Introduction to Business Programming
BUS-ADM 810 Development of Web-Based Solutions
Assignment 5
Implement a console application in C# for Continental Palms Hotel (CPH).
The program repeatedly prompts the user to enter information about a reservation. The basic information about every reservation includes first name, last name, gender, room type, check in and check out dates, address (street, city, state, zip), home phone, and mobile phone.
There are two special types of guests: employee of the hotel and VIP. The program also records the employee ID for an employee of the hotel and the starting date of a VIP guest.
The program displays a short summary after each reservation has been entered. The summary includes, among others, the number of nights, room charge, tax, and total. The room price (per night) is determined by the room type: $119 for Standard, $159 for Deluxe, and $239 for Luxury Suite. The discount rate is determined by the guest type: 15% for Employee of the hotel, 10% for VIP, and 0% for any other guest. Tax rate is 5%.
The program must use exception handling to maintain data integrity and must never crash. Name must consist of letters only. Gender must be ‘M’ or ‘F’. Room type must be ‘S’, ‘D’, or ‘L’. Check out date must follow check in date. The employee ID of an employee must be between 1000 and 9999. The starting date of a VIP guest must be prior to today. State must be one of the 50 states of the US. Zip code must be a five-digit number. Phone numbers must contain ten digits.
The program must be written in an object-oriented style, using multiple classes and sub classes, applying encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Sample Dialog
Welcome to the CPH Reservation System!
Add a new reservation
Guest type: E (employee), V(VIP), or O (other)? E
Employee ID: 12333
Employee ID must be a number between 1000 and 9999!
Employee ID: 1233
First Name: linda
Last Name: smith
Gender: f
Room Type (S, D, L)? s
Check in: 1/1/2019
Check out: 1/3/2019
Mobile Phone: XXXXXXXXXX
Street Address: 189 N Glendale
City: Milwaukee
State: WI
Zip: 53201
Employee Ms. Smith, Linda XXXXXXXXXXN Glendale, Milwaukee, WI XXXXXXXXXX9999, XXXXXXXXXX, 2 nights, Standard XXXXXXXXXXDiscount: 15% Room Charge: $ XXXXXXXXXXTax: $10.12 Total: $ XXXXXXXXXXEmployee ID: 1233
Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: n
Add a new reservation
Guest type: E (employee), V(VIP), or O (other)? V
Starting Date: 1/1/2020
Start date must be prior to today!
Starting Date: 1/1/2008
First Name: min
Last Name: zhao
Gender: m
Room Type (S, D, L)? d
Check in: 1/3/2019
Check out: 1/5/2019
Mobile Phone: XXXXXXXXXX
Street Address: 100 W Good Hope Rd
City: Fox Point
State: Wisconsin
Zip: 53217
VIP Mr. Zhao, Min XXXXXXXXXXW Good Hope Rd, Fox point, WI XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, 2 nights, Deluxe Discount: 10% Room Charge: $ XXXXXXXXXXTax: $14.31 Total: $ XXXXXXXXXXSince 1/1/2008
Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: n
Add a new reservation
Guest type: E (employee), V(VIP), or O (other)? x
Guest type: E (employee), V(VIP), or O (other)? o
First Name: 12
First name must consist of letters only!
First Name: Billy
Last Name: 12
Last name must consist of letters only!
Last Name: Zhao
Gender: 1
Gender should be Male or Female!
Gender: M
Room Type (S, D, L)? x
Room type must be S, D, or L!
Room Type (S, D, L)? L
Check in: 12
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
Check in: 1/10/2019
Check out: 1/1/2019
Check out must be after 1/10/2017
Check out: 1/11/2019
Home Phone: 89
Improper number of numeric digits for a phone number.
Mobile Phone: 89
Improper number of numeric digits for a phone number.
Mobile Phone: XXXXXXXXXX
Street Address: 232 E Spring
City: Chicago
State: ii
II is not a U.S. state!
State: IL
Zip: 232232
Zip should consist of 5 digits!
Zip: 23223
Guest Mr. Zhao, Billy 232 E Spring, Chicago, IL XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, 1 nights, Luxury Discount: 0% Room Charge: $ XXXXXXXXXXTax: $11.95 Total: $250.95
Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: y
Thank you for using the CPH Reservation System!