Note carefully: This document is a guide. It adds to and does not replace the information in the Extended Unit Outline. Use the notes following “e.g.” as ideas and suggestions. They are there to help you feel confident in your own approach.
Description, from the Extended Unit Outline: “you will reflect on Catholic social thought to apply it to a theme from this unit and a marginalised or minority group in Australia society.”
1. Part 1
From the Extended Unit Outline: “Produce an original and creative work [i.e., from the prescribed list] that reflects the relevance of CST principles and a theme from the unit to a marginalised or minority group in Australia”
Additional tips: define the principles carefully, interact with ideas and sources critically, and avoid repeating yourself 2. Part2
From the Extended Unit Outline: “Based on your original and creative work, write a personal reflection that explores the relationships between the prescribed CST principles; your chosen theme from the unit; your chosen group; and how these relationships are important for your course of study”
a. use Catholic social thought principles document from LEO Choose:
a. for your theme, Module 3, 4, or 5
b. for your group, culturally and linguistically diverse people or migrants to Australia from countries affected by
civil/international conflict or natural disasters
Refer to AT2 guide for: identifying course
Faculty-specific research (primary): 3 resources – e.g., if you’ve chosen Module 3,
a. Creighton Connolly, “From resilience to multi-species flourishing: (Re)imagining urban- environmental governance in Penang, Malaysia,” Urban Studies XXXXXXXXXX–1501
b. and 2 articles or videos from Books 5 & 6
Faculty-specific research (secondary): 1 resource – e.g., if you’ve chosen Module 4, and
a. if you’re studying in the Faculty of Law and Business, Ishtiyaque Haji, “Empathy and legal responsibility,” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy, ed. Heidi L. Maibom (Abingdon: Routledge, XXXXXXXXXX–263
b. or, if you’re studying in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Australian Health Promotion Association [NB: follow these examples only as far as they apply to your own faculty]
Journal of Catholic Social Thought research: 2 resources – e.g., if you’ve chosen Module 5,
a. Thomas Massaro’s “Justice in the World, Then and Now: How Pope Francis Carries Forward the Agenda of the 1971 Synod of Bishops” (2021: 161–183)
b. and Drew Christiansen’s “Discerning the Signs of the Times: Holy Conferencing and Communal Discernment in Ecumenical Advocacy” (2017: 229–258)
Structure idea: 5 paragraphs, with clear focuses – e.g.,
a. approx. 300 words providing initial rationale of creative piece
b. approx. 300 words relating subsidiarity to theme and group
c. approx. 300 words connecting that relationship with your course
d. approx. 300 words relating participation to theme and group
e. approx. 300 words connecting that relationship with your course
Additional tips: for connecting the creative work to the reflective piece – e.g.,
a. at least 1 element from the creative work in each paragraph of the reflective piece
1 | UNCC100, AT3 GUIDE – SEMESTER 2, 2022
3. Checklist
Note carefully: On top of this guide and the related drop-in session, you might use the following as a list of key resources and items to check as you prepare your assignment for submission.
a. ☐ Extended Unit Outline = all assignment details and requirements
b. ☐ Assessment tile in LEO site = this guide and the related drop-in session recording; information for
Extension and Special Consideration applications
c. ☐ Unit: Academic Skills Unit ( = general academic assistance from outside the Core Curriculum
a. ☐ Academic writing: Introduction ( = 9 x specific and general topics
b. ☐ Academic writing: 8 Steps of writing process ( = 1 x image with simple writing outline
c. ☐ Academic writing: Critical analysis and argumentation ( = interactive resource connecting
critical approaches to 6 x writing steps
d. ☐ Academic writing: Reflective writing ( = 6 x topics about this writing genre
e. ☐ Academic writing: Paragraph structure ( = slides on 4 x topics with 6 x final takeaways
f. ☐ 10% +/- 1,500 words = use strategically, excluding footnotes and bibliographies
a. ☐ Academic integrity: Academic integrity in practice ( = 10 x scenarios indicating levels of integrity
b. ☐ Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct - Policy and Procedures (ACU) = official, detailed University information
c. ☐ Introduction - Referencing - Library guides at Australian Catholic University ( = go-to referencing resource
d. 6 x required sources =
a. ☐ 1 x “all student” reading from your chosen theme/module b. ☐ 2 x LEO resources from your chosen theme/module
c. ☐ 1 x relevant faculty-specific reading/resource
d. ☐ 2 x articles from the Journal of Catholic Social Thought
a. ☐ your Core Curriculum tutor (i.e., for brainstorming ideas, choosing topics, initial enquiries, interpreting the Extended Unit Outline, etc.) = through LEO; ACU email
b. ☐ the Core Curriculum lecturers = Zach Duke (i.e., for Extension and Special Consideration applications); Blake Wassell (i.e., for matters of assignment content and research)
c. ☐ Academic Skills Unit: 24/7 Online study support ( = both (a) Academic Writing Feedback (i.e., up to 10 x uses for any student through any half-year period) + (b) Connect Live (i.e., online chat) through Studiosity (i.e., outside Core Curriculum); targeted assistance on specific assignments
d. ☐ Ask an Advisor ( = question form for ACU Skills staff (i.e., outside Core Curriculum); focused on