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Overview Length or Duration Worth Due Consult a mentor teacher on their role as an administrator and leader and create...

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Consult a mentor teacher on their role as an administrator and leader and create a presentation.

5 minutes


March 8 at 11:59pm

Key Assessment Information


The purpose of this assessment task is to
Consult a mentor teacher on their role as an administrator and leader.

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

LO1:Reflect upon and discuss the image of the teacher as administrator and leader

Debate how administrators and leaders utilise advocacy and activism to influence the role and actions of administration;

Assessment Structure

Assessment Structure

In this assessment you will:

  1. Find a mentor/early childhood educator in a leadership position. This could be a Room Leader, Director,2IC, Centre Manager, Area Manager, Early Childhood Teacher or even your own lecturer/Unit Convenor here in ECE6014.

  2. Prepare the questions you will ask. Please note the questions on this page are simply a guide. You are encouraged to change them. A minimum of 6 questions is needed.

  3. Have a reflection conversation with your mentor. Record details/take notes and find connections from the readings and sources within the unit. A minimum of two references and connections are needed.

  4. Create your presentation to include the position of the person you interviewed, what you've learnt, and how it connects to your future practice. Use the reflection questions as guide to ensure you meet the criteria in the rubric.

  5. Create a 5 minute presentation. The presentation must include your own voice as part of the audio content. It is to be a visual presentation. This could be a PowerPoint that you speak over.

  6. Submit your presentation, transcript and reference list (two resources from the unit must be included) to the Assessment 1 Dropbox.


    To get started on your assessment task, please follow the instructions below;

    Part A: Conversationwith mentor

      1. You might like to consider the following questions to ask your mentor
        (Please note these questions are only ideas and are not the questions you have to use)

        1. What is your image of the teacher?

        2. How do you see your role as an administrator in an early childhood setting?

        3. How do you support your community

        4. What are all the jobs that you do as being an early childhood teacher?

        5. What are the most important, priority areas for you?

        6. How much time do you spend on these different areas/various tasks?

        7. How do you
          your time?

        8. How does the teacher make time to advocate for yourself (to achieve your personal philosophy, or simply to cope

    Part B: Presentation

      1. Prepare a 5 minute presentation that contains:

        1. The position of the person you interviewed

        2. The main points you’ve taken

          away from the reflection conversation with your mentor.

        3. The main points that you have reflected on in terms of what you have learnt.
          This can include:
          What was something you agreed with? What was something you disagreed with? What was something that surprised you? What was something that really stood out that will inspire or influence your future practices within the early childhood industry?

        4. An explanation of how this conversation helped you to formulate your vision for your work and future practice. This must be linked to two readings/materials embedded within the unit. These must be referenced as per the APA referencing style. Here is a guide to support you further:

      2. Upload your Presentation or a link to your presentation to Assessment 1 Dropbox

    Conversation with your mentor

    Please go through the following resources and activities to help you prepare for conversations with your mentors, giving and receiving constructive feedback.

    creating a constructive conversation

    In many professions, you will be required to receive or give feedback on an element of work. This is particularly so for what can broadlybedescribed as thefield of Human Services. Meaning people whose work entails service to other human beings. As human beings, we are all really varied and so it can be challenging to navigate our work. A mentor is someone with more experience than youandoften in a management or supervisor position. In an employment situation, this person may assist you with, among other things,professional and career development.However, they are also a person who can ‘sound’ things out with and develop different approaches to the work you are undertaking.

    One of the most valuable contributions anyone can make to another person’s learning is constructive comment. Whether as a student or as a teacher each one of us has the capacity to provide useful information to other people that will help them to learn more effectively."

    — David Boud

    In this instance, your mentor’s role is to give you feedback on your curriculum/program.

    In this conversation, it is important that you take the lead. You have reflected on your teaching soyou have a well-developed sense of how the program went and your understanding of yourself as the educator.

    designing questions for your Mentor

    Develop your reflections from what you have learned from this unit and assessments into questions for your mentor. Make your questions targeted to get the feedback you are most interested in knowing.

    Watch this short video on some tips for asking for feedback:

    You can include anopen-endedquestion such as, “Did you notice anything else that you think it might be important for me to think about in relation to the curriculum/program?”

    Remember feedback can be difficult to hear at times. Thisopen-endedquestion can result in a negative comment. On the plus side, it is also an opportunity for your mentor to tell you something they noticed that might be very positive.

    Consider sending your questions to your mentor in advance so they have some time to reflect on them.Make sure you have let them know that you want to video or audio record the conversation.

    Assessment Criteria

    The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

    1. Powerpoint Slide key components 50%

    2. Content within the presentation 30%
    3. Layout of the presentation 20%

    Access the Assessment 1 Rubric for the full marking criteria on your Presentation.

    Submission Instructions

    Please submit your completed assessment electronically via the Assessment 1 Dropbox.

    Answered 1 days After Feb 28, 2025


    Shubham answered on Mar 01 2025
    3 Votes
    Part A: Conversation with Mento
    Mentor’s Position: Alexander, Early Childhood Centre Directo
    Questions and Responses:
    1. What is your image of the teacher?
    My mentor views teachers as facilitators of learning for creating engaging environments where children can explore and develop holistically. This includes focusing on importance of being responsive, reflective and intentional in teaching practices. Teachers are seen as guides rather than mere instructors for supporting cognitive, social, emotional and physical growth of children. According to my mentor, an effective teacher ensures curiosity and provides opportunities for hands-on learning. They also believe that teachers should continuously reflect on their practices to adapt to the needs of diverse learners.
    2. How do you see your role as an administrator in an early childhood setting?
    The mentor explained that an administrator must balance leadership, cu
    iculum oversight, staff development and parent engagement. They can see themselves as guide who supports teachers while ensuring that goals of centre align with best practices in early childhood education. Administrators plays important role in ensuring positive work environment where teachers feel empowered to experiment with different teaching strategies. They are responsible for making data-driven decisions that enhance learning outcomes and ensure compliance with regulations.
    3. How do you support your community?
    The mentor engages with families through regular communication, workshops and community events. They also collaborate with local organizations to provide resources and create a strong support system for children and families. This requires establishing partnerships with li
    aries, museums and social service agencies. They help
    oaden the educational experiences available to children. They include inclusive practices that support children from diverse backgrounds. It ensures that families feel valued and connected to the educational process.
    4. What are all the jobs that you do as an early childhood teacher?
    Beyond teaching, mentor manages cu
    iculum planning, documentation, staff mentoring, compliance with regulations, parent meetings and addressing individual child needs. They highlighted importance of teamwork in handling responsibilities effectively (Sims & Waniganayake, 2024). An early childhood teacher must also conduct assessments to...

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