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3. Do the Research- Literature Review –Milestone 3- Due date 11/05/2018 This is the main part of the research project and could take more time. (Referencing should be in APA6 format) i. Review of...

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3. Do the Research- Literature Review –Milestone 3- Due date 11/05/2018
This is the main part of the research project and could take more time. (Referencing should be in APA6 format)
 i. Review of Literature based on past and cu
ent work in your topic (Download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum 10 journals or articles)
 ii. Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
 iii. Based on the literature, list the requirements for your Project, then choose one or more requirements to work with.
 iv. Now you can modify your Problem Statement based on the requirements chosen for your project.
 v. Write the cu
ent and past methodologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review 
4. Write your Report - Final Report - Milestone 4- 18/05/2018
Start writing your draft, as you do your research project. (Put it all together)
 i. Write an executive summary of the report (Purpose, Scope, Method, Results, Recommendation and Conclusion)
 ii. Write a Review of Literature based on past and cu
ent work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)  
 iii. Briefly explain each methodology used in the past and present (5 or more methodology)
 iv. Compare the above methodologies from your perspective on the efficiency, simplicity, extension into other applications, time saving when used, cost saving when used, feasibility, connectivity, commercialisation issues, etc.
 v. Explain the methodology which best suits your application/problem based on various factors with proper justifications. This methodology can be one of the above methodologies or a combination of more than one.
 vi. Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.
vii. Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.
viii. Referencing should be in APA6 format.
This assessment covers the following learning outcome:
· be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT;
· be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.
Marking criteria
The following Criteria will be used while assessing each component of this assessment item. NB All your work must be cited (CSU APA), otherwise up to 100% of marks can be deducted. All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.
Good explanation of solution to the problem defined Goodh explanation of solution to the problem definedGood explanation of solution to the problem defined.Enough explanation of solution to the problem defined
    Evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT
    In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various components of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.
    Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Co
ectly defines various components of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.
    Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.
    Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.
    Describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT
    In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various applications of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.
    Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Co
ectly defines various applications of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.
    Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.
    Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.
    Problems/ Solutions
     Thorough and comprehensive explanation of the solutions, to the problem defined.
     Good explanation of the solutions to the problem defined.
     Enough expanation of the solution to the problem defined
    Limited expanation to the solution of the problem defined.
    Review of Literature
    Thorough and comprehensive research of minimum 10 journals and conference papers
    Good research of minimum 10 journal and conference papers
    Moderate research of 10 journal and conference papers
    Enough research of 10 journal and conference papers but not complete
    Possible Marks (%)
    75 - 84
    65 - 74
    50 - 64
 1. Abstract -10 marks
2. Introduction- 15 marks
3. Literature Review 40 marks
4. Issues/ Challenges/ Solutions- 10 marks
5. Future Research - 5 marks
6. Advantages and disadvantages- 5 marks
7. Conclusion - 5 marks
8. References and Presentation- 10 marks
Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Cali
i font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document. The Assignment should be submitted on Turnitin.
References - You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.
To complete this assessment item, you should have completed the Cisco Introduction to Packet Tracer course and read chapters 1 to 8 of the textbook.
Answered Same Day Apr 28, 2020


Ahmedali answered on May 17 2020
144 Votes
Application of BI in IOT Environment
Executive Summary
Internet of things and business intelligence are two popular trends of today and when they are combined, the capabilities of systems are increased to a great extent. In this research the possibilities of combing the two technologies for the commercial and business usage has been explored. The report is a research that first explores the cu
ent literature on the subject which includes exploration of IOT technologies and BI technologies. Further, it examines the use of BI in the IOT environment.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine how IOT and BI technologies are used today and how they can benefit organizations and if there are any challenges faced then how they are overcome.
Scope: the scope of this research includes exploration of the literature on the subject , collection of the qualitative data on IOT and BI and content analysis of the same to identity the applications, challenges, and solution related to the use of these technologies that would be presented in the report. The report contains a comparison of possible methodologies that can be used in the research, makes a selection that is most appropriate and presents the findings form the research. It also includes a summary and recommendations on the use of BI with IOT for the modern organizations.
Method: The method used for the cu
ent research is the secondary qualitative data collection with content analysis that would be conducted on the literature studied.
Results: This method would result into identification of the themes and patterns in the qualitative data that would, exemplify the applications, challenges and solutions of BI and IOT. Certain technologies and applications as well as the cases of the companies benefiting form these technologies would ne identified based on which some recommendations would be made.
Recommendations: recommendations would be made on how the technologies can be used by companies to gain business advantages, how they can overcome challenges if any occur, and what technologies would suit them for their business and would get them competitive advantages in the long run.
Executive Summary    1
Introduction    2
Literature Review    2
IoT Architecture    3
Business Intelligence    5
Business Intelligence with IoT    7
Methodologies    9
Comparison of Methodologies    10
Selection of Methodology    11
Research Findings    11
Conclusions    15
References    16
This research paper explores the concept of IOT and BI as well as the possibilities of the two using together. The research would first explore the concept of IOT and would identify various applications of the technology. Further, it would explore the cases of BI which is business intelligence to understand its applications. Lastly, the research would utilize the secondary data sources to come up with a better understanding of how BI and IOT can be used in combination to get best business results. The research makes use of the secondary data that would be obtained from secondary sources like journals, website, research reports, and books. The data would be analysed using a content analysis procedure. The methodology section explores possibilities of research methods and justifies the choice of the content analysis as the key method for analysis of the data in the cu
ent research. Based on the data contained, some insight that are obtained by the researcher would be spread out at the end of the research in the findings section.
Literature Review
Internet of things is a network of objects and devices that are linked together to follow certain protocols while exchanging information between them. The devices can include an infrared sensor, Global Positioning System (GPS), Radio Frequency Identification device (RFID), or a laser scanner. Some intelligent operations can be conducted with this networking working in collaboration such as device identification, location tracking, tracing, controlling, and object management.
IoT systems have three key characteristics that include comprehensive perception achieved by using all sending data available, reliable delivery in the real time, and intelligent processing of large amount of data using intelligent computing possibly over cloud.
IoT systems have become very popular lately because of the vast capabilities it has to offer. It fills the gap between the physical and the virtual world by integrating the physical objects in to the information network. As per Gartner, there would be 26 billion IoT connected devices in the world by 2020, which would build a foundation of $300 billion. As per VTT technical research centre, Finland, $15 trillion dollars can be earned globally with IoT devices by the year 2030 (mei & Zhanghang, 2013).
In IoT systems, physical objects that are connected to the network can be made intelligent including homes, pets, food and even humans. SST or ShotSpotter is an example of such a device that could detect a gunfire using microphones and calculate the distance to track its location. With this device, the police could be reported about the threats within 45 seconds (Haller, et al., 2009).
IoT Architecture
IOT uses a global open architecture, which is dynamic and distributed. It has the capacity to maximize the interoperability of systems and resources, which is why it is becoming an essential thing or the industrial development in the modern society. Digitization of the world today have increased the amount of data available largely and it is only rising. With IOT appearing, the information is even huge such that the intelligence data processing needs to tackle the challenges of handling huge data sets (Pilerot & Limberg, 2011).
The most common IOT devices that make the part of its architecture or network include wireless devices like RFID. RFID is a non-contact system that makes use of the electromagnetic radio frequency for transfe
ing data from the tags to objects for identification of tracking. Some RFID tags need no battery and can do the work for short distances through electromagnetic induction while others make use of a local source of power for emitting waves at radio frequencies. These tags have information that can be read from several meters away. RFID tags do not need the reader to be in the line of sight and they could be embedded in a tracking object. An RFID tag on an automobile while it is in production stage can help in tracking its progress through the assembly line. IN pharmacies, medicine locations could be tracked down at the warehouse. RFID tags if injected into pets, even they can be identified. RFID tags attached to clothes can allow tracking of a person too (Negash, 2004).
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is another popular IoT device, which involves spatially distributed sensors that are used for monitoring environmental or physical condition around such as pressure, temperature or sound. WSN networks re mostly bi-directional and thus, can enable controlling of the sensor activity as well. Battlefield surveillance, industrial process monitoring and control, and machine health monitoring are some of the examples of these types of networks. A WSN has several hundred to several thousands of nodes that are connected to one another. Each sensor network has a radio transceiver, a microcontroller and an interfacing circuit that connects between an energy source and the sensors. These sensor nodes come in different sizes from size of grain to the size of a shoebox as well as have a wide range cost from a few dollars to hundreds of them based on its complexity (Lee & Park, 2005).
The cost and size of these devices can put constraints on the resources like memory energy speed or communication bandwidth. WSN topology can be a simple star network or can also have multi-hop mesh network that is wireless and make use of routing or flooding for hopping through the network. WSN has become an active area of research in the field of computer science (Kortuem, et al., 2010).
Machine to machine (M2M) technologies make another kind of IoT network which involves both wired and wireless devices that capture various events and relay them to an application through a network and this application gets a meaningful information out of the date captured. Traditionally, this kind of relay would be done between a remote machine and a central hub but modern M2M communication systems can go beyond this one to one collection and transmit data through a system of networks. This presents new business opportunities to create personal connections between the consumers and the producers today (Kleinrock, 2010).
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence is a technology that concerns with the structure, management, and functioning of organizations using computing techniques. It uses a systematic process of data collection, storage, analysis and presentation. The objectives are gain a competitive advantage and explore market opportunities through informed decisions. Competitive advantages could be achieved through low price, fast data access, collaborative environment,...

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