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Mode of Delivery:Individual written report Details of task:During week 8 students will be assigned a MythBusters topic and given two articles, one which supports and one which refutes the myth....

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Mode of Delivery:Individual written report

Details of task:During week 8 students will be assigned a MythBusters topic and given two articles, one which supports and one which refutes the myth. Students will need to read the two articles and use those to write their own report on the topic.

The report will describe the myth, summarise both sides of the argument using the papers provided and conclude whether it is a myth, or if there is evidence to support the statement. You will need to do some additional research for your introduction however the evidence you use to support or refute the myth should be limited to the provided papers.

The topics are:

  • Chocolate causes acne
  • Sugar makes children hyperactive
  • Vitamin C cures the common cold
  • Eating late at night causes weight gain

Please check Moodle to find out your assigned topic, access the papers and the template for the report and view the marking rubric.

Due date:Friday 5thJune (week 11)


Word count:900 words (+/- 10%). The reference list is not included in the word count, though in-text citations are included.

Presentation requirements:Please submit a word document, using the template provided, with normal margins, 11 point font minimum and 1 ½ spacing. Use the sub-headings provided and don’t forget your in-text citations and reference list. Please add your name and student ID to the document header,

Estimated return date:2-4 weeks


  • Title
  • Introduction including a description of the health condition and medical myth
  • Summary of the evidence provided by the supporting paper including:
    • the study type and level of evidence
    • key features of the study such as what it examined, where it was conducted and how many participants there were
    • the results of the study, and
    • any potential bias and/or steps taken to minimise bias
  • Summary as above for the refuting paper
  • Discussion and conclusion including whether the evidence you have assessed supports or refutes the myth and whether that evidence be applied to the Australian context
  • In-text citations and a reference list using APA 6th referencing style

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Tanaya answered on May 30 2021
152 Votes
Running Head: CHOCOLATE CAUSES ACNE        1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Summary of Evidence Provided    3
Study Type and Evidence Level    3
Key Features of the Study    4
Potential Bias    4
Summary of the Refuting Paper    4
Study Type    5
Key Features    5
Potential Bias    5
Discussion    6
Conclusion    6
References    7
There had been a long debate on the impact of chocolates on the acne resulting in the imbalance in the BMI (Basal Metabolic Index), glucose level, hormonal level, glycaemic index and emotional stress. These various factors are also found to impact on the acne (Sinkevich & Zhukovich, 2016). In addition, with the change in the diet, the acne condition has worsened. In the cu
ent study, a comparative analysis was ca
ied out to understand the impact of chocolate on causing Acne Vulgaris.
Summary of Evidence Provided
In the study, the impact of chocolate on the exace
ation of acne has been observed among the male population between the ages of 18 and 35 years. The study was handled by the researchers utilising six ounces of gelatin in the hydrolysed form with mixed with cocoa powder. According to Caperton, Block, Viera, Keri and Berman (2014), the facial acneiform is caused when the chocolate bar is consumed ten times a day with a quantity of 45 gm consisting of 28% of vegetable fat. The study was designed in the placebo-controlled model under the clinical facility. The main idea of the study is to verify the impact of the increased consumption of the chocolate by the individuals whether have any impact in the incidence of acne and also the research explores an inte
elation in between the amount consumed, and the number of lesions appeared in the participants.
Study Type and Evidence Level
The study type of research is a double blind, randomised placebo-controlled study. The site selected to ca
y out the research was under a clinical setting. The subjects were randomly selected, and the dosage of gelatin-based cocoa powder capsule was provided in a blinded envelop. The participants were in between the age of 18 to 35 years who initially had a minimal quantity of facial acne. Further, in the...

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