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Objectives: Critique a variety of generic strategies that can be used to achieve organizational goals and objectives Assess a company’s corporate culture and how it might affect a proposed strategy...

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  1. Critique a variety of generic strategies that can be used to achieve organizational goals and objectives
  2. Assess a company’s corporate culture and how it might affect a proposed strategy
  3. Examine the basic types of strategic alliances

Prompt: Research a domestic company that has not performed well overseas.


  1. Using the concepts presented in the required readings, identify circumstances that may affect the decision to downsize and withdraw from the country.
  2. Why do some companies choose to stay open abroad in spite of diminishing returns?
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.

    Instructions:respond to initial question by Thursday 11:59pm ET (250-word min)

    Answered Same Day Mar 18, 2020


    Megha answered on Mar 19 2020
    151 Votes
    Walmart is the example we will be talking about in this assignment. There are several reasons for Walmart not doing well internationally. Factors like cu
    ency rates, substitute products, using local raw materials are involved in international set up. Walmart has failed because of its accountability and predatory pricing. It has not given importance to the needs of local consumers. Ethical practices are questioned. The pricing of Walmart is low and can buy in bulk and sell at lower prices which will remove local...

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