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Project title: cloud based customer relationship management Minimum 30 references Chapter-3 Related academic and commercial research 3.1.1 case study 1 (case study should be industrial based like sap,...

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Project title: cloud based customer relationship management
Minimum 30 references
Chapter-3 Related academic and commercial research
3.1.1 case study 1 (case study should be industrial based like sap, google, amazon case study of customer relationship management) ( consult this site for case study.
3.1.2 conclusion
3.1.3 Finding
3.1.4 summary
3.2.1 case study 2
3.2.2 conclusion
3.2.3 finding
3.2.4 summary
3.3.1 case study 3
3.3.2 conclusion
3.3.3 finding
3.3.4 summary
3.4 Theories
3.4.1 justification
3.5 framework
3.5.1 justification
Chapter-4 Research methodology    17
4.1 Project Methodology    17
(for this project we have used agile and scrum methodologies)
4.1.1 Comparison with other methodologies    18
4.2 Research design    18
4.2.2 Data collection method    18
4.2.3 research approach    19
Chapter-5 Discussion of Project    20
5.1 Discussion of project    20
5.3 Testing and strategies    23
5.3.1 testing strategies    23
5.3.2 Testing types    23
Chapter-6 Findings. Limitation and Recommendation    24
6.1 findings    24
6.2 Limitations    24
6.3 Recommendations    24
7.Conclusion    26

ES Project Brief for Belfield Service Centre
    Name & Title
    Super Use
    Project Manage
Version Control
    Key Updates
    Version 0.1
    Initial draft
Project Definition
Belfield Service Centre
4 Carter St, Belfield NSW 2191, Australia
Belfield Service Centre (BSC), can take that classic old car and have it looking as good as it did the day it rolled off the lot. From the exterior to the engine, transmission and chassis, from major servicing to replacing a simple part, it does it all. The company policy is to provide outstanding service to customers. However, due to its growing customer base the company would like to build a Client/Service Management System.
Project Objective
This Project aims to capture BSC’s business requirements in order to build a cloud based Client/Service Management System. The solution must serve as a single source of truth for effectively managing the Client Information & service schedules with reporting capabilities.
Desired Outcomes
· Understand the BSC’s business requirement and document the processes to implement proposed Client Management Solution in Cloud.
· The new system must be scalable and easily adaptable to changing requirements.
· The Client/Service Management system developed is easy to use in maintaining & managing Client details, Service Management, Service Schedules, Bookings & Loyalty details based on the repeat profile of the customers.
· There should be integration from the Client Management system to capture details about the customer from social media channels with consent for marketing campaigns.
· Customers must be able to book servicing through the online portal.
· The booking information captured through the online channels must sync with the calendar scheduling.
· Fast easy to use cloud powered business analytic services or alternative reporting.
Project Scope
1. Design of the system should be Secure, durable & scalable with an object storage platform
2. Project documentation for the system process requirements
3. The information system should be able to perform the below functions:
· Client Management
· Service Management
· Integration through custom APIs for social channels
· Track Service booking schedules
· Campaigns
· Analytics & Reporting
4. Information management & reporting for managing the below functions
Client Management
· Client Profile, Manage Contact Details, Service Profile
Service Management
· Service Job records, Fleet Management
· Manage Bookings, Service Scheduling
· Create Integration with the online channels for Customers to make service bookings online
· Multidimensional Reporting capability on all data entities
· Reporting and dashboards analytics
Constraints and Assumptions
· Alternative workable solution needs to be provided if any deviation from any of the points of the desired outcomes
· Performance tuning of the system needs to be performed in the wa
anty period
· Penetration and or security recommendations will be provided at the end of the project
Project Tolerances
Key Users
· Admin/Management Use
· Service Manage
· Service Users
· Integrate with Social Media channels through public APIs to source client details (Subject to consent from the client) for marketing campaigns.
Project Structure
· Project team should determine the structure and internal roles according to Methodology chosen.

Project Write-Up
ITECH7415-Masters Project
(Percentage: 45%, Due Date: Week 13/14)
The Project Write-Up is the conclusion of the project’s work. The objective of this document is to provide comprehensive and detailed information regarding the work undertaken by the project team, and should include a description of the product(s) created as solution(s) to the project problem.  Students should determine the structure of the Write-up, whilst incorporating the recommended content.
The recommended length of the report is 10,000 words.
The most important criteria is that the project has been well documented in the Write-Up. Particularly, academic aspects such as an elaborate literature review and description of adopted methodologies/approach must be emphasised. Products developed can be included as Appendices.
The report should include ALL aspects of the project and ALL students in a group are expected to take an active role in writing-up.
Submission and Marking Guidelines
· The Project Write-Up should be written following the university guidelines for writing. (A link to this is included in the Footer)
· The Project Write-Up should be submitted via Turnitin by one member of the team.
· The Project Write-Up should be included in each student’s Mahara ePortfolio page
· Alongside the Project Write-Up, each student should include in the portfolio page, a 10-15 minute video reflection documenting his/her participation project.
· Please note that this is an important part of this assessment task. It is the student’s responsibility to convince assessors of his/her contribution to the project. Reflections should include:
· Justification of contributions as per skillsets and time allocated to projects.
· Description of the largest 3 contributions. Evidence should be included in the video.
· Unique things you did/learned. Story of your contributions..
· Ideas to improve the course – what you liked the most and least
· If your reflection does not reveal much understanding, clarity, and contribution to the Project’s products and process, you will be awarded less than 100% of the team’s mark as below:
Student demonstrates a high level of understanding, clarity, engagement, and contribution - 100%
Student demonstrates high level of understanding, but insufficient engagement and contribution – 75%
Student demonstrates low understanding and low engagement/contribution – 50%
Student demonstrates no understanding and little or no contribution – 0%
    Group Name:
Student 1 Name/ID: XXXXXXXXXXStudent 2 Name/ID:

Student 3 Name ID: XXXXXXXXXXStudent 4 Name/ID:
    Allocated Marks
    Awarded Marks
    Overall Presentation and Quality of the Document
Is the report well written, with good grammar, sentence, and paragraph construction?
FedUni presentation guidelines (link in Footnote) must be adhered.
    Problem Statement
Is the project problem clearly explained? Are the relevant stakeholders co
ectly identified?
Are user stories specified with acceptance criteria included?
    Project Objectives
Is the aim of the project clearly stated to align with a solution to the project problem?
    Related Academic and Commercial Research
Is a structured review of relevant literature presented?
What conclusions are drawn from the review of relevant literature?
How does the literature inform the proposed product as solution to the project problem?
What relevant theories, perspectives, or frameworks has been adopted to address the project problem? Is justification provided for the selected theory/framework?
    Project Approach
Explanation of project approach, its application in the project, and specific tasks undertaken in development of the product.
    Discussion of Product(s)
Comprehensive description/demonstration of the product developed
Results and findings from product testing/evaluation as per acceptance criteria
    Summary, Limitations, and Recommendation
What are the applications of the product?
What are the limitations of the product?
How might the product be improved?
Are references relevant?
Are they co
ectly cited and listed?
Comments & Feedback :
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
School of Science, Engineering
and Information Technology
School of Science, Engineering
and Information Technology
School of Science, Engineering
and Information Technology
School of Science, Engineering
and Information Technology
Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2021 ITECH7415


Shikha answered on Jun 09 2021
137 Votes
Student Name
Student ID        2
Cloud-based Customer Relationship Management
Submitted By
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the idea that depends on the way of utilizing the combination of customers with the marketing factors in order to develop customer relationships. The significance of consumer loyalty can't be denied as it has been seen that happy customers are like making free advertising for the coming products. It is contended that safeguarding existing clients is simpler than finding new ones. Consequently, associations are setting systems to guarantee the existing customer retention and evolving their workers to be more customer-oriented. The organization's objective has become satisfying customers as well as competing in the market with existing competitors. These days, the association's point isn't just to fulfill the clients, yet additionally to contend in the Hence, we can define customer satisfaction as the degree of satisfying customers by fulfilling their needs, wishes, and desires during the new product or service period, with the approach of re-buying and client dependability. Consumer loyalty is frequently seen as a central determinant of client maintenance (Hassan & Nashwan, 2017).
The main objective of the organization is to keep up client dependability and to focus on client driven methodology in their organizational as well as marketing strategies. The aim of this paper is to analyze some factors that assume to play a significant role in the framing of client behavior toward the
and or the association (Zamil, 2011). In this report, we are focusing on three case studies of implementing CRMs. This research will be based on the methodology adopted by these industries for implementing CRM.
Problem Statement
As customers are accessing lots of products' data as well as their distribution in order to select the required product, it may be a reason for lack of customers' reliability toward the company. Thusly, by establishing an effective relationship with customers and saving this relationship can be the best idea in being perpetual and productive companies. Investing in customers relationship management ie CRM is the main motive for the companies in order to have better competitive advantage in the market. But this process can be of high risk. To be sure, the impact of customer relationship management in various areas particularly in administration measurement is inescapable and can't be overlooked due to its high risks in its adoption. The researchers infe
ed that of the fundamental reason of the failure of CRM is the lack of proper planning and measures to assess relationship with customers. Hence, proper planning is required for successful implementation of the CRM as it can mitigate various risks (Ghazian & Hossaini, 2016).
The importance of customer relationship management is known to only few companies. But few of them can't maintain their long-term relationship with customers. Numerous departments and the organization staff handle customers like any sales or marketing function and respect the individual client information as the signal to loss of power and their inability to make their customer fully satisfied. As the organizations endeavour to re-a
ange themselves around clients, the company staff should grapple with changing cultural differences, organizational structures and how their presentation is estimated and compensated. The reception of client a
anged procedures requires an authoritative culture that is versatile and receptive to change and the communication quality inside and association is a significant part of any change activity. Inability to effectively impart a change activity and its suggestion for representatives can prompt the project failure (Bashir, 2017).
Research Purpose
The research on Customer relationship management is significant for any business undertaking since it is the critical and important step for the success of the business as it enhances the decision-making process. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the importance of CRM in any organization and to provide services in high quality and to develop long term relationship with the customer (Lalrindiki & Singh, 2013).
Related Academic and Commercial Research
Case Study 1: Oracle Peoplesoft CRM
Oracle Peoplesoft CRM
With the increase in market competition, companies are keeping track of the customers' prerequisites and then, deploy services accordingly. It can provide more leads and convert those into customers. Oracle's PeopleSoft CRM is intended for this reason as it computerizes this sort of information assortment process from various sources and enables viewing and completing numerous assessments of the information. CRM can be utilized in marketing, sales and service operations in the organization.
Oracle PeopleSoft CRM comes in various modules that can be independently used or can be made to cooperate with other solutions. The main modules in Oracle Peoplesoft are CRM Analytics and separate Marketing, Sales and Service Solutions.
Marketing and Sales Solutions - This module is utilized to keep customer records that include leads stage; sales closing and analyze the purchasing pattern of the customers and their preferences. Every module can be automated which will assist with understanding the customer purchasing preference (Software Advice, Inc., 2020).
The Service Module in this CRM incorporates Call Management, Helpdesk, and Support Services. This system also consists of CRM Portal Pack which is an integrated platform for data access and the communication platform for staff and customers. Associations can utilize PeopleSoft CRM with Oracle ERP a
angements together, as they synchronize with one another conveniently and help to improve profitability (Oracle Inc., 2019).
PeopleSoft CRM applications can be integrated with any external frameworks. Integration of Oracle PeopleSoft with other Supply Chain Management frameworks can enable the company to synchronize client and products information across frameworks, that can enable many transactions inside PeopleSoft CRM like managing raw materials in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService and PeopleSoft Support and request taking and following in PeopleSoft Order Capture.
On the other hand, the integration of PeopleSoft with Financial Management Solutions (FMS) enables the association to show billing as well as payment information that is related with clients in the PeopleSoft CRM 360-Degree View. The CRM can provide real-time multidimensional reports by which the management can analyze the key performance indicator. The customers can exchange their details with some personal information manager. From the case study, it is clear that Peoplesoft will help in managing customer relationship only when it is integrated with other system whether Oracle or any other suite.
The finding of the case study is that many organizations are spending a lot of money in implementing CRM solutions as CRM helps them in gaining competitive advantages. In case of Oracle Peoplesoft, the CRM can only provide full functionality when it is integrated with other system. According to Thompson (2004), four wide factors were driving 72% of the return on Investment (ROI) of PeopleSoft. These components are
· Client driven methodology
· Frontline training and support
· Suitable utilization of measurements.
These findings support the way that PeopleSoft functions and the advantages ought to be found out.
The companies are adopting Oracle PeopleSoft on large scale by integrating with Oracle’s other Business Suite, which is beyond this case study. Oracle is becoming the first preference of companies after SAP as the large suite uses its own database. The data model security can help in security customer’s data from any external vulnerability. The value of PeopleSoft will be proven when it is integrated with HR and financial system.
Case Study 2 – Salesforce
Small companies always have restricted financial resources; therefore, they are keen on purchasing pay-per-use solution for their company. The pay-per-use solution means spend according to the usage without spending on dedicated hardware or any additional cost. With the implementation of SaaS, all the expenses that are related to on-site installation are supplanted by a per-user cost, for access to the hosted software. In fact, large organizations are also opting for SaaS cloud solution because these companies are also considering cost-cutting measure (Pohludka & Stverkova, 2019). is a cloud-based CRM solution that is invented by USA. Mark Benioff built up for just Customer Relationship Management. is a SaaS solution however now a days, but now also provides...

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