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Assignment: Students must identify a company, a brand; a specific product line; a specific model number or variety within a product line, etc., of their own choice (about which they have some...

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Students must identify a company, a
and; a specific product line; a specific model
number or variety within a product line, etc., of their own choice (about which they have
some interest).
For example​ (only), as was discussed in class, students may decide to choose the N.Y.
Mets baseball team as their topic and would examine the situation they face in
marketing the team to their fans for the 2018 baseball season. Once the analysis of
their cu
ent marketing mix and the situation they face in their overall uncontrollable
environment has been made, the students must apply TWO theoretical concepts within
the course – let’s say, 1.) the Wheel of Consumer Behavior Analysis, and, 2.) the
concept of Exposure. In order to complete the assignment, the student must show how
affect and cognition, overt behavior, and the consumer environment can be used to
improve marketing efforts and recommend how the concept of Exposure could be used
to stimulate attention and participation of their market with the team.
Once the student has made a choice about the topic choice upon which they will focus
within the assignment, the student must prepare a 4-5 page paper including the
following matters identified below (complete with in-text citations and bibliography in
APA format):
1. Clearly identify the choice you have made (as described above) and provide a
ackground of the choice and the cu
ent situation it faces [hint: look at its marketing
mix strategies and the uncontrollable environment in which it exists – the cultural/social
aspects, competition, economic aspects, legal
egulatory/governmental aspects, and
the resources (land., labor, capital and technology) and its management objectives]
elated to your choice. Be sure to include a statement of why you were attracted to
make the choice you have identified as the focus of your assignment.

2. Each student must then clearly identify at least TWO major theoretical areas drawn
from course materials (textbook, class discussions, notes, etc.) and relate those
theoretical topics to the situation faced by your assignment topics situation (as
described above in item #1). Your goal is to show your applied understanding of these
TWO theories as you would apply/use them to benefit the choice you have made (paper
topic) and or solve a problem or overcome ba
iers in the situation(s) you have

PART TWO ​(worth 13% of one’s final course grade)

Students must be prepared to provide a
ief presentation (of a duration of 5-6 minutes
maximum) using MS PowerPoint or Prezi to highlight the contents of your work in PART
ONE (i.e., your assignment paper) to the class.

Please note:​ This paper will be due on the last class meeting of the semester and the
presentation will be presented during the final two class meetings as well. Only the
document should be submitted (by Email attachment at XXXXXXXXXX) as the
presentation is oral and is only meant to serve the role of supporting the oral
presentation to the class.
Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020


Karan answered on May 20 2020
129 Votes
New York
Introduction    3
1.    3
2.    4
Conclusion    6
References    7
In the present scenario, marketing has become a very popular concept as it directly results in the creating awareness among people in the target market (Jeofavorito, 2017). Marketing is even critical in areas such as sports because it help teams to enhance their overall popularity. The present study outlines how New York Mets which is a baseball team can use the concept of marketing to interact and communicate with its fans.
New York Mets has is a baseball team of America and it has won the title of World Series Championship in the year 1969 and 1986. The team is member of National League East Division and it competes in major baseball leagues at domestic and international level. The season 2018 is going to be very critical for New York Mets and it is looking forward to interact with its fans in the best possible manner. However, it can be critically argued that the team is facing different types of issues linked with marketing and communication (New York Mets, 2018). At present, New York Mets emphasise on using various tools and techniques of promotion with an objective to retain the old and attract the new fans. It can be expressed that in its official site, New York Mets has also integrated a promotional page with the help of which it renders information about the new and upcoming baseball events.
On the contrary of this, it can be argued that the present strategy employed by New York Mets cannot be termed as effective regarding ca
ying out marketing and promotion of the team to its fans. Inadequate planning and resources are the primary factors which have resulted in creating obstacles for the team to promote itself for the upcoming season 2018. To deal with the identified issue and attain desired objectives of marketing, the
and will be required to identify and understand the cu
ent situation and external environment factors which affects the overall marketing strategy. The present condition for New York Mets is mentioned below as:
Competition- The marketing and promotional...

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