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MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication Assignment Part I: Encoding and error control Sam is a computer science student and working on a new micro robot design. The robot continuously sends every...

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MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication

Part I: Encoding and e
or control
Sam is a computer science student and working on a new micro robot design. The robot
continuously sends every two seconds a status string comprising the accelerometer
eading (4 bits), ultrasound obstacle detection (6 bits), motor functionality (4 bits) and
attery power level (2 bits).
a) Calculate the data rate required for robot to remote controller communication
) Explain 3 types of suitable encoding techniques could be used to encode the
status string.
c) At a certain instance, the sensors provided data as acceleration 5 m/s2,
obstacle at 48 cm, all motors working (i.e. motor functionality 1111), and
attery is 75%.
i. Write the status string in binary for this instance
ii. Represent the status string on ASK, FSK, and PSK encoding techniques
d) Calculate the CRC for the status string derived in c) with polynomial divisor
e) Briefly explain some other e
or control and flow control techniques that Sam
can use to ensure the accuracy of robot control
Part II: Multiplexing and multiple access
Multiplexing plays an important role in communication as it allows the combination of
multiple streams together. Different multiplexing techniques are used for various
a) Explain TDM, FDM and CDMA multiplexing techniques with suitable diagrams
) Main air interface in the change from 3G to 4G and WiMAX. Explain how
OFDM is different from above techniques and the special feature of signals
used by OFDM
c) IEEE 802.11ac wireless LAN standard uses 40 MHz total bandwidth in OFDM
MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication
i. For 48 subscribers what should be the subca
ier bandwidth ( fb ) ?
ii. Propose a suitable subca
ier bit time of T to achieve orthogonality
iii. Explain how OFDM overcomes the issue of inter symbol interference
Part III: Wi-Fi
Prime Living is a real estate company based in Victoria and you work form them as a consultant
network engineer. The company has decided to open a new office in South Eastern subu
s and the
floor plan of the building is shown below. The office consists of 5 rooms and on average 8 employees
work at each room. The lounge is used by both staff and customers and on average about 25 devices
connect to Wi-Fi. The clients wants you to design the network for them with at least 100 Mbps data
ate for all wireless connections. As resources you’ve got one distribution system and few access
points of 10 m range.
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
5 m
10 m
5 m
Lounge and reception
MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication
a) Design the network specifying the locations of access points and distributions
system showing the backbone network.
) Calculate the BSS and ESS sizes
c) Calculate the throughput for the DS
d) Recommend a suitable IEEE substandard for the network and give reasons for
your choice
e) Recommend suitable security strategies for the network
Answered Same Day Jul 09, 2020 MITS5003


Vidhi answered on Jul 10 2020
145 Votes
Samisacomputersciencestudentandworkingonanewmicrorobotdesign.Therobotcontinuouslysendseverytwosecondsa statusstringcomprisingtheacceleromete
a) Calculatethedata raterequired fo
obot toremote controllercommunication
Number of bits in status string = 4 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 16 bits
Number of strings per minute = 30
Total bandwidth = 30 * 16 bits /min = 480 bits/min
                 = 8bits/sec
) Explain3 typesof suitableencodingtechniquescouldbeused toencodethestatus string.
Since our status string is Binary and not much high data rate, we can use Manchester, Differential Manchester or Bipolar with Zero substitution encodings
c) At a certaininstance, thesensors provideddataas acceleration5 m/s2,obstacleat48 cm, allmotors working(i.e. motorfunctionality 1111), andbatteryis 75%.
i. Write thestatus stringinbinaryforthisinstance
0101 011000 1111 10
ii. Representthestatus string onASK, FSK,andPSKencodingtechniques
d) CalculatetheCRCforthestatus stringderivedinc)withpolynomial divisor11001101
Using CRC-8 for calculation
Polynomial is x^7 + x^6 + x^3 + x^2 +1
Calculated CRC is 0x5F
e) Briefly explain some othere
orcontroland flowcontroltechniques that Samcanusetoensuretheaccuracyofrobotcontrol
CRC check can used to detect e
ors in status string or if enough bandwidth is available then Hamming Code can also be used with original data to allow for more secure e
or detection.
Flow control can be achieved by using Stop and Wait protocol, This will add a sequence number in header of each packet to enable better synchronization of the robots status. And in case an acknowledgement is not received in due time, the packet can be sent again.

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