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Part -1: Case Study: Corus: Continuous Improvement as a Business Strategy Corus is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, part of the giant Indian conglomerate. Tata Group includes businesses in many industries...

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Part -1:

Case Study: Corus: Continuous Improvement as a Business Strategy

Corus is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, part of the giant Indian conglomerate. Tata Group includes businesses in many industries such as chemicals, automotive, telecommunications, leisure and consumer goods (e.g Tetley Tea). Tata Steel acquired Corus in 2007 as part of a strategy of international expansion.

Continuous Improvement or CI involves making continual small improvements to a process rather than big changes at irregular intervals. This requires close monitoring and control, changes to the uses of manpower, machinery, methods, materials and money to improve business efficiency. Continuous Improvement is often referred to by the Japanese word 'Kaizen', a concept adopted by Corus as part of it continuous improvement process.

This case study focuses on the process of Continuous Improvement (CI) at the CCI steel plate manufacturing mill at Scunthorpe. It will show how Corus is finding new ways of achieving its objectives from existing resources. Analyse the given case study in your own words and answers the given questions;

- What is Continuous Improvement? Who would be involved in this process and what would they be doing to enable improvements? Support your answer with examples from the case.

Describe the type of culture Corus is developing. How will the vision plan help to develop this culture?

- Analyse how achieving its KPIs will help Corus to give its customers satisfaction.

- Evaluate the key benefits of CI in helping Corus to become a more innovative and customer focused organisation.

Concepts used in this case study closely link with theoretical concepts covered in concurrent sessions. Ensure that you have familiarised with key CI concepts and theories while you undertake this case study. As this is a formative exercise, you will have an opportunity to improve your responses based on your assessor's feedback and suggestions.

You may also visit company's website and gather more information on its culture, values and processes to support your answers. Answers should be concise and within the scope of the case situation; contained within 3-4 paragraphs each.

Part -2:

Project: Product Innovation

You and your team will be required to develop an innovative idea on how the lawn mower can be transformed into a more functional and innovative product. Remember that, to be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need.

You team will need to assume the role of a project team employed by a relevant research and/or technology oriented organisation that is looking at ways to revolutionise the current market with innovative products and/or services. Company's approach in this instance can be described as continuous innovation as it is using an existing product for innovation. However, you team has the flexibility to come up with an entirely new product using a new technology or method which could be disruptive (e.g. discarding the use of rotary blades and devising a new technology).

Your tasks will be to develop a project proposal and;

- Define the product and describe its current role/use, mapping the way product has evolved since its first invention/innovation

- Establish a need/reason/justification for innovation

Brainstorm the ideas within the team

Shortlist at least two separate ideas for trial

- Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for each one of them

- Analyse risks and develop strategies to mitigate the risks

- Highlight and discuss any sustainability issues (e.g. impact on the environment, waste)

- Strategies and resources for implementing the new idea(s)

- Key action items/tasks and time frames for implementation

Impact of change and consequences for people within the organisation

- A communication plan for communicating new initiatives within the organisation

- Performance measures for measuring success of the new product

- Testing and trialling process including a pilot run

Part -3:

Case Study: Tata Steel: Ethics and Sustainability

Tata Steel is the second largest steel producer in Europe and has its main steelmaking plants in the UK and Holland. It supplies steel and related services to major industries, such as construction, vehicle production and packaging. The European operations are a subsidiary of Tata Steel Group, one of the world's top ten steel producers. The combined Group has around 80,000 employees.

Business ethics means 'taking the right course'. Acting ethically takes into account all the factors of doing business. These include production, business processes, and the company's behaviour with its customers and the communities in which it operates. Sustainability is about meeting the challenges of ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same kind of lifestyles people enjoy today. The Tata Steel definition of sustainability is 'an enduring and balanced approach to economic activity, environmental responsibility and societal benefit.

This case study shows how Tata Steel upholds its commitment to sustainable and environmental practices as part of its overall aim to act responsibly. It shows commitment and progress towards key targets of sustainability as well as encouraging sustainable decision-making in its customers and within their markets.

Analyse the given case study in your own words and answers the given questions;

- Describe what is meant by 'ethical business practice'

- Explain how sustainable practice can help a business to compete

- Analyse why LCA is a more accurate type of analysis than just looking at the carbon footprint of the 'usephase' of a material

- Evaluate the contribution of Tata Steel to sustainable and ethical business practices

Concepts used in this case study closely link with theoretical concepts covered in concurrent sessions. Ensure that you have familiarised with key sustainability concepts and theories while you undertake this case study. You may also visit company's website and gather more information on its culture and values to support your answers.

Answered 108 days After May 14, 2022


Mahesh answered on Aug 31 2022
71 Votes
Business Strategy
Two Japanese words Kai- change and Zen-for the better together translate as “good change” or “improvement”. Kaizen mean “continuous improvement” through lean methodology and principles. It is a Japanese business philosophy that focus on change for better or continuous improvement. It works efficiently with “PDCA Cycle” i.e. Plan, Do, Check and Action.
Continuous improvement needs to be targeted as an internal foundation in an organization. In cu
ent case of Corus (subsidiary company of Tata Steel), company needs to involve all other departments and divisions including all employees to understand impact of improvements in whatever you have in your mind. Also make sure that your continuous improvements provide flexibility e.g. new project types, new customers, new products and new volumes needs to be considered. We should estimate cost and time savings before implementation of continuous improvements. Finally, it is not something you need to add to your work rather it defines how you work and improve work style and culture.
If management is not taking interest in continuous improvement in the company, then no one will be. We should appreciate even the small improvement, because employees might be hesitant at first to make suggestions. This strategy has no time limit, endpoint and expiration date.
In this case study of Corus, CCI steel plate manufacturing mill at Scunthorpe, should focus on improvements for utilization of available resources e.g. manpower, machine, methods and materials to improve business. Also, to improve productivity through 100% capacity with minimal loss of production through economies of scale. But in all which can be achieved through good practices and not to miss any opportunity to improve productivity.
After continuous improvements and full production capacity utilization, the production cost with good quality will be reduced and which can be passed on to the customers to meet outside competition. When customers are satisfied with low cost and good quality, Corus will become lead supplier in the market and can compete easily.
Project: Product Innovation
Product Innovation is a requirement which drive growth in turn is able to create competitive benefit for the organization. Innovation is an important function because, it will determine good business performance and really important from business survival point of view. Product should be designed to improve based on consumer needs and to provide good quality with minimal cost. Through product innovation, it creates new products in the...

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