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Organizational Case Study Research Proposal [CLOs: 1, 2, 3] The final assignment for this course is a cumulation of the previous weeks’ assignments, in which you utilized all of the skills you have...

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Organizational Case Study Research Proposal

[CLOs: 1, 2, 3]

The final assignment for this course is a cumulation of the previous weeks’ assignments, in which you utilized all of the skills you have acquired throughout the Masters of Human Resources Management (MHRM) program. Now you will pull those assignments together to create a research proposal aimed at identifying a problem and propose a research methodology to determine if an intervention is necessary. The aim of the assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to solve a problem based on evidence and research and arrive at a reasonable solution.

For the final assignment, you will assemble the information you have developed from your work in Weeks One through Four into the final draft of your Organizational Case Study Research Proposal. In addition, you will determine future retention and recruitment strategies, as well as performance evaluations and add them to your research proposal.

The following elements must be addressed in your Organizational Case Study Research Proposal.


Your abstract should be a succinct, one-paragraph summary of the final assignment’s purpose, method, and conclusions. Click here to review theAbstract(Links to an external site.)tutorial.

Introduction to the Organization and the Problem

In Week One, you identified a problem within a selected organization that related to employee morale, productivity, compensation, employee development, or job design. You also create an organizational chart that identified the different positions related to the identified problem, described the positions identified, and analyzed how these positions may require a change initiative.

To complete this section, review the instructor and peer feedback you received for your Week One Assignment and incorporate it into a final draft.

Open Systems/Literature Review/ Exploring the Problem

In Week Two, you reviewed scholarly literature and explained how the literature you identified related to the case you are working on, supporting your statements with evidence from your sources. You compared and contrasted at least two models of organizational change that is consistent with a systems theory approach. In addition, you explained their function and the differences between the two models, as well as decided which model best suited your organizational problem.

To complete this section, review the instructor feedback you received for your Week Two Assignment and incorporate it into a final draft.

Data Collection

In Week Three, you explained how you planned to collect the data related to the identified problem. Your explanation included determining the data collection method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method), comparing data collection methods, and choosing a data collection method.

To complete this section, review the instructor you received for your Week Three Assignment and incorporate it into a final draft.


In Week Four, you identified whether the proposed intervention would be individual, team, whole organization, or multiple; evaluated the purpose of the intervention; and explained the recommended changes. In addition, you explained how the intervention would help and/or fix the identified problem.

To complete this section, review the instructor you received for your Week Four Assignment and incorporate it into a final draft.

Retention and Recruitment

For this week, assume that the identified problem is affecting employee retention and create a minimum of three effective recruitment strategies that will ensure the organization will hire and maintain high-quality employees moving forward. Explain how you would implement those strategies and how those strategies support the human resource management strategy

Regulatory, Legal, Ethical Issues

Drawing from readings in previous courses, examine the problem identified in Week One from the perspective of legal, regulatory, and ethical compliance. Explain how the proposed intervention addresses any legal, regulatory, or ethical compliance issues.


Your conclusion should be a succinct, one-paragraph reiteration of the final assignment’s purpose, method, and final conclusions and be a minimum of 350 words.

The Organizational Case Study Research Proposal

Answered Same Day Jul 09, 2021


Soumi answered on Jul 13 2021
147 Votes
[CLOs: 1, 2, 3]
The major problem, which has been discovered with Zappos, is its way of oriental training provided to the employees, as it is both unethical and futile also. Thus, in this paper, firstly the problem of the human resource of Zappos has been identified and after this, the discussion has been initiated in a research-oriented way. The excellent model for operational benefits, the means to interview the managers of Zappos and implement the change model of operational improvement, the recruitment strategies and maintenance of ethics, legal and regulatory achievements are all the major discussed parts of the paper. However, it is Artificial Intelligence that has been proposed to the organization to lower down the occupied problems of Zappos.
Table of Contents
4Introduction to the Organization and the Problem
4Name and Introduction of the Organization
4Identified Problem within Zappos
6Organizational Chart and Required Changes within Organizational Structure
8Literature Review
12Data Collection
15Intervention or Solve of the Identified Problem with Proper Strategy
16Retention and Recruitment
18Regulatory, Legal and Ethical Issues
18Proposed Intervention Addressing Any Regulatory, Legal or Ethical Issues
Introduction to the Organization and the Problem
Name and Introduction of the Organization
In the retail market of online sales, Zappos is one of the most reputable organizations, which mainly sell shoes, handbags, dress materials and several other items. The management of the organization has always been very much interested in maintaining a good relationship with the customers and also supports the loyalty business model (Ordonez, 2018).
The company has still established goals for providing timely and satisfactory services to its customers. Apart from this, the company has also good revenue in the market, which is nearly USD 1 billion since the year 2010 (Ryan, 2016). Lastly, the company also takes care of the employees and tries to promote their wellbeing.
Identified Problem within Zappos
In this section, the human resource management of the company will be illustrated. After this, the part the identified problem will also be discussed as the major problem that has been detected with the organization is the development of the employees. Now for the description of the HRM or Human resource management for the growth and success of any business organization, human resources play an equal role as compared to the capital.
For taking care of the employees, the HRM of any business organization is very much essential to look after the employees of the organization (Coleman, 2020). As par the HR Magazine, Delaney also reported that the culture of is genuinely unique. Apart from this in the selection process, has also appointed such employees who are best suited for the company as per the mindset.
However, there is a problem, which the company has an issue in its recruitment strategy and asp in the development process. Once the organization recruits the employee, the HRM of the organization offers the employee a full four week paid $2000 orientation program, in which the employees find that they are not fit with the work culture of the company can leave. In this way, if a new employee leaves the company after 2weeks of training, then it is a complete waste of resources and there is a possibility that the organization may lose many talented employees (Goman, 2020).
The practice of providing oriented training is essential, but this particular strategy is not that much reflective and significant. However, this practice additionally proves another thing that such kind of methods may lead the company to suffer a loss of several thousand dollars in a year. Apart from this, the work culture and ambience, especially at the call centers are not that much serene and peaceful, as a result of it, many of the employees are leaving the organization.
Finally, the last problem that has also been identified is the employees do not receive any uniform approach from the leadership and the general employees are not included in the central HR strategy, which leaves the competent employees at the behest of "Hola racy" (Latham, 2016). For the success and more achievement of the company, it is essential for the organization and the leaders of the organization to maintain more co-ordination.
Organizational Chart and Required Changes within Organizational Structure
Figure 1: Organizational Structure of Zappos
In the organizational structure and the administrative models that are adopted by the bureaucratic positions are required to the changed. Cu
ently, the CEO of the company has adopted the strategy to use the model of "Hola racy" which is required to be changed as due to this policy nearly 14% of the employees of the company have decided to leave this organization only for the presence of the radical transformation approach (Feloni, 2020).
The HR manager of the company is also required to be more levels of being strategic about the employment and the Recruitment of the employees so that the employees who are recruited in this organization get motivated to work with the work culture of Zappos (Laudon & Guercio, 2019). The sudden resignation of the employees makes one point clear that the innovation available with the company for employee retention becomes more levels of potential. Despite the success of the organization in the competitive market, it is now a prime requirement of the administration of the organization to have some changes in the organization structure where the employees are also to be induced in the decision-making session.
Literature Review
It is usual for any organization i
espective of its size and its strength to have some operational model based on it the entire operation of the organization takes place. Rocha, Meseguer and Munoz (2017) have put their argument over the fact that organization model defines the hierarchy system, the development of the team spirit and the role and satisfaction of the customers, in which, the business is operated (Bolodurina & Parfenov, 2017). The model fulfils not only the requirement of the customers but also the employee's retention and the wellbeing of the employees.
Different types of models perform an essential role in describing the organizational structure. As per the discussion of Teeguarden et al. (2016), there are various types of models that are important for describing the structure of any organization are Lewin's Three-Phase Model of Change and the Nalder-Tushman Congruence model. Change in the business model is very much essential and for the success and advancement of any business organization change in the models as per the situation's requirement is very important. This faculty is applicable for any business organization i
espective of size, industry and age of the organization.
For the first phase, that stage is also as Unfreeze is the stage that involves with the stage of acceptance of the change that is required for the change that is necessary (Cummings, Bridgman & Brown, 2016). Now no change in the business model is straightforward and in this regard, several challenges come, whether it is organizational resources or human resources. With the use of the analogy, it becomes much easier to initiate the changes and also preparing for the changes in the existing foundations that might not be that much prominent for supporting the intended changes. Thus, apart from the unfreeze stage; this stage can be further renamed as the planning stage.
The next stage or the phase is known as the change process. This process is required to move with proper and adequate communication, through which it becomes easier to help the process of change with robust planning and implementation of the changes. Communication is also vital as it additionally helps to shed light on all the prevalent that are mandatory to be addressed while addressing all the difference in the plan structures.
The final phase of Lewin’s model is the stage of Refreeze. In this stage, it is essential to locate that what are the factors that are supportive...

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