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Objective: Critique a variety of generic strategies that can be used to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Prompt: Review the following...

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  1. Critique a variety of generic strategies that can be used to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Prompt: Review the following video:


  1. Discuss the main topics presented in the video in relationship with your readings this week.
  2. What points of symmetry do you find and what points of conflict might exist within the context of your materials.
  3. What viewpoints do you more closely align with personally, and why?
  4. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.
Answered Same Day Apr 02, 2020


Aarti J answered on Apr 04 2020
163 Votes
CSR, an investment for the future – A multistakeholder approach to corporate strategy
In this video a major emphasis is given to the importance of the corporate social responsibility and the importance of responsible business conduct for the organizations.
Some of the main topics in relationship to the readings and videos includes:
· Globalization
· Corporate social responsibility
· Stakeholders
· Generic strategies
· Sustainability
Points of symmetry and conflict:
The video starts with the diverse global problems that are being faced by the society today. These global problems includes the social inequality, poverty, access of basic living aspects like food, water and energy, lack of education, gender inequality, and ethnic inequality.
The main issue that was addressed in the video was “the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society”. The video says about...

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