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Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA402 Subject Name: Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Assessment Title: Code of Ethics Assessment...

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Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA402 Subject Name: Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Assessment Title: Code of Ethics Assessment Type: Code of Ethics Word Count: XXXXXXXXXXWords (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 30 Submission: Via Turnitin Due Date: Week 9 Your Task You are required to research recent news articles and other information about Ramsay Health Care. Here are a couple of examples of recent news describing some corporate governance issues in the Health Care Industry: improve-healthcare-audit/ and You must then draft a Code of Ethics for Ramsay Health Care. The word limit is 2000 words. Assessment Instructions Your Code of Ethics for Ramsay Health Care must specifically address: A. Discrimination B. Exploitation C. Corruption D. Dishonest and Fraudulent Behavior E. Whistleblower Protections F. Enforcement You will be required to include a minimum of 5 references in your Code of Ethics which must come from academic journals or textbooks. For further guidance here are the links to three example company codes of ethics: 1. Wesfarmers - governance/code-of-conduct---nov-2019.pdf?sfvrsn=142e9aba_16 2. Stockland - 3. Woolworths - Page 2 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information. Page 3 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment Marking Guide Criteria F (Fail) 0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction) 75% - 84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Mark Code of Ethics Discrimination Code of Ethics does not adequately explain or apply the concept of discrimination. Code of Ethics fails to expressly prohibit discrimination. Discrimination is sufficiently explained and applied in the Code of Ethics. Discrimination is expressly prohibited but more information required to clarify the forms of behavior that amount to discrimination. Specific examples of discrimination are included in the Code of Ethics to support accurate application. Express prohibition of discrimination included making it clear that specific examples of behavior provided are in breach. A detailed explanation and application of the concept of discrimination is provided for in the Code of Ethics supported by relevant examples. Such discrimination is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics. Discrimination is comprehensively explained and applied and supported by directly relevant examples. Such discrimination is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics with cross reference made to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section. /4 Code of Ethics Exploitation Little to no discussion of the application of exploitation in the code of ethics. No express prohibition of exploitation in Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics includes adequate application of the concept of exploitation. Express prohibition of exploitation is included but further details are necessary to better illustrate what forms of exploitation will not be tolerated in the organization. Exploitation is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Exploitation is expressly prohibited and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach. Elaborate explanation and application of the concept of exploitation is provided for in the Code of Ethics and supported by helpful examples. Exploitation is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics. Exploitation is thoroughly explained and applied, and supported by multiple relevant examples. The Code of Ethics expressly prohibits exploitation and refers to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section. /4 Code of Ethics Corruption Code of Ethics does not adequately apply the concept of corruption. Code of Ethics fails to expressly prohibit corruption. Corruption is sufficiently explained and applied in the Code of Ethics. Corruption is expressly prohibited but more information required to clarify the forms of behavior that amount to corruption. Specific examples of corruption are included in the Code of Ethics to support accurate explanation and application. Express prohibition of corruption included making it clear that specific examples of behavior provided are in breach. A detailed explanation and application of the concept of corruption is provided for in the Code of Ethics supported by relevant examples specifically including corrupt activity. Such corruption is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics. Corruption is comprehensively explained and applied using directly relevant examples involving corruption. Such corruption is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics with cross reference made to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section. /4 Page 4 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Code of Ethics Dishonest & Fraudulent Behaviour Little to no discussion of the meaning and application of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour. No express prohibition of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour in Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics includes adequate outline of the concept of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour and relevant application. Express prohibition of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is included but further details are necessary to better illustrate what forms of dishonest and fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated in the organization. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is expressly prohibited and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach. Elaborate explanation and application of the concept of dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is provided for in the Code of Ethics and supported by helpful examples specifically including dishonest and fraudulent behavior. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is expressly prohibited by the Code of Ethics. Dishonest and fraudulent behaviour is thoroughly explained and applied, and supported by multiple relevant examples including dishonest and fraudulent behavior. The Code of Ethics expressly prohibits dishonest and fraudulent behaviour and refers to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section. /4 Code of Ethics Whistleblower Protections Code of Ethics does not adequately explain and apply the concept of whistleblower or the need for adequate protections. Code of Ethics fails to expressly provide for whistleblower protections. Whistleblowing is sufficiently explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with consideration of the need for protections. Whistleblower protections are expressly provided for but more protective measures required to encourage whistleblowers to come forward. Specific examples of whistleblowing are included in the Code of Ethics to support accurate explanation and application. Express provision of whistleblower protections included making it clear that specific examples of behavior provided are entitled to protection. A detailed explanation and application of the concept of whistleblowing is provided for in the Code of Ethics supported by relevant examples. Such whistleblowing is expressly protected by the Code of Ethics. Whistleblowing is comprehensively explained and applied and supported by directly relevant examples. Such whistleblowing is expressly protected by the Code of Ethics with cross reference made to potential sanctions in the Enforcement section. /4 Code of Ethics Enforcement Little to no discussion and application of the enforcement and its purpose. No express provision for enforcement in Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics includes adequate outline of the enforcement and application to each area. Express provision for enforcement is included but further structure is necessary to better illustrate sanctions for breach and deter breaching behavior. Enforcement is clearly explained and applied in the Code of Ethics with specific examples included. Enforcement is expressly provided for and a direct reference is made to examples provided as being in breach with corresponding sanctions clearly illustrated. Elaborate explanation and application of the concept
Answered 1 days After Jan 15, 2022


Deblina answered on Jan 17 2022
126 Votes
Code of Ethics for Ramsay Health Care
Table of Contents
Code of Ethics    3
Discrimination    3
Discrimination: Discussion    3
Discrimination: Code of Ethics    4
Exploitation    5
Exploitation: Discussion    5
Exploitation: Code of Ethics    5
uption    6
uption: Discussion    6
uption: Code of Ethics    6
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behavior    7
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behavior: Discussion    7
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behavior: Code of Ethics    7
Whistleblower Protection    8
Whistleblower Protection: Discussion    8
Whistleblower Protection: Code of Ethics    8
Enforcement    8
References    10
Code of Ethics
Code of ethics is guiding principles that are documented and designed to help the professionals in conducting business and their activities. It is a set of principles and expectations that regulates the behavior of the individuals and the operation of an organization. Improving the organizational operation is the objective of designing the codes of conduct in an organization. These guiding principles in an organization help to accomplish its objectives by producing a systematic and disciplined approach for evaluating the risk management, control, and governance processes. Codes of ethics in the organization are applied to the entities as well as the individuals who perform the internal services. It is refe
ed to as the professional responsibilities that discuss difficult issues and difficult decisions that are significant to be considered for implementing the values and vision of the organization. The codes of ethics guide the professionals to fulfill their commitments and obligations by performing their executive function with moral advocates and models (Abdallah et al., 2021). Moreover, the code of ethics in the healthcare organization guides the healthcare executives to act in ways that will enhance the trust confidence, and respect of the healthcare professionals and general public.
The purpose of the code of ethics in Ramsay Health Care is to serve as the standard of conduct for the professionals. It incorporates a set of ethical behavior that governs the individual behaviors associated with the operation of Ramsay Health Care. This conduct guides the fundamental objectives of the healthcare professions to maintain or enhance the overall quality of life, dignity, and well-being of every individual who needs healthcare services. It is created and designed to provide efficient, equitable, accessible, safe, and effective healthcare services in Ramsay Health Care.
Discrimination: Discussion
Discrimination is an unfair and prejudicial treatment of people and groups in an organization based on characteristics such as gender, race, age, or sexual orientation. It is a form of differential treatment that distinguishes an individual or a group from others. The concept of discrimination is a morally wrong aspect and inherently a normative one. Conceptually, it refers to intentionally disadvantaging innocent people nearly because of their group membership or community. The aspect of discrimination violates the obvious principle of justice that people should treat likes alike. For instance, there is a long history of discriminating against people of color or women in the workplace. Discriminating aboriginals of Australia were a common aspect that is effectively noticed (The Canbe
a Times, 2020). Racist remarks and discrimination also burden medical practitioners and health care professionals in the health system. Racism and inadequate reporting have a detrimental effect on the aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander health practitioners and patients. The code of ethics or conduct in a healthcare organization is significant to guide the behavior of the healthcare professionals to treat their colleagues and patients with due respect and dignity. It is significant to address discrimination as an imposition of disadvantages based on misinformed stereotypes.
Discrimination: Code of Ethics
The employees and associated stakeholders in Ramsay Health Care must act responsibly and must abide by the following:
· The employees and the healthcare professionals in the organization must treat each other with respect and dignity.
· The employees in the organization must be addressed according to their designation in the hospital.
· Any forms of distinguishing aspects concerning caste, religion, sex, or sexual orientation are strongly prohibited.
· The indigenous Australian patients must be treated with due respect and must make an effort to understand the cultural variation while treating people from these communities.
· Healthcare professionals must keep in mind the cultural differences while advocating the treatment.

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