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Organisational Behaviour (MNG82001) Assignment 2 Guidelines & Marking Criteria Title: Assignment 2 – Reflective Case Study Task: Drawing on your own personal experience, write a mini case-study (max...

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Organisational Behaviour (MNG82001)
Assignment 2 Guidelines & Marking Criteria
Title:    Assignment 2 – Reflective Case Study

Task:    Drawing on your own personal experience, write a mini case-study (max 1500 words) or if u don’t have any working experience interview any person and write on their experience on one of the following OB-related topics:
· When Teamwork failed to meet its objective
· The appropriate use of power in the workplace
· Organisational Change
Following the case-study, two questions should be posed which encourage the reader to examine and analyse different aspects of the case in close detail. Students should also provide a
ief XXXXXXXXXXword example answer for each question in order to demonstrate the potential learning outcomes of the case.[footnoteRef:1] A minimum of four distinct references from academic journals is to be included in the assignment. They can part of the case, the example answers, or spread across the two sections. [1: This content is separate from the max 1500 words to be used for the case study itself.]
Purpose:    This assignment seeks to achieve 2 key learning outcomes.
Firstly, it seeks to develop a students’ awareness for the way in which ‘teamwork’, ‘power’ or ‘change’ is manifest in organisations.
Secondly, understanding workplace behaviour can be greatly informed by periodic ‘reflection’. Through this assignment it is hoped that students recognise the value of setting aside time in their work schedule to reflect upon and analyse, issues that influence the behaviour of themselves and others in the workplace.
Format:     The single document submitted for this assignment is to contain the following components and formatting features:
a) Assignment ‘Coversheet’ (document is available in the Assignment file on Blackboard).
) Assignment ‘Coverpage’ identifying the unit name & code, assignment title, student name & ID, and the word count of the Case Study and each example answer (note: Reference List content does not contribute to the word count).
c) Case Study (maximum of 1500 words). See below for the type of structure and style to adopt.
d) Two Case Study questions and example answers (max 300 words each)
Adopt the following formatting features for the paper:
· Apply page numbers. Page 1 comes after your coverpage.
· Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1½ line spacing.
· Margins – top and bottom to be 2.54cm. Left and right to be 2.54cm. No page boarders.
· Spelling - if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check.
· Writing and grammar must conform to the standards of a professional report.
Submit Process: All assignments are to be submitted through ‘Turn-it-in,’ which can be accessed from the ‘Assignment 2’ folder on Blackboard. The link will be activated in week 10 and you can submit the assignment at any time leading up to the due date.
The file you submit should be labelled in the following manner:
Surname, initial, student code, MNG82001, asmt 2
For example – Gillett, P, 012345, MNG82001, asmt 2
Feedback: Students who submit their report by the due date will receive feedback within 2 weeks. This feedback will be in the form of a marking ru
ic and a copy of your report with electronic comments made by the marker.
Structure and style of the Case-Study
There is no prescribed structure for the case.
It is advised that students develop a catchy title; one that gives a clue as to the focus or purpose of the case.
Although not mandatory, students might use sub-headings to help structure their case story.
The general aim is to write an interesting story which clearly illustrates a good lesson in Organisational Behaviour. It is important that the key concepts associated with the lesson are discussed in the case and that this information is presented in a logical manner (i.e. it is effectively ‘contextualised’ and the story has good ‘flow’).
At the same time, students should avoid being too blatant with the learning-related details. It is important for readers to ‘pick-up’ (if they read the case carefully enough) various su
eptitious clues about the particular OB concept and to recognise their relevance to the intended learning objective.
While the case is based on your own experience, you should not be refe
ing to yourself specifically (e.g. I thought…, I did…, etc). Rather, you should adopt the perspective of someone who is observing and subsequently describing the case details as they unfold.
Many textbooks across a range of disciplines provide case studies that adopt this type of perspective. Students who are unfamiliar with the approach should review various textbooks for examples.
For students who have no workplace experience on which to base their case, they need to identify and interview someone who can provide the required first-hand insight. This will provide for a more realistic case story; as compared to simply making things up. Students can however, use a small degree of ‘artistic license’ to help promote the OB issue at the centre of their case.
It is important that you use pseudonyms to protect the identity of the organisation and the individuals concerned.
Refer to the documents ‘How to writing the Case Study’ and ‘Reflective Writing’ (located in Assignment 3 folder) for further advice and tips that are specific to this assignment. Two example assignments from previous sessions have also been provided to help students recognise the markers expectations for this task.
Marking Criteria:
    A. Written communication
(weight = approx 28% of marks)
    1) Unsatisfactory. The writing is ineffective due to numerous spelling and/or grammatical e
2) Pass. Proof-read the final document to identify and co
ect minor e
ors in spelling and grammar. Plan for and undertake additional drafts as this will help to improve the quality of your written work.
3) Credit. A good standard of writing is provided (no spelling e
ors), however there is room for improvement in terms of higher-order writing skills (e.g. vocabulary and sentence structure). Work on developing the logic within your discussion.
4) Distinction. Higher-order writing skills are evident in parts. Greater consistency will improve the overall quality of your work.
5) HD. The quality of writing is exceptional. Well done.
    B. Case Content
(weight = approx 26% of marks)
    1) Unsatisfactory. The case details are highly ambiguous. No lesson in Organisational Behaviour can be logically deduced from the case story.
2) Pass. The case story highlights a basic lesson in Organisational Behaviour. Some of the details may be unnecessary or unrelated to the OB topic.
3) Credit. The case details offer good insight into the OB topic. Presenting the content in a more subtle manner will increase the learning impact.
4) Distinction. The case details reflect a good understanding of the OB topic. Further detail and/or insight is needed to demonstrate a stronger level of understanding.
5) HD. The case provides a very effective lesson in Organisational Behaviour. It is well constructed, believable and relevant to the OB context.
    C. Questions and Answers
(weight = approx 26% of marks)
    1) Unsatisfactory. The Q&As are poorly conceived. They do not contribute in any noteworthy way to a particular learning outcome
2) Pass. The questions are appropriate however the answers are ambiguous or they identify issues that are not present in the case.
3) Credit. Both the Q&As are linked to the Case details. The answer content reflects a solid basic learning outcome.
4) Distinction. The questions clearly encourage the reader to consider and analyse key OB features imbedded within the case. The answers could be developed further to show greater insight into the OB topic.
5) HD. The Q&As reflect a very strong understanding of the OB topic. In combination they clearly reveal how the case provides the opportunity for a very effective learning outcome
    D. Referencing and Formatting
(weight = 20% of marks)
    1) Unsatisfactory. The assignment document is unprofessionally presented and/or the required number of references is not provided.
2) Pass. The assignment document is generally well presented but several (at least 2) formatting features have not been adopted and there are e
ors with the referencing style.
3) Credit. Several (at least 2) formatting features have not been adopted or there is a notable e
or with the referencing style.
4) Distinction. One formatting feature has not been adopted or there is one minor e
or with the referencing style.
5) HD. The assignment document adopts all the required referencing and formatting features and is professionally presented.
Answered Same Day May 16, 2020 MNG82001 Southern Cross University


Shashank answered on May 22 2020
144 Votes
Case Study
Note: Real names have not been taken avoid any conflict.
Tech Magen is an IT solutions company operating in network technology solution and business process outsourcing(BPO) to industry in various domains. The company was founded by Anand Mahindra in 1986 and is headquartered at Pune. The company started a joint venture with British Telecom initially and then expanded their operations at a rapid rate. Cu
ently, they operate in more than 60 countries around the world.
Belgium based telecom operator Indicom is one of the major service provider and ranks 2nd in market share. The support operations are handled by Tech Magen from India which has been accepted as a part of contract for 5 years with the company. Tech Magen is responsible for providing any technical help (2nd line and 3rd line) that Indicom customers need regarding the services that they provide. This implies any during any outage situation, it the technical team at Tech Magen who are on their toes to solve the issue.
THE CRM (Customer Relationship Management) TEAM
The teams that work in different project are located at various locations in India. Every quarter, new employees join the company and get trained to join the projects that organization is working on.
Shekhar, has completed his training and posted to Chandigarh to become part of CRM team which looks after CRM issues related to Indicom client. The team consist of 4 members in Chandigarh while rest of team comprising of 10 employees including the team lead and manager works from Pune. Shekhar didn’t get chance to visit Pune to meet the team due to budget constraints of project and most of the meetings happen via telephonic conversations. The technical training regarding the CRM applications which was necessary before working on the project was received on video conferencing and telephonic conversation without involvement of any human touch.
Delivery Head: Brij Krishna
The Manager: Vikas Tingre is one of the most experienced person and respected among all other teams. He has been an important resource of the team who has used his technical expertise to solve most of the issues in the initial phases of project.
Team Lead: Gaurav Ghag is the responsible for allocation of task to the team members and is personally in touch with all of them for getting updates. He directly reports to Vikas.
The Mentor: Rakhi is another experienced person in the team who is directly mentoring Shekhar to guide them the right way of solving issues that comes related to the CRM applications. She is the direct point of contact of any updates coming from Chandigarh Team.
Other members: Sahil, Saurav and Vijaya are other members who are involved in similar work that Shekhar is allotted.
Vikas, Gaurav, Saurav and Vijaya are based out of Pune while Rakhi and Sahil lives in Chandigarh.
The CRM database that is being accessed by the team usually runs scripts which makes changes according to the company and customer requirement. These scripts are very critical in nature as any misappropriate action can delete or replace the information in database that contains customers information that is very critical for business. It is one of the mandate for any new employee who joins the team to learn the guidelines given to access the database. Since CRM applications are customer facing, any minor issue is taken with extreme criticality since it leads to direct business loss if issue is not solved in stipulated time.
It was normal day in Chandigarh where routine issues were being solved by Shekhar and Sahil. The mentor Rakhi was on her weekly off and the two of them got enough experience to work independently on basic nature of incidents that came on daily basis.
At 7pm, a critical issue stuck the...

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