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Page | 1 BSBMGT624 Develop and implement corporate social responsibility Learner Workbook Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Candidate Details 2 Assessment – BSBMGT624: Develop and implement...

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Develop and implement corporate social responsibility
Learner Workbook
Table of Contents

Table of Contents    1
Candidate Details    2
Assessment – BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility    2
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor    3
Observation/Demonstration    4
Activities    5
Activity 1A    5
Activity 1B    6
Activity 1C    7
Activity 1D    8
Activity 1E    9
Activity 2A    10
Activity 2B    11
Activity 3A    12
Activity 3B    13
Activity 3C    14
Activity 4A    15
Activity 4B    16
Skills and Knowledge Activity    17
Major Activity    19
Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility.
Name:         _____________________________________________________________
Address:    _____________________________________________________________
Email:        _____________________________________________________________
Employer:    _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Date:        ____________________________________________________________
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Learner 2:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Learner 3:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Competency Record to be completed by Assesso
Learner Name:        _______________________________________________________
Date of Assessment:    _______________________________________________________
The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as:
    Assessor Initials
Learner is deemed:         COMPETENT        NOT YET COMPETENT (Please circle)
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:        ____________________________________
Comments from Trainer / Assessor:
Assessor Signature:        ________________________________________________________
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-jo
A demonstration will require:
Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
Undertaking a simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-jo
The observation will usually require:
Performing a work based skill or task
Interaction with colleagues and/or customers
Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your instructor will ensure you are provided with the co
ect equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
1. Identify context for corporate social responsibility
2. Engage stakeholders in setting objectives and policy
3. Implement corporate social responsibility policy
4. Monitor and evaluate corporate social responsibility
You should also demonstrate the following skills:
· Reading
· Writing
· Oral communication
· Numeracy
· Navigate the world of work
· Interact with others
Get the work done
Activity 1A
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to establish the environment for corporate social responsibility in the enterprise context.
    What is corporate social responsibility?
How can your organisation demonstrate its commitment to sustainability?
Name an issue that is especially important in the context of your organisation and particular enterprise?
Activity 1B
    Estimated Time
    15 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to qualify and quantify the drivers for corporate social responsibility.
    What is a driver? Give three examples.
Many drivers are global issues that no one country, or government can take on itself. These are becoming increasingly more important to tackle. Name five global issues.
Activity 1C
    Estimated Time
    15 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to identify the cu
ent and expected benefits to the enterprise from corporate social responsibility.
    What are the expected benefits to the enterprise from corporate social responsibility?
Activity 1D
    Estimated Time
    20 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to analyse legislation, regulation, standards and enterprise policy that impacts on corporate social responsibility
    What is product stewardship and how can it impact on corporate social responsibility?
What should you think about when analysing your supply chain management?
What are the Anti-Discrimination Acts that help to promote equality?
Activity 1E
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to identify opportunities for, and ba
iers to, socially responsible practices.
    What opportunities do you have to implement socially responsible practices?

How could you reduce your resources?
What possible ba
iers may you be faced with?
Activity 2A
    Estimated Time
    10 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to identify stakeholders relevant to corporate social responsibility.
    What are stakeholders and who are yours?
Activity 2B
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to determine appropriate forms of engagement for different stakeholder groups and engage and consult stakeholders to develop corporate social responsibility objectives and policy.
    What different methods could you use to engage stakeholders?
What are SMART objectives?
What are the general requirements of a policy?
Activity 3A
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to prepare and distribute clear documentation regarding rights and responsibilities for corporate social responsibility.
    Why is it important to think about the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved with your organisation when documenting the rights and responsibilities for corporate social responsibility?
How could you structure policy documentation?
What different channels could you use to distribute documentation to ensure accessibility for all stakeholders?
Activity 3B
    Estimated Time
    20 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to provide for effective learning and coaching and other change management strategies.
    What change management strategies could you employ?
Describe the different types of methods and techniques could you use for improving the performance of staff and helping them to learn new skills (give five examples).
Activity 3C
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to negotiate with relevant stakeholders to integrate corporate social responsibility into relevant systems, procedures and processes.
    Give an example of how you could build social responsibility into systems, procedures and processes?
Activity 4A
    Estimated Time
    15 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to conduct regular reviews of corporate social responsibility integration with relevant persons.
    What different methods could you use to conduct regular reviews?
You will need to analyse the information that you collect to ascertain whether policies and procedures are being followed. You can do this by looking for trends in the data. What are trends? Give examples to demonstrate how trends can be used.
Activity 4B
    Estimated Time
    20 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate corporate social responsibility against organisational goals and expected benefits and identify and recommend improvements to corporate social responsibility policy and practices.
    What is a root cause analysis? Demonstrate how to use one (you may draw a diagram if this helps you).
Skills and Knowledge Activity
    Estimated Time
    80 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
    Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your workbook.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
· Reading
· Writing
· Oral Communication
· Numeracy
· Navigate the world of work
· Interact with others
· Get the work done
· Outline internal and external sources of information relevant to the context for CSR
· Outline the potential business benefits of improved CSR practices
· Outline which areas of CSR are relevant to the context and the organisation's goals and why
· Give examples of socially responsible practices relevant to the enterprise context and industry
· Give examples of typical ba
iers to corporate social responsibility integration and possible solutions
· Explain how to maximise engagement in CSR including strategies or techniques for:
· change management
· consultation
· generating ideas and options
· communicating information
· addressing ba
iers and resolving problems
· Outline the key provisions of legislation, covenants, standards and codes of practice relating to:
· fair trade
· human rights
· corporate governance.
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1. Create a presentation to give to peers or stakeholders that:
· Outlines internal and external sources of information relevant to the context for CSR
· Outlines the potential business benefits of improved CSR practices
· Outlines which areas of CSR are relevant to the context and the organisation's goals and why
· Gives examples of socially responsible practices relevant to the enterprise context and industry
· Gives examples of typical ba
iers to corporate social responsibility integration and possible solutions
· How you can maximise engagement.
1. Outline the key provisions of legislation, covenants, standards and codes of practice relating to one of the following:
· Fair trade
· Human rights
· Corporate governance.
Major Activity                                
    Estimated Time
    2 Hours
    To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
    This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
1. Identify context for corporate social responsibility
1. Engage stakeholders in setting objectives and policy
1. Implement corporate social responsibility policy
1. Monitor and evaluate corporate social responsibility
Create a portfolio of work to give as evidence of the following questions:
1. Identify the context for corporate social responsibility (CSR) including:
· Legislation, regulation, standard and codes of practice
· Organisational objectives, culture and cu
ent policies and practices
· Emerging approaches and best practice in CSR
· Organisational goals, drivers and expected benefits
· Opportunities and ba
· Stakeholders
1. Consult and communicate effectively with relevant stakeholder to develop corporate social responsibility objectives and policy that align to organisational goals, taking into consideration:
· Human rights practices
· Labour practices
· Environmental practices
· Fair trading practices
· Consumer relations practices
· Community involvement and development practices
1. Implement CSR policy including:
· Negotiating with stakeholders to integrate CSR practices into policies and procedures
· Change management and communications strategies
· Defined roles and responsibilities
· Review and evaluate CSR implementation and performance and recommend improvements to policy and practices as appropriate.
1. Review and evaluate CSR implementation and performance and recommend improvements to policy and practices as appropriate.
Answered Same Day Jun 23, 2020 BSBMGT624


Himanshu answered on Jun 26 2020
159 Votes
Page | 1
Develop and implement corporate social responsibility
Learner Workbook
Table of Contents

Table of Contents    1
Candidate Details    2
Assessment – BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility    2
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor    3
Observation/Demonstration    4
Activities    5
Activity 1A    5
Activity 1B    6
Activity 1C    7
Activity 1D    8
Activity 1E    9
Activity 2A    10
Activity 2B    11
Activity 3A    12
Activity 3B    13
Activity 3C    14
Activity 4A    15
Activity 4B    16
Skills and Knowledge Activity    17
Major Activity    19
Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBMGT624: Develop and implement corporate social responsibility.
Name:         _____________________________________________________________
Address:    _____________________________________________________________
Email:        _____________________________________________________________
Employer:    _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Date:        ____________________________________________________________
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Learner 2:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Learner 3:    ____________________________________________________________
Signed:        ____________________________________________________________
Competency Record to be completed by Assesso
Learner Name:        _______________________________________________________
Date of Assessment:    _______________________________________________________
The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as:
    Assessor Initials
Learner is deemed:         COMPETENT        NOT YET COMPETENT (Please circle)
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:        ____________________________________
Comments from Trainer / Assessor:
Assessor Signature:        ________________________________________________________
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-jo
A demonstration will require:
Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
Undertaking a simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-jo
The observation will usually require:
Performing a work based skill or task
Interaction with colleagues and/or customers
Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your instructor will ensure you are provided with the co
ect equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
1. Identify context for corporate social responsibility
2. Engage stakeholders in setting objectives and policy
3. Implement corporate social responsibility policy
4. Monitor and evaluate corporate social responsibility
You should also demonstrate the following skills:
· Reading
· Writing
· Oral communication
· Numeracy
· Navigate the world of work
· Interact with others
Get the work done
Activity 1A
    Estimated Time
    30 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to establish the environment for corporate social responsibility in the enterprise context.
    What is corporate social responsibility?
Corporate social responsibility or corporate sustainability is a corporations’ obligation to look beyond the economic interests of the organisation and perform some activities which promote social well-being to the human ecosystem and the environment. It is a moral obligation of companies to address the challenges faced by the society at large and take initiative in resolving them to some extent. This is done by making a small contribution from their side (either monetary or other efforts) by putting some part of their revenue in activities to make a small difference in the society for upliftment.
How can your organisation demonstrate its commitment to sustainability?
An organisation can demonstrate its commitment to sustainability by ensuring that the objectives which they have set for their corporate social responsibility are met in the most ethical way of conduct. The activities performed to make an impact on the society should be done without any strategic motive of gaining public attention towards their organisation. Instead, the efforts should be transparent to the public at large and economic motives should be kept entirely separate from the social responsibility initiatives.
Also, addressing issues in the society is no small feat. There are always efforts which fail. An organisation can demonstrate its commitment by setting SMART objectives, continually evaluating their efforts and improving on them by following and taking constructive feedback.
Name an issue that is especially important in the context of your organisation and particular enterprise?
Taking the example of Pedigree as an organisation which built its
and around CSR. Pedigree is an organisation selling dog food and they sponsor national adoption drives to support homeless dogs and funding their support and care. This specific issue which they took up as CSR is vary crucial for their existence and speaks a ton about their vision and mission. For a layman, this sends a strong message as to what the company intends to do in future and are they dedicated to pursuing their goals.
Supporting homeless dogs and performing CSR activities around that really was a two-pronged strategy which is appreciable. If a business is developing sustainable solutions which are helping the society at large as well as meeting their objectives in the same spirit, what can be more beautiful to witness.
Activity 1B
    Estimated Time
    15 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to qualify and quantify the drivers for corporate social responsibility.
    What is a driver? Give three examples.
A driver is a response to the inertia which stops organisations from pursuing corporate social responsibility initiatives. This response may emerge out of many factors which drive the organisation towards sustainable business practices. Example of drivers can be:
Public Policy:
The expectations on businesses are rising; governments will be looking for ways to increase the positive contribution of business.
Business Drivers:
CSR considerations are viewed as both costs or benefits.
Internet and free flow of information:
The expanse of internet has resulted in an explosion of information which is shared by the consumers. The power has gone back to the consumers and other stakeholders which decides the fate of the
and nowadays.
Many drivers are global issues that no one country, or government can take on itself. These are becoming increasingly more important to tackle. Name five global issues.
Indeed, some drivers are becoming global issues which one country, or its government can tackle. It would require collective effort by many countries to tackle the problem at large.
The major global issues being faced by the society are:
Workplace harassment – This is a major issue observed globally when it comes to respectable firms like Uber, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Yahoo. A lot of gender issues have cropped up due to which CEO’s had to step down. This does affects business and needs to be catered to in future. Policies need to be designed to prevent these issues at the grassroot levels.
Mental health – The alarming increase in the number of people suffering from mental illnesses has been very troubling for the society at large. A collaborative effort by many countries together is needed to handle such a sensitive issue.
Refugee Crisis – The refugee crisis developed in many countries and across borders need intervention of various countries present near the border or where immigrants are travelling to. Helping these individuals regain their old lifestyles requires looking beyond your nation’s economic biases.
Climate change – Climate change is an emerging issue which is affecting the whole mother earth. There is proof now that the climate change is happening, and the way glaciers are melting paves the way for countries to act together and work upon reducing fossil fuels.
Renewable energy usage – Countries must work together to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and other sources of energy which harm the environment and look towards renewable sources of energy.
Activity 1C
    Estimated Time
    15 Minutes
    To provide you with an opportunity to...

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