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Part 2 - Written Exercise Topic: Security, Privacy and Ethics in Data Mining. In this task, you are required to read the journal articles provided below and write a short discussion paper based on the...

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Part 2 - Written Exercise

Topic: Security, Privacy and Ethics in Data Mining.

In this task, you are required to read the journal articles provided below and write a short discussion paper based on the topic of security, privacy and ethics in data mining. You must:

  • identify the major security, privacy and ethical implications in data mining;
  • evaluate how significant these implications are for the business sector; and
  • support your response with appropriate examples and references.

The task is worth 5 marks of the overall marks available for assessment 2. The recommended word length for this posting is 500 to 800 words.

Journal articles:

Abouelmehdi, Beni-Hssane, Khaloufi, & Saadi XXXXXXXXXXBig data security and privacy in healthcare: A Review. Procedia Computer Science, 113, 73-80. XXXXXXXXXX

McDermott, Y XXXXXXXXXXConceptualising the right to data protection in an era of Big Data. Big Data & Society, 4(1), Big Data & Society, 2017, Vol.4(1). XXXXXXXXXX

Answered Same Day Aug 23, 2020 ITC516 Charles Sturt University


Ashish answered on Aug 24 2020
145 Votes
Security in Data Mining
Data mining
Data mining is the important, flexible and scalable technology used nowadays. Data mining is the sorting of data from the large database such as big data. Number of mobile and internet users increasing exponentially, so to keep records large data base is required and when some information is gathered from these large database this is known as the data mining.
Developing a fundamental right to data protection
Data mining protection is also the biggest security concern, because every time hackers keep a close watch to access the data. In 2009 a treaty came into existence in the history of computers on data protection European Union meeting which is known by the name Lisbon Treaty. This data protection right was different from the data privacy. The data protection directives of 1995 were not mention anything about human rights to data protection.
GDPR stands for the Global Data Protection Regulation proposed in terms of rights of which Article number 1 states that “Protects fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their rights to the protection of personal data”
1) Ethical implication in data mining.
Ethical issue is a major concern nowadays. Companies have the information of the customer and it becomes more complicated them to make believe to the customer that the company have enough security...

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