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Overview This is your time to contribute to the conversation! While very different from a traditional researched essay, the Hypertext essay still carries many of the same basic components regarding...

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This is your time to contribute to the conversation! While very different from a traditional researched essay, the Hypertext essay still carries many of the same basic components regarding argument, organization, and content. That being said, since we've expanded our project to include digital components (videos, images, hyperlinks, etc.) we can (hopefully) have more fun and be less formal than normally expected! Regarding argument: Remember, you are here to convince an audience of your perspective! This will mean teaming up with some sources while also fending off those that don't agree with let's get into it!


Once you have collected and annotated your sources, the drafting process begins for the actual researched essay. I prefer to think of the writing process at this point as a Bruce Lee fight...strange, but hear me out: You want to be agile and move from offense (making claims supported with evidence and warrants) or defense (counterarguments and rebuttals). No fight is won with just offense or just defense, so you must find a balance between the two, grasshopper!

Format(source entry, font, margins, etc.) should fit within expectations of MLA format.Include also, a digital works c

ited page: wherein you create a bibliography of the links, images, and videos. A list of links does not suffice—you should include information as you wo
uld on a regular works cited page/

Let's say XXXXXXXXXXwords...but (yep, you guessed it) remember that quality is more important that quantity. Points won't be earned just for meeting this arbitrary word "requirement".

Something to consider:Since we have been discussing notions of circulation, genre, and context consider how these components impact your essay. For instance, this essay’s genre is a hybrid: traditional research with linked information and visuals within the body of the essay. What happens to if it you print it? What is gained? What is lost? Why does that matter?


Frankenstein.jpgI like to compare this stage of the writing process to the building of Frankenstein's will be taking all your favorite bits and pieces you've gathered and created so far and sow them together into a coherent essay! It's up to you whether you create man or monster! (And yes, for those keeping track: I've now made a metaphor in which Bruce Lee fights Frankenstein's monster...and I'm okay with that.)
Below I have included two simplified versions ofthe Toulmin Method (as presented by Colorado State University)Links to an external site.

of organizing an essay.*Please note:These components may need to be augmented or added upon to meet the requirements of a specific essay assignment.Always check with the instructor's assignment guidelines before simply following one of these basic models!*

This model is best used in those situations where you know there are direct counterarguments to specific reasons you have presented in your supporting paragraphs. Here, the counterargument/rebuttal immediately follows the paragraph establishing the initial supporting reason.

Btw:Need a refresher onClaim, Evidence, Warrant? Click here!Links to an external site.

Need information onCounterarguments/Rebuttals? Click here!Links to an external site.

  1. Introduction

    1. Hook

    2. Context

    3. Thesis

  2. Supporting Paragraph #1

    1. Claim

    2. Evidence

    3. Warrant

  3. Counterargument/Rebuttal for Reason in Supporting Paragraph #1

    1. CounterargumentClaim

    2. Counterargument Evidence

    3. RebuttalClaim

    4. Rebuttal Evidence

    5. Rebuttal Warrant

  4. Supporting Paragraph #2

    1. Claim

    2. Evidence

    3. Warrant

  5. Counterargument/Rebuttal for Reason in Supporting Paragraph #2

    1. CounterargumentClaim

    2. Counterargument Evidence

    3. RebuttalClaim

    4. Rebuttal Evidence

    5. Rebuttal Warrant

  6. Supporting Paragraph #3

    1. Claim

    2. Evidence

    3. Warrant

  7. Conclusion

    1. So What?

    2. Propose course of action

    3. Point to broader implications

*A set number of paragraphs have been included here, however there is not maximum number of supporting paragraphs or counterargument/rebuttal paragraphs--base this decision on what isneededto effectively support your argument.**

"Wait, what about my digital content?!"So glad you asked. This digital component should not be an afterthought but a consideration attended to during the entire process. It should be included to help extend your conversation/argument in some way in addition to fitting into the scholarly conversation you develop using your sources. Do not simply add links, images, and videos for shock value or arbitrarily; be sure each inclusion has a clear purpose and connection to the essay as a whole.

Some thoughts:Part of the purpose of this essay is for you to experiment with your own writing voice as you find your place within the conversation of the sources you incorporated—you are also an authority on this subject because you are the researcher.Consider the following questions as you draft this essay (as well as questions of your own): 1) What do I want to argue? 2) How does my research support my argument? 3) How do my links/images/videos add to my argument? 4) Did I group my sources my content? 5) What is the “so what?” of my essay? 6) Who is my audience? Why?

Answered 6 days After Jun 14, 2023


Deblina answered on Jun 21 2023
34 Votes

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