NOTE: information about the assignment is subject to change: more details will be released closer to the date.
The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or describing the argument and evidence of some recognized authority whom you cite.)
Group or individual:
Please lodge your extension applicationonlineLinks to an external site.
Word limit and format:
The length of your assignment should be no more than7 pages(notincluding the title page or end-text reference list), and should be formatted according to APA 7th requirements (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced). The limit of seven pages is a strict limit.
Feedback:Feedback will be available via Canvas Grades.
Your second assignment will be a critical evaluation of a single journal article. This is the target article: link
Download here
. The aim is for you to make an academic argument that is evidenced (as opposed to merely expressing your opinion or describing the argument and evidence of some recognized authority whom you cite.) This assignment isnotan essay, and you are expected to critically and creatively evaluate the target paper.
The length of your assignment should be
no more than7pages(notincluding the title page or end-text reference list), and should be formatted according to APA 7threquirements (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced).
Please refer to themarking rubric (
link here
Download link here
)to ensure that you understand what is required for the assignment.
Please also use the following template (link
Download here
), which has headings corresponding to each marking criteria.
To critically evaluate the target article, you will need to learn about validity and reliability issues in cross-sectional correlational research.
1. Reliability and validity: to an external site.

2. Internal validity threats: artificiality to an external site.

3. Internal validity threats: instruments to an external site.

4. Rater and response bias to an external site.

Exemplar assignments from previous years (caveat: the structure of the assignment was different in previous years)
Exemplar Critical evaluation.pdf
Download Exemplar Critical evaluation.pdf
Exemplar Critical Evaluation for Cupello et al.
Download Exemplar Critical Evaluation for Cupello et al.
Additional resources
Learn more abouthow to interpret your Turnitin Similarity Report and submit your assignment and access your feedbackon the Student Learning Technologies Support Portal.
Library Referencing Guide
Links to an external site.
Academic Integrity