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Occupational Health and Safety Issue Analysis Select a recent Occupational Health and Safety issue (2014 and onward) that has occurred with a Canadian Organization for your report. For this...

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Occupational Health and Safety Issue Analysis

Select a recent Occupational Health and Safety issue (2014 and onward) that has occurred with a Canadian Organization for your report.

For this assignment, you will need to analyze your chosen OHS issue and determine the effect on stakeholders involved. You will discuss where you the organization went wrong and how YOU would resolve the issue, supporting your arguments with personal reflection. Discussion of the issue must be supported with course material.

Please use the Main Sections/Headings provided below are to help organize your report. Your report should be XXXXXXXXXXwords (not including Title or Reference page), double-spaced.

Proper referencing is required (APA style only). Be sure to use IN-TEXT CITATIONS when necessary. Failure to do this will result in a major grade deduction (50% - 100% deduction). You need to cite both course and external information.

The assignment is worth 25% of the course grade. It is to be submitted through Blackboard by end of day on the due date. Submit the report in an acceptable format (Word or PDF).

The report will be evaluated through Trent’s SafeAssign to address any potential plagiarism issues.

Major Sections of Discussion must include:

Title Page

Introduction (with Roadmap)

Issue Discussion and Analysis

Alternative Solutions

Conclusion (Your Solution)

Reference Page

Breakdown of Report Expectations (25 marks)

Report Organization (5 Marks)

Title page: Issue, Date, Name

Paragraph form: No bullet points


Appropriate major sections

Major Sections with Headings

Proper APA in-text citations used within report

APA Reference List at the end of report

Articles and sources – 2014 or more recent

Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, writing style

Report within word count

First person narrative

Introduction (5 Marks)

Brief background of organization and issue

What is the issue?

Who are the stakeholders involved?

ROADMAP at end of Intro section: Clear roadmap of where the report is going, how are you going to talk about this issue? (Introduction of organization and issue; major sections of discussion, what course material and concepts will be incorporated)

What is your solution to the issue? (Solution Statement)

Issue Discussion and Analysis (5 Marks)

The Main Section of the Report is made up of course material implementation. Consider headings and subheadings of your choosing and as appropriate to what you decide to discuss.

Discussion on issue:

What harms/injuries have been inflicted in this issue?

What hazards are evident?

Are there stressors involved in causing stress? Strains?

Are certain agents (Physical, Biological, Chemical) involved?

Does the issue involve workplace violence, aggression, harassment, bullying?

Were policies in place to mitigate risk and managing/controlling injuries in the workplace?

What legislation and/or organization policies are being violated?

Is this issue limited to one organization, or is the issue prevalent in other similar organizations, industries, or workplaces?

Is the issue as a result of poor organizational governance, health and safety policies and procedures?

What is the media portrayal/public reaction to the issue?

Present perspectives of stakeholders (organization, employees, society, and other key stakeholders)

Issue is Introduced, identified and explained, supported with course concepts, class material.

Course concepts introduced and explained before being applied in a relevant manner – assume the reader does not know the concepts.

Knowledge of issue – strong discussion about the relevance of issues in their own words

Alternative Solutions (5 Marks)

Introduce the section

Generate at least 3 alternative solutions to the issue, and you may choose one for your chosen solution in the Conclusion section

Have these solutions been proposed before? What was the outcome? Do you agree/disagree with the outcome?

Are these solutions your unique creation?

Identify and weigh pros and cons/constraints of each solution

Support your solutions with examples

Who are the stakeholders responsible for delivering these solutions? What are their duties and responsibilities?

Conclusion - Your Solution (5 Marks)

State your solution!!! - YOUR personal solution(s) to the issue, based on alternatives generated.

Is your personal solution similar to someone else’s solution? Defend your position with personal reflection.

Who is responsible to resolve this solution?

What is the intended outcome of your solution?

Who would benefit from the solution? Who would not or potentially be harmed by your solution (or unintended consequences)?

Is this issue significant/common/relevant in terms of happening again, and affecting a number of other employees in industries? How can it be avoided from occurring again?

Answered 3 days After Mar 12, 2024


Shubham answered on Mar 16 2024
19 Votes
ISSUE: Mental health support
Bell Canada is leading telecommunications company in Canada that provides wide range of services including wireless, internet, TV and home phone. As largest telecommunications providers in country, Bell has significant workforce and is committed to ensure health and safety of employees. The selected Occupational Health and Safety issue for Bell Canada is Mental Health Support. Mental health in workplace has garnered increasing attention in recent years because of significant impact on employee well-being, productivity and organizational success. The prevalence of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and stress-related disorders includes addressing mental health support that has become imperative for organizations like Bell. The stakeholders involved in addressing the mental health support issue include employees that is primary stakeholders. It includes being well-being and productive that are directly impacted by availability and effectiveness of mental health support services. The organization is responsible for providing a safe and healthy work environment. It includes adequate resources and support for addressing mental health concerns among employees. Human Resources department plays an important role in implementing policies and programs related to employee well-being including mental health support initiatives. Healthcare professionals including psychologists, counsellors and mental health experts that are required to be consulted to develop and implement effective support strategies. Government and regulatory bodies are responsible for setting standards and regulations related to occupational health and safety including mental health support in workplace.
The report will first provide overview of Bell Canada as organization and significance of mental health support in workplace. This requires considering various factors that contributes to mental health issues among employees at Bell. It includes considering relevant course materials and concepts like stressors in workplace, psychosocial hazards and impact of organizational culture on mental health. The report will discuss existing mental health support initiatives at Bell Canada that includes analysing effectiveness and identifying potential areas for improvement. Concepts like employee assistance programs, mental health training and destigmatization efforts will be discussed in this section. The report will provide comprehensive solution to enhance mental health support at Bell Canada. This solution will describe strategies for prevention, early intervention and ongoing support for integrating organizational and individual-level interventions. The importance of considering mental health includes ensuring supportive culture and provide accessible resources. The solution to mental health support issue at Bell Canada includes implementing better approach that can addresses root causes of mental health concerns. This requires promoting supportive work environment and provides accessible resources for employees to seek help whenever required. The solution will prioritize prevention through proactive measures along with early intervention through timely support services. This required providing support through sustained efforts to promote mental well-being in the workplace.
Issue Discussion and Analysis
Mental health support in workplace is an important issue that can affect employees and organizations. In context of Bell Canada, several factors contribute to challenges that creates issue of mental health.
Harms Inflicted
The harms inflicted by inadequate mental health support include increased absenteeism, reduced productivity, impaired job performance and heightened risk of burnout and turnover. The untreated mental health issues can lead to severe outcomes like depression, anxiety disorders and other psychological illnesses (Moroz, Moroz & D’Angelo, 2020).
Hazards and Stressors:
Hazards contribute to mental health issues at Bell Canada that may include high job demands, excessive workload, lack of job control, interpersonal conflicts and poor work-life balance. These stressors can lead to emotional strain, psychological distress and mental health disorders in employees.
Agents Involved:
There may be direct physical, biological and chemical agents that are involved in causing mental health issues. The workplace environment and organizational culture act as agents that contribute to stress and strain on mental well-being of employees. The workplace violence, aggression, harassment and bullying can create mental health concerns in employees. Hostile work environments and interpersonal conflicts can impact psychological safety and contribute to anxiety and stress-related disorders (Shalaby & Agyapong, 2020). Bell Canada has policies in place to address occupational health and safety concerns including mental health support and effectiveness of policies may vary. Failure in addressing mental health issues could be considered violation of occupational health and safety legislation like Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. This will help employers to provide safe and healthy work environment. The telecommunications industry is known for high-pressure environment that can increase mental health challenges in employees. Similar organizations face similar challenges including other telecommunications companies along with companies in high-stress sectors such as finance and technology. Poor organizational governance, inadequate health and safety policies and ineffective procedures can contribute to increase in mental health issues in workplace. Lack of awareness and insufficient resources for support can be the problem. It requires addressing underlying organizational issues that is important for implementing effective mental health support initiatives.
Media Portrayal and Public Reaction:
The media portrayal and public reaction to mental health support issues at Bell Canada have mixed opinions. There has been growing awareness and advocacy for mental health in workplace and criticisms have been made regarding providing support provided by Bell. Media outlets highlight stories of employees struggling with mental health challenges and addresses response of companies like Bell in addressing mental health issues. Public reactions can range from calls for improved mental health initiatives to criticisms of corporate culture and priorities.
Perspectives of Stakeholders:
1. Organization: The perspective of organization includes recognition of importance of mental health support for employees (Jessiman-Pe
eault, Smith & Gignac, 2021). The company may highlight existing initiatives like employee assistance programs, mental health training and awareness campaigns. It includes describing challenges that may include balancing cost of implementing comprehensive mental health support programs. It includes describing business priorities and ensuring initiatives effectively that addresses need of employees.
2. Employees: Employees may describe perspectives on mental health support at Bell Canada. This may feel that existing resources are sufficient and accessible while it can create ba
iers for finding help and feel that support provided is inadequate. There may be concerns about stigma and fear of repercussions for disclosing mental health issues in workplace.
3. Society: There is increased recognition...

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