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Part I: Short answer the following questions: The material for this chapter is in two modules.Vitamins A &D and the second Vitamins E &K.Answerthe four questions over all fat soluble vitamins for this...

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Part I:

Short answer the following questions:

The material for this chapter is in two modules.Vitamins A &D and the second Vitamins E &K.Answerthe four questions over all fat soluble vitamins for this week here.

1. Which fat soluble vitamin is produced by bacteria in the large intestine?

2. What is the reason (mechanism or specific cause) for the Anemia seen in a vitamin E deficiency?

3. What mineral does vitamin D control (regulate) in the body?

4. High intake of what can give the skin an orange color?

5. It is possible to develop toxicity symptoms eating excess Beta Carotene. True / False.

6. What is the vitamin A containing molecule that regulates the biochemistry of electrical vision signal transmission to the brain (not found in the powerpoints)?

7. What is the type of anemia associated with an Iron deficiency?

8. Definefluorosis,what are the symptoms?

9. What organ is damaged by a selenium deficiency, as defined byKeshan'sdisease?

10. True or False,oporosis is a classified as a deficiency of calcium.


Short writting:

Fluoride on Long Island.

In the United Statesthere exists no greater number of people in one area than Long Island (Nassau and Suffolk counties) that have voted to remove fluoride from the water supply.

Today, New York state would be over 90% fluoridated if Long Island were fluoridated (currently 73%). Almost every state in the Country is over 90% fluoridated.

NYC is fluoridated, as all all the Burrows.

CDC and fluoride.1999. Pro-fluoride.

EPA fact sheet.1993. neutral to pro fluoride.

Anti-fluorideblog.from 2009.

Anti-fluoride article. from 2007.

Fluoride Action Network.2013, Critical of anti-fluoride group.

After reading the articles Discuss your thoughts on fluoride in Long Island water suppl. Are you for or against fluoridation of water?

One other thought- It is true that even though there is no fluoride in the water supply, Long Island children do not suffer more cavities than do other American children. Can you think of some reasons for this normal rate of tooth decay in the absence of a proven hardener of teeth?

Answered Same Day May 10, 2020


Soumi answered on May 14 2020
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Title: Short questions on Vitamin and Fluoride on Long Island
Part I
    Vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the large intestine. According to Smith et al, it is mainly sourced into the body from green parts of the plants and when they reach to the large intestine in the digestive system, the bacteria act upon them to produce vitamin K.
    Anemia is seen to have caused due to the deficiency of vitamin E in the human body because vitamin E is closely linked to the functions of the endocrine glands secreting the sex hormones and the levels of iron in the body. As mentioned by Suffridge et al, when there is a deficiency of vitamin E in the body, the fe
ic form of iron is changed into the fe
ous form of iron, which is why the functional form of iron is converted into the non-functional one. This is due to the action of the sex hormones secreted by the sex glands that this deficient form of iron is reduced by vitamin E and anemia is occu
ed to the human body.
    Vitamin D controls or regulates the amount of Magnesium in the body. As stated by Kennedy, magnesium is related to reducing the levels of cholesterol in blood, strengthening tooth enamel and bones, which is why it is closely related to vitamin D.
    High intake of beta-carotene can give the skin an orange color. As mentioned by Smith et al., if excessive amount of carotenoids are consumed through daily diet, it might lead to turning the skin to acquire a condition known as carotenosis.
    True. According to Lazzarino et al., excess Beta Carotene can lead to producing excess vitamin A. Vitamin A in large amount in the body can be toxic, therefore, beta carotene being indirectly responsible for the development of the toxic symptoms.
    Rhodopsin is the molecule containing vitamin A that regulates the biochemistry of electrical vision signal transmission to the
ain. As informed by McGarel et al., the rhodopsin is responsible for the dark vision in the dim light, which sends signals to the
ain in the dark.
    Iron deficiency anemia is the type of anemia that is associated with lack of iron in the body. There are seven types of anemia caused due to any deficiency, out of which iron deficiency anemia is the most common one (Lopez et al.).
    Fluorosis is the disease caused due...

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