NSD105 Wellness across the lifespan
Wellness across the lifespan
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 2
Assessment name:
Health Promotion Case Study Report
Learning outcomes measured:
1. Explain and discuss key concepts and issues in relation to health and illness across the lifespan including the influence of social determinants of health
2. Identify the principles of partnerships with consumers in health care and demonstrate application of these principles to person-centred care across the lifespan
3. Apply knowledge of professional, ethical, social and cultural dimensions of communication to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships and partnerships in health care
4. Analyse the principles of health promotion and evaluate health promotion strategies in relation to a selected health problem and key social determinants of health across the lifespan.
Estimated time to complete task:
30 hours
How will I be assessed:
7 point grading scale using a ru
Due date:
Week 12 11.59pm Friday
Submit your Report by 11.59pm on Friday 25th May (Week 12) via Turnitin in your NSB105 Blackboard site. More information about Turnitin is available on the FAQs about Turnitin page.
Presentation requirements:
This assessment task must:
· Represent the individual work of the student
· Use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature
· Be submitted in electronic format as a PDF document via Turnitin.
Task description:
You will prepare a 1500 word report based on the following case study:
Jan is a 40 year old women who lives in a rural Queensland town. Jan is a single parent of two children aged 13 and 15. Jan is having a difficult time at the moment, she recently separated from her husband and she also lost her job when the small retail business she worked for closed. She is cu
ently on unemployment benefits and money is very tight.
Jan also wo
ies about her health, she has a family history of heart disease and knows she could be healthier. She quite likes walking for exercise but finds it hard to stick to a routine. Jan enjoys cooking, likes to add extra salt to food and enjoys drinking 4-5 full-sugar Cola drinks each day.
Jan feels quite stressed with her situation and her GP, Dr Fo
est, has noticed her blood pressure is a bit high. Dr Fo
est has refe
ed Jan to the local Community Health Centre Nurse for some additional support to assist Jan to reduce her risk factors for heart disease.
Imagine you are the Community Nurse who meets with Jan.
What you need to do:
Part A (total 1500 words) Please use short headings and word counts for each numbered point.
In relation to Jan’s case, write a report that addresses the following points:
1. Write a short written introduction (150 words)
Introduce Jan and outline topics covered
2. Outline the impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Australian women (300 words)
Include cu
ent prevalence and mortality rates, impact on health, gender differences, evidence with literature
3. Briefly describe the social determinants that increase Jan’s risk of CVD (300 words)
Identify relevant risk factors and discuss how they increase risk of CVD, evidence with literature
4. Briefly describe the behavioural determinants that increase Jan’s risk of CVD (300 words)
Identify relevant risk factors and discuss how they increase risk of CVD, evidence with literature
5. Outline the principles of motivational interviewing and explain their use in the context of health promotion (300 words)
‘Spirit’ of MI, core skills, four processes of MI, evidence with literature
6. Write a short summary and conclusion to finish your report (150 words)
7. Provide a Reference List (Minimum of 10 relevant and contemporary references, QUT APA format)
Resources needed to complete task:
· In order to be successful in this task it is highly recommended that you attend scheduled lectures and tutorials, that will help prepare you to complete this assessment task
· You will also need to independent research and reading about cardiovascular disease in Australia, social and behavioural determinants and motivational interviewing principles
· In relation to points 2 to 5 above, you will need to draw on good quality, recent scientific literature and provide references to support your writing
· Suggested references may include: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute for Health and Welfare (AIHW), Australia’s Health, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) literature, Heart Foundation guidelines for health professionals, high quality literature in relation to motivational interviewing, books, research eg. systematic reviews etc. to evidence your writing.
· QUT Cite|Write APA guide.
· Turnitin Tip Sheets.
Academic Integrity
The School of Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously. All work submitted must be your own work. The work of others co
ectly acknowledged and referenced according to the APA guidelines.
There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to
each academic integrity. Make sure you are familiar with the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity and view the Academic Integrity video and explore the Academic Case Studies available on your Blackboard site.
Maintaining academic integrity is your responsibility. If in doubt, check it carefully.
NSD105 Wellness across the lifespan
NSB105 – Assessment Task 2NSB305
Leading and Learning – Building Professional Capacity
Assessment Task 1
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NSD105 Wellness across the lifespan Assessment Task 2 Ru
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3 and 4 Weighting: 60%
Part A
Knowledge of health problem
Demonstrates excellent knowledge of health problem including impact of CVD, all social and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study
Demonstrates good knowledge of health problem including impact of CVD and most of the social and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study
Demonstrates sound knowledge of health problem including impact of CVD and the important social and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study
Demonstrates basic knowledge of health problem including impact of CVD and some of the social and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study, although some gaps in understanding evident
Demonstrates limited knowledge of health problem including social determinants and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study
Demonstrates no knowledge of health problem/social determinants and behavioural determinants relevant to the case study
Knowledge of communication principles
Comprehensive understanding of motivational interviewing principles, including PACE, OARS, engaging, focusing, evoking and planning
Good understanding of motivational interviewing principles, including PACE, OARS, engaging, focusing, evoking and planning
Sound understanding of motivational interviewing principles, including PACE, OARS, engaging, focusing, evoking and planning
Demonstrates basic knowledge of motivational interviewing principles, including PACE, OARS, engaging, focusing, evoking and planning
Demonstrates limited knowledge of motivational interviewing principles, with significant gaps in understanding evident
Demonstrates inaccurate knowledge of motivational interviewing principles relevant to the case study
Analysis of case scenario
Very high level of critical thinking skills utilized to analyse the case scenario and synthesize well-argued conclusions
High level of critical thinking skills utilized to analyse the case scenario and synthesize well-argued conclusions
Sound level of critical thinking skills utilized to analyse the case scenario and synthesize reasonably well-argued conclusions
Adequate level of critical thinking skills utilized to analyse the case scenario and synthesize generally appropriate conclusions
Demonstrates some evidence of analysis and/or synthesis of case scenario but key issues were insufficiently and/or inaccurately addressed and/or conclusions were inappropriate/inaccurate.
Demonstrates extremely limited analysis of the case scenario and/or inaccurate/inappropriate conclusions.
Academic writing
Excellent written communication skills are evident through consistent and accurate use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion concise and coherent
Kept to word limit
Good written communication skills are evident through mostly consistent and accurate use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion coherent
Kept to word limit
Sound written communication skills are evident
Some minor e
ors in use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion evident
Kept to word limit
Basic written communication skills are evident
Written expression at times lacks clarity or structure with minor consistent e
ors in gramma
spelling and punctuation/use of nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion evident, although could be more coherent
Kept to word limit
Written expression is poorly structured with several consistent e
ors in gramma
spelling/ punctuation/use of nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion lacked clarity and/or coherence
over word limit ± 10%
Written expression is poorly structured with major e
ors in gramma
spelling/ punctuation/use of nondiscriminatory language
Introduction and conclusion unclear and/or incoherent or missing
Significant e
ors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and/or nondiscriminatory language.
Use of evidence based literature and referencing
Literature sources present a range of wholly relevant, recent, high quality evidence to support writing
Appropriate QUT APA referencing standards consistently applied
Literature sources mostly present a range of wholly relevant, recent, high quality evidence to support writing
Appropriate QUT APA referencing standards mostly applied
Literature sources generally present a range of wholly relevant, recent, high quality evidence to support writing
Appropriate QUT APA referencing with minor e
Literature sources are provided but the relevance, quality and/or recency of some references is not clear. and/or some important literature is missing.
Appropriate QUT APA referencing with minor consistent e
Literature sources are provided but the relevance, quality and/or recency of several references is not clear and/or several important references are missing.
Literature sources provided were largely insufficient / inappropriate to support the writing.
Referencing does not meet QUT referencing standards
NSD105 – Assessment Task 2
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