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Module 4 - SLP Risk Management The Session Long Project for this course is to evaluate and critique a health care facility you are familiar with and compare it to the general principles and standards...

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Module 4 - SLP

Risk Management

The Session Long Project for this course is to evaluate and critique a health care facility you are familiar with and compare it to the general principles and standards for quality assurance presented in this course.

In the earlier modules you identified a health care facility for the subject of the SLP and presented a description of the facility and it's quality assurance program. You also critiqued the facility's Continuous Quality Improvement program, Utilization Management Program, and Case management Program.

In this module you will discuss and critique the subject facility's Risk Management program.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For this module you are to complete the following tasks in a 4- to 5-page paper:

  • Describe and discuss the facility's Risk Management program. Do you feel their Risk Management program is adequate?
  • Compare and critique the subject facility's Risk Management program to that of a model facility and whether the facility adheres to the recognized standard for risk management.
  • Identify areas for improvement in the facility's Risk Management program, if any, and any recommendations you think should be implemented to lower risks in the facility. Give valid reasons for your answer.

I need 5 pages, APA, 4-5 in-text citations, 4-5 references

Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2020


Karan answered on Jun 06 2020
152 Votes
Risk Management
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Facilities risk management program    3
Compare and critique risk management program of the facility    5
Identifying areas of improvement risk management within the facility    6
Conclusion    6
In the modern era, effective risk management plan have become vital for success and growth of an organisations. Nowadays, risks have become a critical part of a business and companies are required to develop useful plans to identify those risks and mitigate the same in every possible manner (Ginter, 2018). The present study is based on Envita Medical Center which is a USA based health care facility offering different types of healthcare related services to its users. The cu
ent report outlines the risk management plan developed by the selected healthcare facility. In addition to this, areas of improvement within the risk management program of the facility are also explored in this study.
Facilities risk management program
After ca
ying out the assessment of risk management plan within the selected healthcare facility, it has been identified that the program consists of four major stages. The risk management program within selected facility begins with performance of risk assessment and here the facility emphasise on ca
ying out proactive assessment of different internal and external risks (Dixon, 2017). The risk manager working within the facility is here responsible to ca
y out risk assessment so that the facility can take measures to control before the issue or problem occurs.
However, the main and most important benefit of this step is that it reduces the chances of reacting and treating an event after occu
ence of the problem. The services, business operations and other related process are accessed here to identify what sorts of risks are present within these areas. In the next stage, the selected healthcare facility emphasise on hardwire risk mitigating practices.
The objective of risk manager in this stage is to make sure that a low risk environment is maintained within the healthcare facility in the best and every possible manner. Here, the risk managers focus on ca
ying out the standardisation of various practices and strategies across the entire healthcare facility (Iuga, & McGuire, 2014). Apart from this, the managers in this stage also focus on educating the healthcare workers on areas such as different types of risks and strategies employed to mitigate those risks.
In the third stage, the selected healthcare facility emphasises on prioritizing task and this stage is ca
ied out when the risk manager within the facility are overloaded with work. It is the stage in which the objective of risk manager is to ca
y out constant prioritization of their work and activities and ca
y out assessment of every task and activity which is undertaken.

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