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ou will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site. This assessment item involves researching the...

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ou will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site.
This assessment item involves researching the topics to enhance your understanding of each concept through an utilisation of academic literature and secondary sources. Whilst you must use the recommended textbooks and web links, you should also refer to other sources on the Moodle web site and additional relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles of your choosing
  • SEBoK
    • Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Introduction to Life Cycle Processes;
    • Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Life Cycle Models;
    • Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Concept Definition;
    • Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Systems Definition;
    • Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Software Engineering';
  • AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter XXXXXXXXXX;
  • Raymond L., & Bergeron F., (2008)"Project management information systems: An empirical study of their impact on project managers and project success"International Journal of Project ManagementVol 26: pp XXXXXXXXXX: doi:10.1016/j.ijproman XXXXXXXXXX
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 PPMP20012 Central Queensland University


Sakshi answered on Jun 01 2020
141 Votes
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 5
Week 5: Explain the importance of appropriate selection of Project Management (PM) application systems in regards to project realisation.
    Reading samples
    Learning outcomes of the unit
    Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
    Supporting documentation including any prior learning
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Introduction to Life Cycle Processes;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Life Cycle Models;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Concept Definition;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Systems Definition;
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Software Engineering';
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 15.16-15.23; 23.5-23.6;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 6.3-6.4;
· Raymond L., & Bergeron F., (2008) "Project management information systems: An empirical study of their impact on project managers and project success"
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· SWEBOK V3 Guide.
Web Sites
· Oracle Primavera
· IBM Maximo & BPM
· Microsoft Project.
    1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
    An application system is a group of the program which is designed for an end user. The applications software are the word processor, database program, spreadsheet and web
owser. There are many applications are developed in the web applications and users can access the application through the web
owser. The life cycle term is the kind of engineering that has been bo
owed from natural sciences (Katina et al. 2014). It has also been used for the description of changes in the single organism that goes through the life. It also shows the way lives to interact with the organization for evolving and sustaining the population. The life cycle model helps the identification of major stages in life (Autumn, K., Niewiarowski and Puthoff, 2014).
A number of tools are used for the process and functioning model is the suitable for enhancing the functioning of the chosen project. The generic model form lifecycle offers a simple step approach to the preceding stages of life cycle. Value is produced by the integrating and providing elements for the system. Consideration of values leads to the fact that management of generic life cycle is important.
    PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Introduction to Life Cycle Processes;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Life Cycle Models;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Concept Definition;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Systems Definition;
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Software Engineering';
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 15.16-15.23; 23.5-23.6;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 6.3-6.4;
· Raymond L., & Bergeron F., (2008) "Project management information systems: An empirical study of their impact on project managers and project success"
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· SWEBOK V3 Guide.
Web Sites
· Oracle Primavera
· IBM Maximo & BPM
· Microsoft Project.
    2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    The enterprise for the banks sells various products in the form of services to the consumers. The services of the banks include savings account, cu
ent account, investment management and loans (Bertoni et al. 2018). It is possible that the enterprise service supports the evolution of opportunity. As the opportunity evolves, there is a change in the pattern of demand or infrastructure capabilities.
The software is a malleable and flexible medium for the facilitating the design, iterative analysis, validation and verification (Federici et al. 2014). There are options available that the software is
ought electronically and sold,
ought, delivered and upgraded everywhere in the world.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Introduction to Life Cycle Processes;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Life Cycle Models;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Concept Definition;
· Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management: Knowledge Area: Systems Definition;
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Software Engineering';
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 15.16-15.23; 23.5-23.6;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 6.3-6.4;
· Raymond L., & Bergeron F., (2008) "Project management information systems: An empirical study of their impact on project managers and project success"
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016
· SWEBOK V3 Guide.
Web Sites
· Oracle Primavera
· IBM Maximo & BPM
· Microsoft Project.
    3. Assess the relevance of systems...

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