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LITERATURE REVIEW TEMPLATE NOTE: Please Use (Grammar Check) Link in Left Side Bar Interact to check the Grammar of Your Final Report Before Submitting it Your Literature Review Assignment should have...

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NOTE: Please Use (Grammar Check) Link in Left Side Bar Interact to check the Grammar of Your Final Report Before Submitting it
Your Literature Review Assignment should have the following sections:
Abstract: (altogether ~250 words)
Give a
ief overview of the aims, methods and expected findings of your work, and your contribution in this project. Write each of these points as small paragraph.
1. Introduction: (altogether 500~600 words)
Give a definition of the topic you are researching (a description, an argument or a proposal)
· Tell your reader which area of the related literature you are going to research (what is interesting here: for example, you are researching the literature on tertiary students)
· Tell your reader which area of the related literature you are NOT going to research (i.e. ‘students’ does not mean primary and secondary students – you are not researching the literature on those)
· State the general findings (what do most sources conclude).
2. Literature Review: (~ XXXXXXXXXXwords = (600~700 all Literature + 700~800 State of Art (First Best Solution))
Describe the field of research and show your reader how you will organise your research (in sections with headings)
2.1 Write your reviews, using the following guide: Describe the research + evaluate the contribution the work makes to the field + limitations of the research + How is it valuable for your project
Clarification of (2.1):
For each author_ you need to write a paragraph that has the following 4 steps:
(1) What he has done (what is the fundamental step of his work), How he has done this fundamental step (Which algorithm/technique/method that the author used to achieve this fundamental step), What is the result the author got using this algorithm/technique/method; Describe the research.
(2) What is the important thing of what he has done, and JUSTIFY why it is important (Show how much the author improved compared with cu
ent solution; evaluate the contribution the work makes to the field.
(3) What is the limitations of what he has done , and why this work has got this limitations (JUSTIFY); limitations of the research.
(4) Then you need to assess this work how it will be useful in your project to improve ; How is it valuable for your project
Sample review (look at the colours – they match the descriptions above):
Gu et al XXXXXXXXXXinvestigated the impact of noise on the clarity of pictures in facial recognition procedures. They offer a solution to the problem by combining two algorithms, leading to 78% clarity. Whilst this is an improvement over the cu
ent solution of 72%, the noise level is still unacceptably high. It would, therefore, seem that the combination of algorithms does not offer further possibilities for improvement. Linking word
Further algorithm-based research …
2.2 Describe the first cu
ent best selected solution ; discuss the most important features; justify why you
think it is good and what the contribution is to the field of research.
                Draw the diagram (Model) of it to simulate it
Discuss the limitations; justify why you think these are limitations and how this fits into your own research.
3. Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Summarise the key findings from the literature review (positive); restate the limitations; based
on these limitations, justify your research proposal.
4. References
NOTE: Use (Grammar Check) link in left side bar of interact for your final work before you meet one of the Study Support Team and also before submitting your work.

cloud computing with AES encryption for Health secto
computing with AES encryption for Health secto
Table of contents
1) Journal 1
2) Journal 2
3) Journal3
4) Journal 4
5) Journal 5
6) Journal 6
7) Journal 7
8) Journal 8
9) Journal 9
10) Journal 10
11) Journal 11
12) Journal12
13) Journal 13
14) Journal 14
15) Journal15
16) Journal 16
17) Journal 17
18) Journal 18
19) Journal 19
20) Journal 20
    Version 1.0 _ Week 1 (5 Journal Papers from CSU Li
    Reference in APA format that will be in 'Reference List'
    Babitha,M.P. & Babu Ramesh, K.R XXXXXXXXXXSecure cloud storage using AES encryption
    Citation that will be in the content
    URL of the Reference
    Level of Journal (Q1, Q2, …Qn)
    Keywords in this Reference
    Cloud Computing
AES Encryption
Data security
    The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ... etc )
    The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
    What are the components of it?
    Technique/Algorithm name:
Secure cloud storage using AES encryption
Advanced Encryption standard
Applied Area:
    Problem: due to the multiple users and multiple user, data accessibility and privacy is very crucial. So there is a need to cloud data before encrypted.
Goal: data is secured by encryption. The advanced encryption standard performed both encryption and decryption process. The main goal is to make data secure and scalable while patient centric.
Cloud serve
Personal Health Records
Personal Doctor, Family, Friends
Emergency department
    The Process (Mechanism) of this Work; The process steps of the Technique/system
    Process Steps
    Advantage (Purpose of this step)
    Disadvantage (Limitation/Challenge)
    Initially attribute is selected by owner and then provide access right in public domain. File encrypted with AES and ABS and data stored on cloud server. User request data from cloud server. After that access key is provide to emergency department by owner.
    Data encrypted: specific data of a patient share with doctor but others are not able to see information
    Security issue: the uploaded data in the cloud can be modified and tempered.
    AES is more suitable in encryption. ABS is more expensive. So data encrypted with AES 128 key and again data decrypted with AES 128.
    Improved Processing time.
    The encrypted data and encrypted data key both are stored on cloud server.
    Improved performance.
    Data of patient records stored on cloud server by using AES technique. Data is more secure and privte.
    Secured privacy
    Validation Criteria (Measurement Criteria)
    Dependent Variable
    Independent Variable
    Access keys
    Delegates Keys
     Encrypted data using AES
    Processing time
    Input and Output
    Critical Thinking: Feature of this work, and Why (Justify)
    Critical Thinking: Limitations of the research cu
ent solution, and Why (Justify)
        Input (Data)
    Output (View)
    AES encrypted data
     It have Data Privacy and security of Electronic health records(EHR) on cloud server.
    Data hacking is the main limitation of this research.
    (Describe the research/cu
ent solution)
    Evaluation Criteria
    How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
    There are several cryptographic algorithm are used for encryption of data. The privacy of data is secured by using AES. These algorithms are symmetric and asymmetric.
    AES technique
    This solution is more useful in Health sector. Data privacy and security on cloud by using AES. Cloud computing is used for control, manage and access data.
    Reference in APA format that will be in 'Reference List'
    Bouchti, A.E., Bahsani,S. & Nahhal,T XXXXXXXXXXEncryption as a service for data healthcare cloud security.  2016 Fifth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT)
    Citation that will be in the content
    URL of the Reference
    Level of Journal (Q1, Q2, …Qn)
    Keywords in this Reference
    Data healthcare cloud security services
Encryption algorithm
    The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ... etc )
    The Goal (Objective) of this Solution & What is the Problem that need to be solved
    What are the components of it?
    Technique/Algorithm name:
Encryption as a service for data healthcare cloud security
Attributes based encryption
Applied Area:
Health secto
    Problem: the main problem is privacy. Patients do not want to share data to any other accepts doctor.
Goal: the main goal is data privacy and security. The heath information of patient is stored on cloud.
Personal domain
Public domain
Cloud serve
Emergency staff
Public health records
Emergency department
    The Process (Mechanism) of this Work; The process steps of the Technique/system
    Process Steps
    Advantage (Purpose of this step)
    Disadvantage (Limitation/Challenge)
    Initially attributes are selected by PHR owner. Access key is provided the user by owner then file are encrypted with AES and after that data store on cloud server. Then data is access by user from cloud server. For future purpose, the access key is assigned to emergency department by PHR owner.
    Improved performance
    Security issue
    AES(Advance Encryption standarad) is algorithm to encrypted and decrypt information. In encryption process, the number of rounds are:
For AES128 is 10
ForAES192 is 12
For AES256 is 14
    Improved privacy
    Lengthy process
    The functions are executed by major loop of AES. The function of AES:
After repeated transformation rounds, it makes data secure on cloud.
    Technical issues
    Validation Criteria (Measurement Criteria)
    Dependent Variable
    Independent Variable
    Access keys
    Data request from cloud
    Data access from cloud
    Input and Output
    Critical Thinking: Feature of this work, and Why (Justify)
    Critical Thinking: Limitations of the research cu
ent solution, and Why (Justify)
        Input (Data)
    Output (View)
    Encrypted data
    It provides security and privacy to data and stored on cloud by AES technique in health sector.
    Data security and data privacy
    (Describe the research/cu
ent solution)
    Evaluation Criteria
    How this research/cu
ent solution is valuable for your project
Here data is encrypted by cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are symmetric or asymmetric. AES and DES are symmetric. Performances of these algorithms are different.
     Attribute based Encryption
Advanced Encryption standard
    This research provides privacy and security to the data in heath sector. Technique may be different but data stored and accessed from cloud.
    Reference in APA format that will be in 'Reference List'
    Josephius Arunkumar,R. & Anbuselvi, R XXXXXXXXXXEahancement of cloud computing security in healthcare sector. IJCSMC, Vol. 6, Issue. 8, August 2017, pg.23 – 31
    Citation that will be in the content
    URL of the Reference
    Level of Journal (Q1, Q2, …An)
    Keywords in this Reference
https: XXXXXXXXXXpdf
    Electronic Health record
Cloud environment
    The Name of the Cu
ent Solution (Technique/ Method/ Scheme/ Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ... etc )
    The Goal (Objective) of this Solution &What is the Problem that need to be solved
    What are the components of it?
    Technique/Algorithm name: Eahancement of cloud computing security in healthcare secto
Tools: AES
Applied Area:
Patients Health
    Problem: the problem of data privacy and data security. Now data is centralised due to
Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Amit answered on Aug 31 2020
149 Votes
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Comparing and contrasting journals from “Data Security in Hy
id Cloud Using Encryption with AES for the health sector” area
Your Name:
Your Email:
College name, University name, Country name
1.    Journal 1    3
2.    Journal 2    3
3.    Journal 3    4
4.    Journal 4    5
5.    Journal 5    5
6.    Journal 6    6
7.    Journal 7    7
8.    Journal 8    8
9.    Journal 9    9
10.    Journal 10    10
11.    Journal 11    11
12.    Journal 12    11
1. Journal 1
Reference: Babitha,M.P. & Babu Ramesh, K.R.(2016). Secure cloud storage using AES encryption
URL: https:
Problem statement: Using AES encryption to secure the stored data on cloud is main problem statement. Due to the multiple users and multiple user, data accessibility and privacy is very crucial. So there is a need to cloud data before encrypted
Proposed system methodology: implementation of AES for medical data security.
Contribution conclusion: data is secured by encryption. The advanced encryption standard performed both encryption and decryption process. The main goal is to make data secure and scalable while patient centric.
Addressed issues: Cloud Computing, AES Encryption, and Data security.
Challenges and paper findings: AES is more suitable in encryption. ABS is more expensive. So data encrypted with AES 128 key and again data decrypted with AES 128. So, encryption and decryption with 128 key is main challenge and finding of this paper.
Components of paper: X-Ray, data hacking, and AES techniques.
2. Journal 2
Reference: Bouchti, A.E., Bahsani,S. & Nahhal,T.(2016). Encryption as a service for data healthcare cloud security. 2016 Fifth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT)
URL: https:
Problem statement: The main problem is privacy. Patients do not want to share data to any other accepts doctor.
Proposed system methodology: Encryption as a service for data healthcare cloud security
Contribution conclusion: Data is encrypted by cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are symmetric or asymmetric. AES and DES are symmetric. Performances of these algorithms are different.
Addressed issues: Data security and data privacy
Challenges and paper findings: This research provides privacy and security to the data in heath sector. Technique may be different but data stored and accessed from cloud.
Components of paper: DNA, Encrypted data.
3. Journal 3
Reference: Josephius Arunkumar,R. & Anbuselvi, R.(2017). Eahancement of cloud computing security in healthcare sector. IJCSMC, Vol. 6, Issue. 8, August 2017, pg.23 – 31
URL: https:
Problem statement: The problem of data privacy and data security. Now data is centralised due to cloud computing technology.
Proposed system methodology: Enhancement of cloud computing security in healthcare sector.
Contribution conclusion: Cloud computing architecture divided into two sections: back end and front end. Client application and computer comprises in front end. Server and data storage at back end. Network computer communicates each other through middleware and protocols.
Addressed issues: The key facility of cloud computing provides the security to data. Three main points are covered by data security’s goal: Integrity, availability and confidentially.
Challenges and paper findings: Cloud service models include platform as a service, software as a service and infrastructure as a service. There is no need of direct communication for health records’ transfers.
Components of paper: CTScan, 3D model.
4. Journal 4
Reference: Luxton, D. D., Kayl, R. A., & Mishkind, M. C. (2012). mHealth data security: The need for HIPAA-compliant standardization. Telemedicine and e-Health, 18(4), 284-288.
URL: https:
Problem statement: The use of wireless devices can cause data privacy issues. The implementation of HIPPA with cloud can solve this issue.
Proposed system methodology: mHealth data security: The need for HIPAA-compliant standardization. Telemedicine and e-Health.
Contribution conclusion: Cloud computing architecture can be used on wireless mobile devices for accessing the health care records. The cloud services can be used for storing and accessing the records. Network mobile device communicates each other through middleware and protocols.
Addressed issues: The implementation of HIPPA provides additional security...

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