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ONLY USE ATTACHED MATERIAL TO REFERENCE! NO OUTSIDE SOURCES!!!! According toVolti, Chapter 4 Bureaucracies bring order out of potential chaos in two ways.The first of these is what people tend to...

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According toVolti, Chapter 4

Bureaucracies bring order out of potential chaos in two ways.The first of these is what people tend to think of when they hear the wordbureaucracy:rules,regulations,and strict procedures.All bureaucracies make abundant use of explicit and implicit Standard Operating Procedures to guide and control the activities of their employees.This,of course,can be another source of frustration when dealing with a bureaucracy because there may be situations not covered by existing rules,or the rules may be of dubious appropriateness.But even more frustrations,as well as endless opportunities for corruption and abuse,would ensue if the members of an organization simply made decisions on the basis of personal connections or individual whims.

Considering what we've read this week about bureaucratic organization and weaving in concepts, principles, trends, and theories covered in our reading, please respond to the following questions.

  1. Identify and describe at least three (3) key elements or features of bureaucratic organization.
  2. How does bureaucracy protect employees?How does bureaucracy ‘expose’ or negatively affect employees?
  3. Think about the organization you work in: what aspects of it follow bureaucratic principles? What aspects of it do not follow bureaucratic principles? What aspects of it should not follow bureaucratic principles? Why?
Answered Same Day Sep 12, 2022


Pankaj answered on Sep 13 2022
71 Votes
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Order ID: 110540
1. Answer
Weber was fully aware that actual, operational bureaucracies only partially adhered to his ideal-typical schema, he nonetheless outlined the fundamental components of bureaucratic organization.
1. Specialization: Coordination is required as a result of specialization. Standard Operating Procedures, both explicit and implicit, are widely used by bureaucracies to direct and regulate employees' actions.
2. Hierarchies: In military and paramilitary organizations like police forces, where adhering to regulations and ca
ying out commands from superiors is of utmost significance, organizational hierarchies are particularly noticeable.
3. Wide division of labor: A complex division of labor is also a sign of bureaucratic structure..

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