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not 2 thousand words but ill let know the sizeAssessment item 4Network Design (Implementation) Due date:10-May-2018Return date:05-Jun-2018Submission method optionsAlternative submission method Task...

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not 2 thousand words but ill let know the sizeAssessment item 4Network Design (Implementation)
Due date:10-May-2018Return date:05-Jun-2018Submission method optionsAlternative submission method

This is a practical assessment and will enhance and test your practical skills related to the subject topic. You are required to set up a simple network using minimum three PCs and minimum two routers, or use simulation software to set up the same network.
To complete this assessment you are expected to refer to information beyond the text book. This assignment is open; in that you are free to choose the devices or software you use to complete the specified tasks. Students are expected to accomplish this task by utilising the necessary commands discussed in lectures and also described in the prescribed text book.

There are numerous web sites available that discuss Linux networking. You are expected to list your sources of information for the different tasks. When completing this project, you may encounter errors or experience difficulties getting your setup to work. If this occurs, your challenge is to analyse why they happen and report on how you solved the problems you encountered.

Additional information will be provided for technology options to use in creating this lab closer to the assessment due date.

Task 1 - Setting up a Network

You are required to set up a network consisting of PCs, routers and servers. You need to configure routing between routers (minimum two routers required). The routers will have multiple network interfaces. The PC (client) will be connected to one of the router's interfaces and other PCs (servers) will be connected to the second router's interface.
Client <--> Router <--> Router <--> Server(s)

Setup separate server for each application/service. Each side of the router will be in its own LAN (or WAN) segment and should have a different network address, use ONLY private IP address ranges to design this network.

Perform the following activities and support your workings with screenshots [10 marks]:
1. Configure the PC, Server and Router interfaces with appropriate network addressing;
2. Configure routing (IP packet forwarding) on the routers;
3. On the client ping the client's own network interface, then the local router gateway interface, then the remote router interface, then the server;
4. Use the traceroute command from the client to the server. Include results of the traceroute in your submission.

Task 2 - Configuring Network Services
Using the same network topology that you have setup in Task 1, perform the following additional activities [15 marks]:

1. DHCP: Configure DHCP on the server and show that the client PC has successfully received an IP Address and other network parameters (default router, netmask, DNS) using DHCP;
2. WEB Server:Configure a WEB server on dedicated machine, with URL as www.YOUR
3. DNS: Configure a DNS Server on the server device and demonstrate that forward and reverse DNS are working from the client PC; test DNS Server by browsing www.YOUR from client PC, DNS must resolve this URL to IP address of WEB Server
4. Firewall:Configure traffic filtering on the router to block TCP traffic only between one of the client PC and WEB Servers, and provide evidence of such traffic filtering.

A series of screen shots with commentary on each of the required tasks is to be submitted. The submission must include a comprehensive explanation of each task and all the commands used along with the output (or final result) in report format.


This assessment is designed to enhance analytical skills, planning and design capabilities of students under some predefined requirements. In particular, the assessment covers the following learning objectives:

  • be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme;
  • be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods;
  • be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration;
  • be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and
  • be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet;

Marking criteria

Marks will be awarded for

  • Correctness of the commands used
  • Correctness of the output (screen shots)
  • Clarity of explanation relative to the screen shots
  • Correct in-text referencing and reference list according to CSU standard


100% - 85%

84% - 75%


74% - 65%


64% - 50%

49% - 0
Task 1.Setup a Network (10 Marks)Demonstrated exceptional judgement and analysis of a fully working network model with comprehensive description supported by high quality diagrams.Demonstrated good judgement and analysis of a fully working network model with good description supported by good quality diagrams.Demonstrated sound judgement and analysis of a fully working network model with brief description supported by some diagrams.
Demonstrated some analysis with a partially working network model with some description.Major errors in the submission. Working network model not completely demonstrated.
Task 2. Configuring network services (15 Marks)Demonstrated exceptional judgement and analysis of a fully configured network model with comprehensive description supported by high quality diagrams.Demonstrated good judgement and analysis of a fully configured network model with good description supported by good quality diagrams.Demonstrated sound judgement and analysis of a fully configured network model with brief description supported by some diagrams.Demonstrated limited analysis with a partially configured network model with some description.Major errors in the submission. Network service operation not completely demonstrated.
Presentation, Grammar & Referencing
(5 Marks Deduction)

Up to 5 marks may be deducted for poor grammar, presentation, spelling and not following the proper APA 6th edition style of referencing.


Your report MUST be presented in MS Word format. Your assesmment must be submitted electronically and should :

  1. Have a cover page including:
    1. Assessment No & Assessment Title
    2. Student Name, ID & Student Email
  2. The assessment should also include at least the following sections:
    1. Executive Summary - this section should contain a brief summary about the contents of the report. This section should be a maximum of one A4 size page.
    2. Main Body of the report - Use this section to answer all the questions in Part I and Part II. All tasks should be clearly identified with headings.
    3. References - must be in APA style both in-text and at the end of the assessment document.
  3. Use Calibri, or a similar font, in 11 or 12 point type.
  4. All diagrams and images are to be embedded in the document. Diagrams and images that are suppliued separately will not be marked.
  5. All text should be left-justified.
  6. Each page must have a header or footer with your name and student number.
  7. Page numbers must be shown in the footer of each page, except on the title page.

Assessments are marked and feedback is attached using a MS Word based tool. Reports that are submitted in PDF format will be re-formatted to Word format in order to be marked. Allowances will not be made for any loss of information, diagrams or images as a result of the re-formatting.

Please note
: Assessment MUST be submitted as ONE word file on EASTS. Please do not submit *.zip or *.rar or multiple files.

Answered Same Day May 02, 2020 ITC542 Charles Sturt University


Dr answered on May 05 2020
144 Votes
Vinay Kumar, 11636749
Network Setup and Test Lab Work
Assessment No -
Assessment Title -
Student Name – Vinay Kuma
Student ID - 11636749
Student Email –
Executive Summary
Network setup and configuration is a practical work that requires the skill sets and knowledge of the different types of commands and their parameters. In this report, Cisco packet tracer is used to setup and configure the network. The network is setup with the entities such as Client Desktop PCs, Client Laptop Pc, 2960 switches, 1841 routers, generic servers. The connection interfaces to connect the PCs with switches is taken as fastethernet, Switch to router again fastethernet, router to router as serial and switch to server as fastethernet.
After setting up the mentioned devices and connection for the different interfaces of the defined network in Cisco packet tracer, The router is configured by commands to provides the routing services from one network to another netwok, PCs are configured with IP addresses, default gateways addresses, DNS server address. The Servers are configured with IP addresses, Default gateway addresses, DNS server address.
Finally, After addressing to all the devices as selected and setup in the Cisco packet tracer. The configuration of the network services are performed on the DNS server for domain name service, DHCP server for the dynamic host control protocol service and web server for the web services to the network client PCs.
These all services are configured under the Cisco packet tracer and the screenshot of the command and configuration windows for each of the server services are given for the consolidation of test and functional aspect of working of the network with defined services. Finally, the router is configured by command to provide the firewall service to prevent the access of web server for web service by a client of the network. The detailed explanation and screenshot for the proof behind the prevention of the TCP services to a client PC is defined under the report as the firewall service on the router is working as per the defined parameters.
Task 1. Setting up the network
The setting up the network in packet tracer is represented with snapshot 1. The 3 desktop PCs and one Laptop PC is taken under a network with address and three different servers such as DNS, DHCP, and Web Servers are taken under the another network with address
Both the network such as and have their own router having and addresses respectively. Router is connected with a switch in each of the network.
Snapshot 1. Setting up the given network in packet trace
1. Configuration of PC server and routing interface with appropriate network addressing
The configuration of PC, Server and Routing Interface with appropriate addressing are done by following commands.
PC Configuration with appropriate network addressing
A PC in packet tracer is logical entity that is similar to the physical PC such as desktop computer. In the packet tracer such as Cisco packet tracer a PC functions same as the PC like a physical desktop machine under the network (Jestin A, 2014).
A laptop PC is mobile computing device that has both connection ability such as wired network connection and wireless network connection (Jestin A, 2014). Here in Cisco packet tracer the wired fasthethernet connection is taken for the laptop pc.
Server Configuration with appropriate network addressing
A server entity in Cisco packet tracer is logical server entity and this is same as the phsycial server entity. The server gives the services to the clients in the Cisco packet tracer environment. There are three dedicated servers are defined under this...

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