clean up is needed.
· Immediate information needs to be provided to all the employees regarding the spillage.
    What procedures should you follow?
    · The first step would be to detect the type of spill that has occu
ed. In this case, it was the spillage of a radioactive material.
· Having understood that, the local RSO needs to be notified for the assessment and determination of the response needed.
· The next immediate step involves identifying, if any, the persons who have been injured. In case of any injury, the procedures stated under emergency issues should be implemented instantly after the necessary verification.
· In case of contamination of any person, it should be seen that the RSO takes the necessary action to do the needful, like removing the clothing that has been contaminated and go ahead to decontaminate the affected skin parts as per the given guidance.
· It should be ensured that all the essential materials is distributed for the cleaning up of the spill like protective coverings for the eye, body and legs. It should be looked into that the cleaning is concentrated at the centre where the spill has occu
ed so that it is prevented from spreading further.
· The extent of the contamination demands assessment to determine the amount of radiation that the contaminant has emitted.
· The next important step would be that of decontamination to be performed in a planned order and necessarily by the RSO and it should be seen that the necessary equipments are used for the procedure.

    Detail the initial response you would take for this emergency scenario
    · The news about the spill needs to be communicated to everyone instantly.
· Everyone needs to be warned about the spillage and prevent anyone from entering the affected area.
· The affected area needs to be isolated and wandering should be strictly prohibited.
· Measures to control the further spillage and spreading to various areas.
· If possible the ventilation should be stopped immediately as radioactivity could be spread via the system of ventilation.
· The cleaning should be done in such a way so that further spreading of the spill is prevented.
Part B – Support personnel
Review topic 8.5.1 of your module and list five support people that will be needed in the second response phase. Explain the role and responsibilities of each stakeholder.
Use the template below for your response.
(100 words)
    Support person
    Ambulance personnel
    · The occupants of the contaminated area need to be notified about the spill and if necessary the area needs to be evacuated immediately.
· The area needs to be secured and the individuals need to be prohibited from entering the area.
· The contaminated clothing should be removed immediately and should be kept in a plastic bag.
· Immediate action should be taken to remove all sources external contamination as fast as possible.
· The campus security should be informed immediately.
· Further spreading needs to be stopped immediately using appropriate equipments.
· It should be ensured that necessary personal protective gadgets are used as per the need.

    Counseling/support for involved and/or affected personnel
· The counsellors need to see to it that the people do not face the problem of anxiety which is very much expected in a situation like this.
· Relevant information needs to be given to remove the misconceptions to prevent further anxiety and depressions.
· Information must be given to ensure that the affected people are able to help themselves out in case of any future problems and should make them strong mentally.
    Security personnel or police to secure the site or restrict access
    · A planned order of evacuation needs to be chalked out to help the people move out of the contaminated place safely and rapidly.
· The emergency services should be given the required assistance.
· To ensure that the emergency response plans are implemented in the target areas as in this case the floors and the lower levels.
· Ensure that the occupants have evacuated the floor and the lower levels in question.
· Ensure that the co
ect assistance is given to the occupants who require special help.
· Ensure that the co
ect information is communicated to the required places at the right time.

    Environmental protection authority personnel
· Measures should be taken to check the quality of the environment which includes the atmosphere, the water bodies, and various other constituents that make up the environment after the occu
ence of the spillage.
· In case of any negative result, measure should be taken to determine the extent of the effect of the harm so caused, whether it will have a long-term effect or an immediate effect.
· Measures should be taken to determine whether the spillage and its affect over the environment will have any negative impact over human health in that area and life.
    Traffic controllers
    · Immediate warning should be given to all residing in that area about the spill of the hazardous material.
· The area should be immediately isolated.
· An efficient survey regarding the clean-up of the area needs to be conducted. The perimeter of the affected area and the places so isolated needs to be determined.
· Everyone should be prevented from returning to the area unless and until green signal is received from the RSO.
Part C – Monitor and de
Following on from the incident scenario above, you have had an emergency planning committee meeting. The findings and results of the meeting need to be collated and disseminated to Management and other key personnel in the form of a draft report which should contain the identified emergency response deficiencies. In this Part, you are required to write a report (based on the above scenario) to identify the emergency response deficiencies, considering:
A. What are the priority actions that need to be taken to resolve this WHS issue?
The immediate need of the hour is to stay calm and handle the situation efficiently. Measures to safe guard life are absolutely needed to prevent people from going into the hands of te
ible harm. Proper attendance to the contaminated person is the need of the hour and prevention of the...

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