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ou will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site. This assessment item involves researching the...

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ou will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site.
This assessment item involves researching the topics to enhance your understanding of each concept through an utilisation of academic literature and secondary sources. Whilst you must use the recommended textbooks and web links, you should also refer to other sources on the Moodle web site and additional relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles of your choosing
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 PPMP20012 Central Queensland University


Sakshi answered on Jun 01 2020
144 Votes
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 7
Week 7: Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic PM application systems within each PM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project.
    Reading samples
    Learning outcomes of the unit
    Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
    Supporting documentation including any prior learning
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoKPart 4: Applications of Systems Engineering;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Annex F & G
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· BP News Wrap-up
Web Sites
· -
    1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
    Feedback is often considered as the principle concept of the system dynamics, although the mental model fails to determine the critical feedback of dynamic system. The system dynamic uses the diagramming tools for the capturing of the structure of the system. The structure of the system includes a diagram of the causal loop, flow and stock map.
    PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoKPart 4: Applications of Systems Engineering;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Annex F & G
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· BP News Wrap-up
Web Sites
· -
    2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    The diagram of the causal loop is a vital tool for the representation of the system of feedback structurer. The casual diagrams are useful for the capturing of hypothesis about the cause of the dynamics, capturing and eliciting mental model of the team or individual.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoKPart 4: Applications of Systems Engineering;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Annex F & G
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· BP News Wrap-up
Web Sites
· -
    3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
    A causal diagram is also an important tool for communication of important feedback that is responsible for the problem. The convention for the drawing of the causal diagram is simple and also it should be followed for the musical scores.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoKPart 4: Applications of Systems Engineering;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Annex F & G
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· BP News Wrap-up
Web Sites
· -
    4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a...

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