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My chosen article - XXXXXXXXXXfad-andean-staple-has-not-hurt-pooryet-against-grain Additional Material to reference-...

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My chosen article - XXXXXXXXXXfad-andean-staple-has-not-hurt-pooryet-against-grain
Additional Material to reference- XXXXXXXXXX
Explain how scarce resources are allocated by markets. Find an article that illustrates how supply and demand determine how much goods and services ultimately cost. Describe what is happening in the article in terms of the supply and demand framework, e.g. which curves are shifting and what is happening to equilibrium prices and/or quantities. Remember: dollar price is not the only rationing mechanism. **NOTE: Many students are drawn to macroeconomic topics (fiscal policy, national debt, etc…) early in the course. I understand that these topics are interesting, but will cover those topics in depth later in the course, and your last two papers will deal with them explicitly. Please hold back on them for the first paper.**
  1. Due: wednesday Sep 6, by 12 Midday.

0.) The title of the article and date of the issue. The Economist does not list specific authors for its pieces, so just make sure I know how to find the article if I need to.
1.) A brief summary of the article (or articles). You should not simply copy or rewrite entire articles. I can read the actual source material myself if I want to. Just summarize the main points of the article for me in your own words. It is possible (probable) that I will have already read the article on my own since I read the Economist religiously, but just in case I haven’t, you want to make sure that I understand what’s happening in the article. Note that this means that you’ll also have to make sure that you understand what’s happening in the article—correctly!
2.) An analysis of the article using the language and tools developed in the class. This can be thought of as the positive-analysis aspect of the paper (see chapter 2 in your textbook). Explain what is happening in the article in terms of concepts that we’ve learned so far. For example: ``Prices are rising/falling in this article because there has been a shift in demand. This is evident when the article says… The equilibrium has therefore now changed so that… ’’ (These concepts will make more sense once we cover chapter 4!) If at all possible, try to make some predictions regarding future consequences or point out aspects of the story that the article may be leaving out. This is your chance to demonstrate your understanding of the content from class, so be sure to explain any relevant concepts themselves as well as how they relate to the article. You do not need quote directly from or reference the textbook at all times, but do your best to show me your understanding of how the material applies to the article(s) you’ve chosen.
3.) Your own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. This can be thought of as the normative aspect of the paper (again see chapter 2 of your textbook for a definition of the word normative). What do you think should happen regarding the article you’ve chosen? Is there some policy that you think could improve the situation? Or is some policy currently in place that you don’t agree with? Is there an issue of fairness or
efficiency that you think is currently overlooked? Be sure to qualify your statements, however. Don’t simply say that the events described are good or bad. Explain why you feel that way. For example, ``I think this is a poor choice of policy because according to my analysis it is likely to inhibit economic growth.’’
A note on structure: The above elements are intended as a rough guideline for your papers. Each paper does not necessarily have to be structured in that rigid order. Your papers should not be mere sets of bullet points! Ideally, each paper should have a logical progression of points or arguments, along with a cohesive narrative. You want to include the basic elements above, but how you do so is up to you. I appreciate individual style as long as you get your point(s) across effectively and demonstrate an understanding of economics. Thus, don’t worry too much about format. Focus on content!
Regarding the length of papers: Roughly, papers should be 4-6 pages long with the usual formatting conventions (12-point font, double-spaced, etc.). But just as there is no one style that is correct for the paper, there is no one correct length. Obviously, a paper that is a mere two or three paragraphs is probably not long enough to effectively analyze an article and demonstrate a student’s understanding. But length alone should not be your goal when writing. A paper that is 30 pages of fluff that doesn’t actually analyze or accomplish anything is just as bad as a three-paragraph paper that doesn’t analyze or accomplish anything. Again, the point is to demonstrate your ability to relate the material from class to the real world. That should be your goal, however many pages it takes.
Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
126 Votes
Quinoa is unique of the ecosphere's greatest prevalent fitness nourishments. Quinoa is
gluten free; it is great in protein and unique of the rare vegetable nourishments that encompass
all nine indispensable amino acids. It is likewise great in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron,
potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and numerous useful antioxidants. Quinoa is a
modicum harvest that is full-grown aimed at its comestible seeds. It is definite KEEN-wah. In
other words, it is essentially a seed which is equipped and eaten co
espondingly to a scrap.
Quinoa was a significant harvest for the Inca Empire rear in the day. They mentioned to it as the
mother of completely food particles and supposed it to be blessed. It has been expended for
thousands of years in South America, even though it lone developed up-to-the-minute and
stretched super food status a rare ages ago. These existences, you can invention quinoa and crops
made through it all completed the world, particularly in healthiness nourishment provisions and
istros that accentuate normal foods.
Demands of the Quinoa:
Quinoa has rushed in acceptance in the previous five years. As this alteration in Western
sensitivities has happened, demand started to outstrip source in the old-style quinoa producing
nations of Bolivia and Peru. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) accumulates values conventional by creators. In Bolivia and Peru, worth established per
ton augmented by around 33 percent and 131 percent individually. This also enlarged the price
for customers, most particularly those manufacturers who had conventionally trusted on quinoa
as an inexpensive, nourishing chief. As values rise steeply, this was no extended a humble
The Economist participates in an article titled, “Quinoa: Against the Grain.” It impressed
on how overseas customers haven’t wounded deprived Andean agriculturalists, nonetheless
might in detail have assisted them. The journalist points to the steady weakening in quinoa
feasting in Peru as indication of ever-changing sensitivities and favorites, not impartial pure
value replacement.
Supply of the Quinoa:
As request dashed fast, foundation of the Quinoa might not preserve pace. So that among
in the year 2000 and its top in 2014, the regular value of quinoa spreads after Peru and Bolivia
more than triplicated, to $6 / $7 a kilogram. Assumed that 16 percent of Bolivians, and 7.5
percent’s of Peruvians are malnourished, rendering to the UN...

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