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Part 1: Design Documentation and DatabasesAnalyze the linkages between and among the information technology components and entities, and create an REA data model for the ACME Health Center....

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Part 1: Design Documentation and Databases

Analyze the linkages between and among the information technology components and entities, and create an REA data model for the ACME Health Center. Identify:

  • R: Resources the organization acquires and uses that have economic value to the organization.

  • E: Events (business activities) in which the organization engages about which management wants to collect information.

  • A: Agents, the people and organizations that participate in the events.


  • Draw an E-R diagram to describe the patient invoice and payment process.

  • Describe the details of your diagram with a narrative.

Part 2: Database

Last week, you created some initial tables in your ACME Health Center database. The PatientList table will allow you to track key patient information, and will make adding, deleting, displaying, or changing patient information easy and efficient. This table needs a primary key that will uniquely identify each row in the table. You cannot use a patient’s name as the primary key because some patients may have the same name. Therefore, each record in the table needs a unique patient number to identify each patient.

After the PatientList table is set up, the Form Wizard in Microsoft Access can be used to create a form that enables the user to easily enter new patient information or modify existing patient information. After the Form Wizard creates the form, you may go to the Design view to make modifications. For example, you can right-click on a form text box and change it to a combo box. Then, right-click on the combo box, select Properties, and change the RowSourceType property to Value List. Clicking on the RowSource property allows you to enter a list of values for the combo box.

Another important feature that you can add to your forms or tables is the Validation Rule property, which provides a useful internal control feature. In the Design view for a form, right-clicking on a field and selecting properties reveals the list of options for that field. Under the Data tab, you will see the Validation Rule option.


This week, complete the following tasks:

  1. In your ACME Health Center database, you will use the Form Wizard in Microsoft Access to create forms for your various tables (select the Create tab and then click More Forms).

  1. Create a Patient form using thePatientListtable and the Form Wizard.

  2. Make a form for theProcedureListtable.In the ProcedureList form, modify the Operating Room Type, Device Level, and Anesthesia Level boxes to be combo boxes with integer ranges of 1 to 3, 1 to 4, and 1 to 4, respectively. (See this week’s lecture for instructions.) Use the Validation Rule property to prevent the user from entering invalid values in these boxes.

  3. Create a form for theMedicalDevicestable.

  1. Using the Patient form you created in part 1, enter your details into the database as a patient. Explain what controls and checks would be needed for the Patient form to ensure accurate and reliable data in the database.

  2. The managers of ACME Health Center want to use past data to assign a price to a procedure. Therefore, complete the following tasks using ProcedureList.xls:

  1. Add an additional column for calculating the cost of a procedure using the following formula:

Cost = $200 × OperatingRoomType + $10 × PreOpMinutes + $50 × ProcedureMinutes + $20 × PostOpMinutes + $50 × Number of Nurses +$80 × DeviceLevel + $90 × Anesthesia level

  1. Also, add a markup of 40 percent to the cost of a procedure. In other words, the cost of a procedure would be as follows:

  2. Cost = Cost + Cost × .40

Note: Do not add a column for the cost of a procedure to the ProcedureList table in your database.

Submission Guidelines:

Part 1

  • Your supplemental materials for this week include

  • Create the drawing and narrative in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.

Part 2

  • Save and zip your new Microsoft Access database file and name it

  • Save the updatedProcedureList.xlsworkbook and then save as SU_ACC6311_W2_CP_LastName_FirstInitial.xls.

Answered 2 days After Mar 30, 2023


Dr answered on Apr 02 2023
39 Votes
    ProcedureName    OperatingRoomType    PreOpMinutes    PostOpMinutes    ProcedureMinutes    Number of Nurses    DeviceLevel    Anesthesia level    Cost of a Procedure
    Acromioplasty, Shoulder, Open *    1    40    40    70    1    1    1    $7,168
    Adenoidectomy    1    40    60    40    1    1    1    $5,628
    Angioplasty (Non Cardiac)    3    60    50    60    1    3    4    $8,190
    Appendectomy, Laparoscopic    3    50    40    50    2    3    4    $7,140
    Arthroscopically Assisted Surgery, Knee    3    40    60    40    2    3    4    $6,860
    Automatic Implantable Cardio Defi
illator, Single Chamber (AICD) Insertion    3    40    50    40    2    4    4    $6,692
    Elective, Transvenous    2    40    40    60    2    4    4    $7,532
    Baker’s Cyst Removal    1    40    40    50    1    1    1    $5,768
    Breast Reconstruction    3    60    60    40    1    4    4    $7,182
    Cervical Cerclage, McDonald/Shirodkar    2    50    50    70    2    4    4    $8,652
    Chemonucleolysis, Nucleus Pulposus    2    40    40    30    2    3    3    $5,194
    Chonangiography Percutaneous Transhepatic    2    40    40    40    2    3    3    $5,894
    Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic    2    40    60    60    2    3    3    $7,854
    Chondroplasty, Ankle, Open    3    40    50    50    1    3    3    $7,084
    Cleft Lip Repair    3    60    40    40    1    4    1    $6,244
    CSF Shunt Revision    2    50    40    60    2    2    2    $7,196
    Cystectomy, Ovarian, Simple, Laparoscopic    1    40    30    50    1    1    4    $5,866
    Decompression, Subacromial space, Shoulder    2    60    40    40    2    2    4    $6,188
    Dilation & Curettage and/or Evacuation    3    50    60    70    1    3    1    $8,652
    Discectomy TMJ    2    40    50    60    1    2    3    $7,392
    Ectopic Pregnancy, Laparoscopic    2    40    40    50    1    2    3    $6,412
    Electrophysiology Testing without...

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