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no plagiarism strictly, its a very weird assignment , i need your help completing this one, the letter head i will arrange something but i need the writing for letter head as well like what would be...

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School of Computing and Information Technology
ISIT200 – Report and Formatting Guideline
DUE DATE: Friday Week 11 of session.
SUBMISSION IS VIA THE SESSION ISIT200 MOODLE SITE (No other submission, including email, will be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure that the report is submitted by the due date.)
Students must submit, via the ISIT200 MOODLE site, a professional report presented as follows:
    Description of Content
    ISIT200 Coversheet
    Download from MOODLE site and submit with registration.
    Confirmation Email
    Attach a copy of your confirmation email that you received when you submitted your registration form.
    1. Work experience organisation
ief overview of the company/organisation and their IT management practices. Include an outline of where you fit into the organisation structure XXXXXXXXXXwords).
    1. 1 Log
    A log should be completed at the end of each week containing a summary of the tasks that were performed. You also need to ask yourself the question ‘What aspects of the BIT, BBIS or BICT degree have assisted you to do these tasks?’ Some ideas are: awareness of cu
ent IT issues, technical knowledge (eg: programming, web page development), problem solving skills, teamwork skills, communication skills (oral and/or written). This should be in the form of a three (3) column table with the following headings: Week Number; Tasks; Comments.
    2. Degree Improvements
    Suggest improvements to the BIT and BBIS course. Justify your answer with examples. (200 words).
    2.1 Evaluation of Industry Placement
    An evaluation of your placement with regard to its impact on you. For example, are you still committed to your career direction or have new avenues been opened to you? (500 words).
    2.2 Tips and Suggestion
    To assist in the preparation of other students about to undertake a placement and how to best maximise the placement in point form (500 words). A selection may be displayed on the Industry Placement website.
    3. Reference
    A SCANNED COPY of a reference, on the company/organisation letterhead with signature from your employer, which may refer to your work performance, but should include the length of time you were employed and the nature of the tasks that you ca
ied out. If a personal reference is unavailable we need a formal acknowledgement from the company/organisation of your attendance. It is your responsibility to obtain the reference letter from your employer upon completion of the placement.
    4. Appendix
    A list of companies/organisations you approached and the responses received.
    5. Cu
iculum Vitae
    A copy of your CV.
Fail/Pass/Credit/Distinction and High Distinction grades are NOT given for this subject NOR will marks be allocated. You will receive a grade of either Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U).
The grade will be recorded in ISIT200 MOODLE site.
Your report is not returned so please make sure you do NOT provide originals of important documents (eg: your references).
Furthermore, please note that this subject does not count in the calculation of weighted average marks.
Your report will be assessed by the Industry Placement Coordinator.
If you require an extension, you need to complete an Academic Consideration application as per Student Academic consideration policy
ISIT200 - Industry Placement Report Requirements – Autumn 2014 – Version 1 - Page 1 of 2

    Introduction and Functionality Statement
    You introduction could benefit with some more technical background for your project, including the domain-driven design and microservices (e.g., what they are and why they have been used).
Your functionality statement is a good start, but you could incorporate more of a business perspective that identifies the value of the functionality to your business domain.
    You have included some details about the application structure in your diagram in terms of the microservices. However, your diagram seems to imply that the three microservices share a database, which is inco
The main purpose of this section is to explain the layered architecture (i.e., presentation (controller) layer, service/application layer, domain (model) layer and an infrastructure layer) and how your project packages align with these. However, you have not included this information. In future, you should provide a clear description of each layer in the context of each service, including visual aids like screenshots of your package structure.
The bulk of your source code is not runnable. You have included a smaller package to run, but this is a single service rather than two microservices as everything is included in the same package and runs on the same port. A key feature of microservices is that they’re independent.
    UML Diagram and Domain Class Patterns
    All attributes should be listed above the horizontal line in your UML diagram, as anything written below is typically interpreted as a method. Your first diagram does not follow standard UML notation. You should try to avoid this and stick to UML standards.
Some associations in your second diagram do not reflect the expectations of the business domain. For instance, a plane ticket does not board a flight. Your associations do not have to follow a linear path, so you should redesign them to more accurately reflect the business domain. You should implement your multiplicities in your code using annotations.
In future, you should try to include everything into one comprehensive diagram to better demonstrate the relationships across the business domain. Your diagrams should contain more domain model classes to better represent the complexity of your business domain. Additionally, you have not implemented some of your identified domain classes, which you should do try to do in future (unless you explicitly state it has not been implemented in your text).
You are cu
ently missing the Event and Domain Service domain design patterns. Additionally, you should provide more explanation as to why certain classes fall under certain patterns. For example, you could mention the immutability of attributes in value objects.
    Data Ownership
    Your data ownership table should identify which database data is stored in (e.g. flight service database). Additionally, your data ownership is oversimplified owing to your limited number of domain model classes.
    Use Cases and REST Requests
    Your use of a standard use case format is great; however, your use cases and your REST requests should be linked. You have not included enough use cases under your use cases heading (even based on your REST requests, CRUD of the same domain class is considered one use case in Task B). You were also required to include at least three use cases involving data transfer between your services.
The use of tables for your REST requests is a good idea. However, you have only included requests for cmd and not for Linux/MacOS. and Document Layout
    You should try and include some headings in your file. Additionally, your sample responses for the REST requests should be presented in the file.
The layout of your documentations is great.
Answered 1 days After Oct 10, 2024


Shubham answered on Oct 11 2024
5 Votes
Confirmation Email
Dear Disha,
Thank you for submitting your registration form for the joining as accountant at Shree Sai Enterprise. We have successfully received your application on [date of submission]. Your registration ID is 23412, and our team will review your details shortly. If we require any further information, we will reach out to you directly.
Please retain this email as confirmation of your submission. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Best regards,
Shree Sai Enterprise Registration Team
1. Work experience organisation
Shree Sai Enterprise is a medium-sized company that operates in retail and distribution sector. This requires focusing on providing high-quality consumer goods and services. The company is well-established in local market that is recognized for customer-centric approach, reliability and efficient supply chain management. Shree Sai Enterprise has diversified product offerings including household essentials, electronics and personal care items that includes wide demographic base. The company has built solid reputation for value-driven operations. It continues to expand the footprint in new regions and maintain better competitive edge in industry.
Overview of IT Management Practices
The company has modern IT solutions to develop operations to improve productivity and maintain competitiveness in changing marketplace. The IT department of Shree Sai Enterprise is responsible for implementing and managing technological infrastructure of organization. It ensures that system remain secure, scalable and aligned with business goals.
1. Infrastructure Management
The IT infrastructure of Shree Sai Enterprise includes mix of on-premises hardware and cloud-based services. The company uses servers and networking systems to support daily operations including accounting, inventory management and customer relationship management systems. Cloud services are being integrated in infrastructure to provide flexibility, scalability and improved data backup solutions. This hy
id approach ensures that IT systems of company can handle peak demands that will help in reducing risks of data loss and system downtime.
2. Data Security and Privacy
Data security is important for IT team for maintaining highest standards of data protection. This will ensure that sensitive customer and financial information is safe from cyber threats. The company follows strict data privacy regulations including GDPR and local compliance standards that will protect customer data. Regular audits, firewalls and encrypted communication protocols are used to protect against unauthorized access. IT department implements multi-factor authentication and secure password policies for employees to minimize risks associated with cyberattacks.
3. Enterprise Resource Planning System
It will ensure smooth and efficient operations, Shree Sai Enterprise has implemented ERP system that integrates key business processes like finance, procurement, inventory management and human resources. The ERP system provides centralized platform for real-time data access that will improve decision-making and optimizing business processes. The ERP system will help to reduce redundancies and increases operational transparency. It will allow management to have clearer overview of business performance.
4. Customer Relationship Management
Shree Sai Enterprise uses CRM system to better manage interactions with customers and enhance the customer experience. The CRM system can help sales and marketing teams to keep track of customer orders, preferences and feedback. It will allow the company to offer personalized services. It includes use of data analytics and reporting features. The company can predict customer needs, develop marketing campaigns and improve customer retention.
5. IT Support and Maintenance
The IT team at Shree Sai Enterprise provides support to ensure that all systems are functioning properly. This can handle software updates, system upgrades and troubleshooting for preventing disruptions in business operations. The company also relies on helpdesk services to resolve technical issues employees can face and this will ensure that all departments including finance, sales and HR can work efficiently.
6. Digital Transformation Initiatives
It is the part of strategic growth plan, Shree Sai Enterprise has invested in digital transformation initiatives. The company is exploring use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and data analytics to drive innovation. The initiatives aim to automate manual processes that can enhance customer engagement and optimize supply chain management. In the technological advancements, Shree Sai Enterprise need to remain agile and competitive in in the digital world.
Role in the Organization Structure
As the role of accountant at Shree Sai Enterprise, it is an important role in managing financial health of the company. The role is...

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