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Microsoft Word - Project 1 - Spring 2022.docx Page 1 Title: “Program Assignment 1: Event-Driven Programming” Points: 100 points Due Date: Sunday January 30, 2022 by 11:59 pm (WebCourses time)...

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Microsoft Word - Project 1 - Spring 2022.docx
Page 1

Title: “Program Assignment 1: Event-Driven Programming”
Points: 100 points
Due Date: Sunday January 30, 2022 by 11:59 pm (WebCourses time)

Objectives: To practice event-driven programming using Java-based GUIs. To refresh your basic
Java skills. To simulate (albeit at a very high-level) an enterprise application.

Description: Develop a Java program that creates a standalone GUI application that simulates an e-
store (we’ll call our store Nile Dot Com… we’re not quite as big as!)1 which allows the
user to add in stock items to a shopping cart and once all items are included, total all costs (including
tax), produces an invoice, and append a transaction log file.

Your program development must include the following steps:
1. Create a main GUI containing the following components:
a. An area that allows the user to input data into the application along with the descriptive
text that describes each input area.
. A total of six buttons as shown below with functionality as described below.
c. As illustrated below, the various buttons on the interface are only accessible at certain
points during a user’s interaction with the e-store.
2. An input file named “inventory.txt”. This is a comma separated file which contains the
data that will be read by the application when the user makes a selection. Each line in this file
contains four entries; an item id (a string), a quoted string containing the description of the
item, an in stock status (a string), and the unit price for one of the item (a double). A sample
file is provided for you on WebCourses. Feel free to create your own input file for testing
purposes or augment the provided input file.
3. An output file (append only) named “transactions.txt” must be created that uniquely
logs each user transaction with the e-store. The unique transaction id will be generated as a
permutation of the date/time string when the transaction occu
ed (see below).

Your source file shall begin with comments containing the following information:
* Name:
Course: CNT 4714 – Spring 2022
Assignment title: Project 1 – Event-driven Enterprise Simulation
Date: Sunday January 30, 2022

Input Specification: The file “inventory.txt” as described above (see example below as

Output Specification: Output is to appear in the specified components of the GUI and various
message boxes that appear, plus the contents of the
“transactions.txt” log file that will be generated.

1 Source = https:
CNT 4714 – Project 1 – Spring 2022
Page 2

Submit the following via WebCourses no later than 11:59pm Sunday January 30, 2022.
You can zip everything into a single folder if you would like.
(1) A working copy of your source code (all .java files) and any necessary supporting li
(2) Include a file that contains the following nine screen shots.
a. The initial GUI (like number 2 in Additional Information below).
. The GUI after the user has entered an item number (ID) and quantity and clicked the
“Process Item #” button (like number 4 below).
c. The pop-up message box when the user has confirmed the selected item (like number
5 below).
d. The pop-up message box when the user has entered an item number (ID) that was not
found in the inventory file (like number 5 below).
e. The GUI after the user has confirmed the selected item (like number 6 below).
f. The GUI after the user has confirmed an item and has entered another item and
processed it, but not yet confirmed it (like number 7 below).
g. The message dialog box when the user clicks the “View Order” button with multiple
items in the order (like number 9 below).
h. The message dialog box when the user clicks the “Finish Order” button for an order
containing multiple items (like number 10 below).
i. The message dialog box when the user has entered an item number (ID) for an item
that is out of stock (like number 12 below).
(3) Include your “transactions.txt” file as it stands after several different transactions
have been recorded. You should have at least 5 different transactions in the file with at least
three of these transactions having four or more items in the transaction. (similar to the one
shown on the last page of this document).

Additional Information:

Page 3
1. Screen shot of the contents of an example “inventory.txt” file.

Page 4
2. Initial GUI:

3. GUI after user has entered first item number and the quantity of the item they want to purchase,
ut before clicking the “Process Item” button.

Allows for
processing an
item once it is
Confirms that
the item is
View the
order so far.
an order –
invoice and
adds to the
Clears order
and starts over
- no write to
Note that the
“Confirm Item”,
“View order”,
and “Finish
Order” buttons
are not initially
Page 5
4. GUI after user has selected the first item and clicked the “Process Item #1” button.

5. When the user clicks on the “Confirm Item #1” button, a confirmation information message
appears on the screen.

Note that the “Confirm
Item #1” button is now
active and the “Process
Item #1” button is inactive.
Information on the item
selected/purchased has
een extracted from the
inventory file and written
into the window on the
line for item #1. Note
proper cu
User entered an item ID
that was not found in the
inventory file (DB). Item is
not processed and the user
will need to enter a new
item ID. Note that the item
number will not increment
in this case.
Pop-up message when the
item was found and in
stock in the inventory file
Page 6

6. The main GUI after the user has confirmed the first item.

7. User enters and processes (but has not yet confirmed) the next item in the order (which we’ll
make the last one for this order).

for previous
item remains
on display.
Subtotal should
eflect cu
total of all
confirmed items.
Note that the text areas
for entering the second
item information are
cleared and ready for

Discount is based on the
quantity of an item. If:
1-4 = 0%
5-9 = 10%
10-14 = 15%
=15 = 20%
Note that
the buttons
Page 7
8. The GUI after the user has entered the information for all the items and confirmed the last item
they wish to order.

9. When the user clicks the “View Order” button, the following message box should appear.

Page 8
10. When the user clicks the “Finish Order” button, the invoice message should be generated and

The date and time are used
to create the unique
transaction id in the
“transactions.txt” file. For
the invoice the format is
Page 9
11. The transaction file after order shown above was finished. Note the unique transaction ids based
on the date and time.

12. If the user enters an item number for an item that is not in stock (it is in the inventory – just not
in stock), the following message dialog should appear. Once the user clicks OK in the dialog
ox, then they would enter a new item number for another item and continue processing their
ent transaction.

The transaction occu
ed on 01/12/2022 at
13:45 (1:35pm). See the invoice message
above. Permutation used here is:
Answered 10 days After Jan 16, 2022


Pawan answered on Jan 27 2022
119 Votes
Unzip GO to folder code and run
javac com/eshop/
Then run
java com.eshop.MainFrame

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