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HSC1200 Introduction to public health –Further/supplementary assessment – ESSAY CRITERIA SHEET Essay topic: Describe and discuss the differences between a focus on clinical ethics and a focus on...

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HSC1200 Introduction to public health –Furthe
supplementary assessment – ESSAY CRITERIA SHEET
Essay topic: Describe and discuss the differences between a focus on clinical ethics and a focus on public health ethics, and provide specific examples.
Word count: 1000 words
Due date: Noon Wednesday 12th of August
Formatting: 1.5 line spacing, word document, size 12 font.
Please ensure your name and student ID are on your assignment.
Task HD D C P N
Description of clinical ethics
20 marks
□ Principles and
practices of clinical
ethics described in detail
□ Public health
terminology defined
□ Principles and
practices of clinical
ethics described well
□ Public health
terminology defined
□ Adequate description of
the principles and
practices of clinical ethics
□ Adequate description of
terminology and concepts
associated with public
□ Limited description of the
principles and practices of
clinical ethics□ Minimal
description of terminology and
concepts associated with
public health
□ Poor description of the
principles and practices of
clinical ethics
□ Terminology and concepts
associated with public health
poorly defined
Description of public health ethics
20 marks
□ Principles and
practices of public health
ethics described in detail
□ Public health
terminology defined
□ Principles and
practices of public
health ethics described
□ Public health
terminology defined
□ Adequate description of
the principles and
practices of public health
□ Adequate description of
terminology and concepts
associated with public
□ Limited description of the
principles and practices of
public health ethics
□ Minimal description of
terminology and concepts
associated with public health
□ Poor description of the
principles and practices of
public health ethics
□ Terminology and concepts
associated with public health
poorly defined
Analysis of the rationale for the
different approaches to clinical and
public health ethics.
20 marks
□ A thorough and
considered analysis of
the rationale for clinical
and public health ethical
□ Reasonable attempt at
analysis of the rationale
for clinical and public
health ethical
□ Some attempt at
analysis of the rationale
for clinical and public
health ethical approaches.
□ Analysis of the rationale for
clinical and public health
ethical approaches rarely
□ Presents a superficial or
incomplete analysis of the
ationale for clinical and
public health ethical
Utilisation of relevant academic
sources to demonstrate understanding
of clinical and public health ethics
□ Excellent use of
sources to back up
concepts, issues and
□ Examples are highly
elevant and credible
□ Appropriate use of
sources to back up
concepts, issues or
□ Examples are relevant
and credible
□ Limited use of sources
to back up concepts,
issues or theories
□ Some examples not
elevant or credible
□ Sources used to back up
concepts, issues or theories are
not relevant credible
□ Poorly presented or
misinterpreted information
□ No sources used to back up
concepts, issues, or theories
□ Poorly presented or
misinterpreted information
20 marks
□ Highly effective
presentation and
interpretation of
□ Information is
interpreted and
□ Some poorly presented
or misinterpreted
Essay structure and argument
logically organised
10 marks
□ Excellent organisation
of ideas into
introductory, body and
concluding paragraphs
□ Arguments presented
logically and clearly
□ Clear links between
□ Arguments are
strongly supported by
□ A highly developed
and succinct conclusion
□ Essay is clearly
organised into
appropriate paragraphs
□ Arguments are logical
□ Mostly clear links
etween paragraphs
□ Arguments are
adequately supported by
□ A succinct conclusion
is present
□ Essay mostly organised
into paragraphs
□ Arguments are mostly
□ Arguments do not
always logically flow
etween paragraphs
□ Arguments are
sometimes supported by
little or unreliable
□ Conclusion present but
overly long or confusing
□ Essay not clearly organised
into paragraphs
□ Arguments are mostly
□ Arguments are largely
□ Conclusion present but
□ Essay lacks structure
□ Arguments are illogical
□ Arguments lack evidence
□ No concluding statement
Appropriate use of academic
language, accurate spelling,
grammar, punctuation, professional
presentation and co
acknowledgement of sources
eferenced using APA 6th style
10 marks
□ A range of discipline-
specific language used
□ Written in third person
(except for personal
□ Academic tone
ectly demonstrated
and consistent
□ No e
ors in spelling,
grammar or punctuation
□ All sources are
□ Co
ect use of APA 6th
eferencing style
□ Discipline-specific
language used
□ Written in third
person (except for
personal examples)
□ Academic tone mostly
□ Good use of
□ No e
ors in spelling,
grammar or punctuation
□ All sources are
□ Co
ect use of APA
6th referencing style
□ Mainly discipline-
specific language used
□ Mostly written in third
person (except for
personal examples)
□ Reasonable ability to
paraphrase ideas
□ Academic tone
demonstrated, but
□ Few e
ors in spelling,
grammar or punctuation
□ All sources are
□ Mostly co
ect use of
APA 6th referencing style
□ Mostly lay language used
□ At times written in first
□ Attempted use of academic
□ Random or excessive use of
□ Paraphrasing skills require
development to avoid
□ Several e
ors in spelling,
grammar or punctuation
□ Partial acknowledgement of
□ Attempted use of APA 6th
eferencing style
□ Lay language used
□ Written in first person
□ Academic tone not
□ Excessive use of
□ Plagiarism evident
□ Substantial e
ors in
spelling, grammar or
□ Inco
acknowledgement of sources
□ Referencing does not
conform with APA 6th
eferencing style
Student name: XXXXXXXXXXGrade:
Answered Same Day Aug 05, 2021 HSC1200 Monash University


Bandita answered on Aug 08 2021
136 Votes
Running Head: CLINICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS                 1
CLINICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS                         7
Table of Contents
Clinical Ethics...........................................................................................................................3
Principles of Clinical Ethics....................................................................................................3
Public Health Ethics ................................................................................................................4
Differences between Clinical Ethics and Public Health Ethics ...........................................5
References ................................................................................................................................7
Clinical Ethics
Ethics are immanent and indissoluble crucial part of clinical medicine since the health care professionals have an ethical commitment to comfort and provide required services to the patient, to keep the patient away from harm and decrease the rate of incidence of any harm, as well as to respect the needs, values and choices of the patient seeking the health care services. Clinical ethics ensures that the essence and basic features of moral code of conduct are made and specified moral choices are followed while proving the services.
Principles of Clinical Ethics
    Clinical ethics constitute of four major principles, autonomy, beneficence, justice and non maleficence. Beneficence and non maleficence have traces back to the period of Hippocrates and the rest two, autonomy and justice, developed later.
    Autonomy is a clinical ethics principle which has philosophical support that every individual has inherent and complete worth and hence, they should have the potential to take logical and reasoned decisions as well as moral choices, and all of them should be permitted to employ their ability towards self determination. Autonomy as an ethical decision was declared by the Justice Cardozo in a decision by the court in 1914 with concise pronouncement of each and every individual of adult years and sound mind has a right to decide what should be done with his or her own body (Varkey 2020).
    The fundamental of beneficence is the commitment of the health care professional to act for the well being of the patient and also supports a wide...

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