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3365 [°°

Figure 2: STP N values at 0.91 m depth.
(b) Two white lines are drawn in Figure 2 to show where ¢ = XXXXXXXXXXand when g =
(i) Sketch S as a function of g when ¢ = XXXXXXXXXXThis is the cross-section of
S(¢,g) when ¢ = 73.205.),
(ii) Sketch S as a function of £ when g = XXXXXXXXXXThis is the cross-section of
S(¢,g) when g = 33.66.)
(c) Three points, P, Q and R are shown on Figure 2.
(i) For which of these points is a <0?
(ii) For which of these points is - > 07
(Note: more than one point may satisfy each condition.)
3. Geotechnical engineers use a procedure called the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) to
provide information on geotechnical properties of soil. The SPT measurement is given
as a positive integer (whole number) between 1 and 50 and this is known as the SPT N
value. (You can read more about the SPT in wikipedia, for example.)
A group of geotechnical engineers have recently published a study on soil properties in the
egion near Islamabad in Pakistan [1]. They produced a series of contour maps showing
the SPT N value at various soil depths. Two of these contour maps are shown below
(Figures 1 and 2). These maps have been annotated for the purpose of this assignment.
In Figures 1 and 2, the horizontal axis is latitude which we will denote by £ and the vertical
axis is longitude which we denote by g. We give the SPT N value the mathematical
symbol S. Hence we can write S = S(, g) or, in words, SPT N is a function of latitude
and longitude.
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Figure 1: STP N values at 1.52 m depth.
(a) In Figure 1, there are three points marked, A, B and C on the contour plot fo
STP N. What is the feature of the contour plot at each of these points? (There
is a different feature at each point.)
Answered Same Day May 21, 2024


Bhaumik answered on May 22 2024
16 Votes
i. To Sketch S as a function of g when l =73.205, we will extract the SPT N values along the vertical line l=73.205 from the map in Fig. 2:
Analyzing the contour map for l=73.205
We shall follow the vertical line l=73.205 and note the SPN N values (denoted by S) as g changes:
1. At :
2. At :
3. At :
4. At :
5. At :
Sketching for l=73.205
With the help of the above values, we can plot versus :
1. From to :
decreases from 21 to 16.
2. From to :
remains constant at 16.
3. From to :
remains constant at 16 to 36.
4. From to :
further increases from 36 to 41.
ii. To Sketch S as a function of l when g =33.66, we need to obtain the SPT N values along the horizontal line g=33.66 from the map in Fig. 2:
Analyzing the contour map for g=33.66
We shall follow the horizontal line g=33.66 and note the SPN N values (denoted by S) as l changes:
1. At :
2. At :
3. At :
4. At :
5. At :
6. At :
7. At :
Sketching for g=33.66

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