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ONLY USE ATTACHED MATERIAL FOR ASSIGNMENT!! NO OUTSIDE SOURCES!! According to Volti, Chapter 5: What matters for gaining a deeper understanding of technology’s significance is the willingness and...

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According to Volti, Chapter 5:

What matters for gaining a deeper understanding of technology’s significance is the willingness and ability to understand how specific technologies came into being; who promoted them; who resisted them; and how they affected the distribution of wealth, status, and power.

Considering what we've read, and incorporating facts, concepts, and trends from our learning material, please respond to the following questions:

  1. There is certainly a lotof anxiety in our society about humans being replaced by technological innovations (e.g., robots, machines) and losing jobs. While this concern has some merit, Voltiasks us to consider making a clearer distinction betweenworkandjobswhen looking at the link between technology and employment. Explain what Voltimeans by this. How does looking at work, instead of simply looking at jobs, reframethe negative view of technology's impact on employment? What do you think of this way ofreframingthe concern?
  2. Try to summarize the concerns of "Marxist oriented scholars" regarding the process and consequences of 'deskilling'employees that results from bringing new industrial technologies to the manufacturing sector? What is 'deskilling?' How does this affect the experience of work? In what ways does this affect the relations between employees and managers?
  3. In what ways does technology impact your job? In what ways does technology impact your work? (Try to keep that distinction here between job and per question #1)

Answered 2 days After Sep 26, 2022


Ayan answered on Sep 29 2022
68 Votes
Table of contents
Question 1    3
Question 2    3
Question 3    3
References    5
Question 1
Technology has ceaselessly changed how individuals in each field play out their positions over the entirety of time (Johnson, Gardell & Johannson, 2020). The headway of technology has prompted better working conditions since the industrial era. Because of its impacts on the workplace, time-consuming and ecologically hurtful operations have been streamlined, admittance to work has been accelerated, efficiency has expanded colossally, and working remotely is cu
ently less difficult than any time in recent memory.
Question 2
Deskilling is the interaction by which the presentation of technology utilized by semi-skilled or unskilled employees decreases or takes out the interest of skilled labor inside an industry. An able barista being supplanted by an...

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