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MIS101 SUPP Assessment Brief Page 1 of 4 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT Subject Code and Title MIS101 Information Systems for Business Assessment SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT Individual/Group Individual Length...

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MIS101 SUPP Assessment Brief Page 1 of 4
Subject Code and Title
MIS101 Information Systems for Business
Individual/Group Individual
Length 10 Minutes Presentation + 600 Words Written Assignment
Learning Outcomes a) Identify and explain elements of a computer system.
c) Evaluate and illustrate the links between computing architecture
and business processes.
Submission Thursday 28th May 2020 at 23:55pm AEST.
In your reading of the last two modules, you have learned different IS emerging technologies and
their potential to solve complex problems. In this assessment, you will look at the ethical
implications of emerging technologies in particular Artificial Intelligence.
The father of AI, Alan Turing, defines this discipline as: “AI is the science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.” (McCarthy, 2007).
There are different classes of AI used across many different industries such as Finance, Health and
 Search techniques
 Knowledge representation and reasoning
 Machine learning
 Natural Language processing
 Machine vision (perception)

However ethical issues have been discussed about the use of AI. Three main principles in Information
systems ethics are: responsibility, accountability, and liability.

Task Instructions
Prepare a 600 word-
iefing document and 10-minute presentation on the implications of ethics on
AI technologies that could be used in one of the following industries only:
 health
 finance
 engineering
MIS101 SUPP Assessment Brief Page 2 of 4
 pharmaceuticals
 Airlines
You will need to research AI in the industry you chose and provide supporting evidence for the
arguments that you make.
Any references used should be cited using APA referencing style. Please do not forget to include
introduction and conclusion to your report. You are expected to prepare and deliver a 15-minute
class presentation as well.
The presentation needs to be recorded and submitted through Blackboard with the ppt slides.
Submission Instructions

There is no specific format for the assessment. Be sure to keep several drafts of your work as well as
your notes and any sources you used to draw on in preparing your report. Extensions will be
considered only in extenuating circumstances where the student has applied before the due date. At
that point, students are required to provide the latest draft, in case the extension is not granted and
to demonstrate they have earnestly done everything to avoid lateness.

You are responsible for keeping appropriate back-ups and drafts of their assignments and to submit
the co
ect version.

If you use any resource, you have to cite them in your report using the APA referencing style. To
University Australia policies apply to the preparation and submission of this assignment.
MIS101 Assessment 3 Brief Page 3 of 4
Assessment Ru

Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
Technology na
ative is simplistic and
does not capture the
ichness of the
technology chosen.
Provides a na
ative that
explores the technology
ut not its variants and
alternatives. May need
sharpening in delivery or
more context.
Provides a na
ative that
explores the technology with
its variants and alternatives.
May need sharpening in
Confidently and elegantly
provides a na
ative that
captures the main aspects
of the emerging
technology, including a
critical view at the cu
situation of the technology.
Expertly establishes a
compelling na
ative on
the emerging technology,
inspiring a case for ongoing
development. The cu
situation of the technology
expertly critiqued.
demonstrated on
AI technology and

The focus for this
cannot be seen in the
assignment. The student
seek help from the
learning facilitator.
The solution plan is
passable, but more work is
needed to focus on
technologies with more
impact on the business
Good insight
demonstrated in the
solution plan; some
semblance of the high-
impact emerging
technologies can be seen.
Very good insight
demonstrated in the
plan; emerging
technologies are relevant
and discussed
Exceptional insight
demonstrated in the
solution plan; the most
suitable emerging
technologies are discussed
demonstrated and
evidence for ethics
in chosen industry
The focus for this
cannot be seen in the
assignment. The student
should seek help from the
learning facilitator.
The justification for the
presented plan is passable;
further work may be
needed to justify expected
gains or otherwise explain
them clearly.
Good insight demonstrated
in the justification for the
solution; expected gains are
Very good insight
demonstrated in the
justification for the
expected gains to
management are well
Exceptional insight
demonstrated in the
justification for the
expected gains to
management are clearly
explained and justified.

MIS101 Assessment 3 Brief Page 4 of 4
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
Presentation of
assignment, strength

The presentation and/or
ecommendations may
need additional work.
The recommendations
may need further tracing
ack to the analyses.
The presentation is
average, and the
ecommendations can be
seen to trace back to the
preceding analysis.
Good presentation with
ecommendation presented.
Very good presentation
with insightful
An exceptional assignment
presentation with
and insightful
ecommendations that are
to be commended.
Use of External
Work is needed here to
incorporate external
sources into the report.
The student can be seen to
have tried to integrate
external sources into the
eport. Further work is
needed and the student
should consult a li
to build their skill base.
Some external sources
are used. Attention
should be given to the
strength of the sources,
the criticality the student
shows or the style the
student is using to cite or
eference them.
A number of high-quality
external sources have been
incorporated into the
eport and the references
are in the APA format.
Several high-quality
external sources have been
incorporated into the
eport; the student has
een critical of them and
the references are in the
APA format.

The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Identify and explain elements of a computer system.
SLO c) Evaluate and illustrate the links between computing architecture and business processes.
Answered Same Day May 25, 2021 MIS101 Torrens University Australia


Neha answered on May 26 2021
152 Votes
Implications of ethics on AI technologies in Health
Submitted By
In the industry of healthcare, the application and concept of artificial intelligence technology is on the top for researchers, physicians, nurses and informatics. It is important has the size of data is increasing very rapidly. The artificial intelligence was proposed in 1956 and it was introduced in health field with the big data.
The AI can be defined as the theory or development of computer systems which are able to perform the task as per the human intelligence like speech recognition, translation of languages, decision making and visual perception.
Privacy and Security
The data sharing policy and implementation guidelines of the national institute of health says that the data can be used widely and freely but there should be some safeguard privacy of the participants to protect the confidential data.
Agree to researchers’ using their identifiable biospecimens, originally obtained for other purposes such as clinical care, for future yet-to-be specified research.
Reliability and Safety
When the AI is used in the emergency department it includes critical and time sensitive applications like the intelligent clinical monitoring, population and social media analysis for public health and disease surveillance, image analysis and algorithm for clinical outcome prediction.
The widespread adoption of this technology can help to improve the patient outcomes, more research work is required for using the eye. Also, there is lack of publication and reporting guidelines for using AI in health field.
Fairness and Inclusivity
AI system must store the patient data and its treatment in a balanced and also should not impact any similar group of people.
The design and development of ethical AI system should include the feedback and input from the people who are related with research, operational, clinical etc.
Transparency and Accountability
Another important aspect of the ethical consideration is transparency and accountability of the users...

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