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Microsoft Word - Project 3 - Spring 2023.docx Page 1 Title: “Project Three: Two-Tier Client-Server Application Development With MySQL and JDBC” Points: 100 points Due Date: ...

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Microsoft Word - Project 3 - Spring 2023.docx Page 1 Title: “Project Three: Two-Tier Client-Server Application Development With MySQL and JDBC” Points: 100 points Due Date: Thursday March 9, 2023 by 11:59 pm (WebCourses Time) Objectives: To develop a two-tier Java based client-server application interacting with a MySQL database utilizing JDBC for the connectivity. This project is designed to give you some experience using the various features of JDBC and its interaction with a MySQL DB Server environment. Description: In this assignment you will develop a Java-based GUI front-end (client-side) application that will connect to your MySQL server via JDBC. You are to develop a Java application that will allow clients (the end-user) to execute commands against a remote database. You will create a Java GUI-based application front-end that will accept any MySQL DDL or DML command, pass this through a JDBC connection to the MySQL database server, execute the statement and return the results to the client. Note that while technically your application must be able to handle any DDL or DML command, we won’t actually use all of the commands available in these sublanguages. For one thing, it would be quite rare to allow a client to create a database or a table within a database. Note too, that the only DML command that uses the executeQuery() method of JDBC is the Select command, all other DML and DDL commands utilize executeUpdate(). Some screen shots of what your Java GUI front-end should look like are shown below. Basically, this GUI is an extension of the GUI that was developed in the lecture notes and is available on WebCourses as Your Java application must give the user the ability to execute any SQL DDL or DML command for which the user has the correct permissions. User information for connections will be maintained in properties files, but the user must supply their username and password (for their MySQL server account) via the GUI for verification purposes (more later). You will be able to start multiple instances of your Java application and allow different clients to connect simultaneously to the MySQL DB sever, since the default number of connections is set at 151 (See your Workbench options file under the networking tab). In addition to the client interactions with your application, a background (business logic) transaction logging operation will occur which keeps a running total of the number of queries and the number of updates that have occurred via the user application (aggregate over all users). This is a separate database (i.e., a completely different database than any to which a client user can connect), that the application will connect to using root user privileges in a separate properties file. This separate properties file is not accessible by any end user. Each user operation will cause the application to make this connection and update the operational logging database table. More details on this aspect of the application are shown below and will be covered in the Q&A sessions. Once you’ve created your application, you will execute a sequence of DML and DDL commands and illustrate the output from each in your GUI for two different users. For this project you will create, in addition to the root user, a client user with limited permissions on the database (see below). The root user is assumed to have all permissions on the database, any command they issue will be executed. The client user will be far more restricted. CNT 4714 – Project Three – Spring 2023 Page 2 Restrictions: 1. Your source files should begin with comments containing the following information: /* Name: Course: CNT 4714 Spring 2023 Assignment title: Project 3 – A Two-tier Client-Server Application Date: March 9, 2023 Class: */ 2. Your application must provide a user interface, similar to the one shown below, that will allow any user the ability to connect to any database via properties files. Your application must verify that the user credentials (username and password) entered via the interface match with the user credentials found in the properties file that was selected via the interface. If the credentials do no match, then no connection is established. 3. Non-query commands should display a message to the user regarding the status of the executed command (see below). References for this assignment: Notes: Lecture Notes for MySQL and JDBC. Input Specification: The first step in this assignment is to login to the MySQL Workbench as the root user and execute/run the script to create and populate the backend database. This script is available on the assignment page and is named “project3dbscript.sql”. This script creates a database named project3. You can use the MySQL Workbench for this step, or the command line whichever you prefer. The second step is to create authorizations for a client user (in addition to the root user) named client. By default your root user has all permissions on the project3 database. Use either SQL Grant statements from the command line or the MySQL Workbench (see separate document for details on how to accomplish this task) to check and set permissions for the client as follows: Register the new user named client (assign them the password client – ignore the MySQL warning on weak password setting) and assign to this user only select privileges on the project3 schema. The third step is to create the operationslog database using the project3operationslog.sql script. This script file is also available on WebCourses. Output Specification: There are three parts for the output for this project. Part 1 is to provide screen shots from your application which clearly show the complete query/command expression and results for each of the commands that appear in the script named: project3rootuserscript.sql available on the course website. There are eight different commands in this script and some of the commands will have more than one output capture (see below). Part 2 is to provide screen shots from your application which clearly show the complete query/command expression and results for each of the commands that appear in the script named: project3clientuserscript.sql available on the course website. There are three different commands in this script and some of the commands will have more than one output capture (see below). To produce your final output, first recreate the Page 3 database, then run the root user commands followed by the client commands in script order within each script file. Deliverables: 1. All of the .java files associated with your application. 2. All 17 screenshots from the execution of the commands specified in the project3rootuserscript.sql script. 3. All 11 screenshots from the execution of the commands specified in the project3clientuserscript.sql script. 4. A screenshot showing the final state of the operationscount table after executing the command select * from operationscount; once both the root user and client user command script files have been completely executed. 5. A screenshot showing a mismatch between the user-entered credentials and the selected properties file resulting in no connection to the database being established. All should be uploaded to WebCourses no later than 11:59pm Thursday March 9, XXXXXXXXXXBe sure to clearly label each screen shot. Use the convention: RootCommand1, RootCommand2A, RootCommand2B, and so on. Similarly for ClientCommand1, ClientCommand2A, and so on. Details: Shown on the next page is a screen shot of the initial GUI. Notice that there is a single drop-down list for selecting the properties file that will be used to make the user connection. The user credentials along with the JDBC driver and database URL will be specified in these files. The client must enter only their user credentials (username and password) through the GUI. Your application must verify that the user-entered credentials match those in the specified properties file before making a connection to the database. If the user entered credentials do not match those in the specified properties file, a message will be displayed to the user and no connection to the database will be established. You should provide buttons for the user to clear the command window as well as the result window. The status of the connection should be returned to the GUI and displayed in the connection area. The output of all SQL commands should be returned to the SQL Execution Result window. Please note that only single SQL commands can be executed via this application (will not execute scripts of commands). We will also not go to the effort of making the application display the results of MySQL- specific commands. (When a MySQL-specific command is executed, the SQL Execution Result window does not need to display any results, if you wanted to you could display the line “MySQL command executed” in the results window, but this is not required.) As each user command is executed (only successful commands – some of the client command will not be successful) the operationscount table in the operationslog database must be updated by your application. Each query and each update will be logged (counted) separately. Your application must obtain a connection to the operationslog database and perform the update with root user credentials. Only successful operations will be logged – any transaction erroring will not increment any counter. These operations are invisible to the end user (regardless of who the user is, including root users). The application must connect to the operationslog database using a properties file which contains all necessary connection information. Page 4 Note that for non-query DML and DDL commands, before and after screen shots must be taken to illustrate the basic effect of the command. See pages 8-9 for an illustration of this. The remainder of the document illustrates the application at various phases during execution. The GUI areas defined. Button to establish connection to database Button to clear the command window Button to execute the command in the window Drop down list for specifying the properties file to load. SQL Execution Results Window SQL Command Window DB Connection area Status of connection window User input areas for username and password. Button to clear the results window Page 5 Screen shot illustrating an initial connection. Connection established to selected database URL Page 6 Illustrating the drop-down list of possible properties files that could be selected. User has connected to a database and issued a select command. Results are displayed in the SQL Execution window. Note the metadata. Your application must print this for the user. Drop down menu for various properties files that could be selected. You can just use the and for this project. But any size list is possible. Page 7 A more complicated query: When the user makes a mistake entering a SQL command: Page 8 The following three screen shots illustrate that your application should be able to handle non-query commands from the users. Before screen shot of a subset of the riders relation: Page 9 Insert command issued: After screen shot of subset of riders relation after insert command was issued: Page 10 Screen shot illustrating the client user issuing a select command. Screen shot illustrating the client user issuing a command for which they do not have permission: Page 11 The following screenshot illustrates how the user-entered credentials must match those in the selected properties file in order to establish a connection to the database specified in the properties file.
Answered 1 days After Feb 21, 2023


Anurag answered on Feb 23 2023
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